Aries New Moon and Moonshine Horoscopes

Dear Friend and Reader:

Wednesday is the Aries New Moon, in a conjunction with Venus, Mars and Eris. This is a big event — a significant turning point, especially in relationships. We have a diversity of coverage for you today, including the Moonshine horoscope. Eric will also have Planet Waves FM for you later today, which will cover the New Moon, the North Korea situation and Maggie Thatcher.

Unlike most New Moons, which tend to emphasize a sense of winding down and completion, the lead-up to this one feels more like it’s building up to a point of release — thanks to a potent grouping of personal planets in Aries.

Eris is the centerpiece of the grouping. As a result, this lunar event is a ‘proving moment’ for Eris; it’s an opportunity to watch the themes that emerge and see what they tell us about this planet whose discovery resulted in Pluto’s reclassification.

Genevieve Hathaway introduced the Aries New Moon in Monday’s blog post. Eric and I have expanded the coverage with today’s Daily Astrology, which explores even deeper the presence of Eris in this New Moon event.

Genevieve has also written a sign-by-sign interpretation of the Aries New Moon in her Moonshine Horoscope, available here.

Finally, Eric will be back later this evening with a new Planet Waves FM broadcast.

Yours and truly,

Amanda Painter

Planet Waves

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