Tag Archives: Aries Horoscope 2016

Aries 2017

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 25, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s time for an early New Year’s resolution: you and only you will run your life. OK, you do this in cooperation with the universe; that’s a given. I’m talking about the influence of other people, to whom you might have deferred important decisions in the past. Or, people you might have acted toward in a certain way to avoid their disapproval, or because you felt guilty. It’s time to take over your concept of authority: set your own goals, keep your own schedule, organize your life and, most of all, define your notion of success. In order to do this well, you will need to work within the confines of existing circumstances; for example, if you have a job, you come to work at the agreed-upon time, until you renegotiate that and then keep the new agreement. Your ability to negotiate changes in existing agreements will be your most useful tool as you get accustomed to wanting and needing more freedom.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 18, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s sad but true that the notion of a ‘career’ has been reduced to what you can make a lot of money at, really, really fast. However, while you may be famous for being a bit impatient, that’s not your racket. And planetary movement is offering you something much better: potential for the long-term success of something you genuinely believe in. Under this ethic, you will take this thing that you’re envisioning, and get it started in a small way. Then you’ll refine what you’re doing, and develop your concept, your working methods, your message and your presentation. Then, slowly, you build your reputation, based on the authentic value of what you’re creating; by which I mean the value to the people who encounter your work. Set aside all thoughts of passive income, going viral, making a big splash, or working at arm’s length from your clients. You will be directly involved, and work like a stonemason, fitting every piece of your success into the next.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Dec. 14, 2017, #1180 | By Amy Elliott

Don’t be surprised if the new Saturn-in-Capricorn era commences for you with a burst of creativity and inspiration. It’s possible this may involve an idea already conceived within your depths, which you are now presented with an opportunity to make manifest. This process over the next couple of years is likely significant in terms of your personal development; so trust yourself, and (saving the necessary precautions attending Mercury retrograde) don’t hold back.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 11, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may not be sure what you believe. And that’s just fine — belief is a substitute for knowledge; it blocks awareness, and suppresses curiosity. Believe something and your mind goes into hibernation. You need rather to stay awake right now. You have a point of orientation, though, which is desire. You may be experiencing a psychedelic flow of plans, aspirations, ideas and concepts; there’s something, or someone, that you want. That’s the place to focus yourself inwardly. Your desire is more than a hope, a wish or a whim. It’s a potent focal point of your growth, something to be eminently honest with yourself about. That honesty is your teacher. This is not a matter of whether you get what you want. The real information comes through in how you feel about what you want. Note any guilt or other conflict, and then observe how you work with those feelings.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Dec. 7, 2017, #1179 | By Amy Elliott

If you’ve lately experienced a rather tense or disruptive period, this week you’ll probably feel a little more like yourself. With an ongoing question, you’re beginning to realize that the answer is perhaps found within you, and in your place in the world, as opposed to in a specific relationship. By being your own champion, you’re likely to uncover something important regarding your goals, or your forward trajectory, that you may have previously missed.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 4, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It may be difficult to articulate what’s bothering you. Yet it’s more difficult dealing with the consequences of not speaking up, which are both short-term and long-term. So do what you can to put your thoughts in some form that others can understand, which will also mean putting them into a form that you understand. Note that once you do that, you’re responsible for what you know (and that, incidentally, is one of the main reasons people keep quiet). Though there are many possible ways to define the theme of what you’ve got on your mind — such as emotional, relational or sexual — the core issue would seem to be spiritual. What exactly does that mean? I would propose that involves your relationship to existence: that is, how you feel about your life, why you think you’re here on Earth, and the most basic and elemental values you possess. For example, are people or things more important? What is more powerful and why: love, or jealousy?

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 30, 2017, #1178 | by Amy Elliott

If you find yourself locking horns or at an impasse with someone during the next few weeks, place negotiations on hold for the time being. You might discover that your perspective shifts quite naturally on a point where you thought yourself absolutely certain. Part of this seems to be about looking at the issue from a broader view, or considering how everyone can benefit. Be gentle with yourself, and allow your eyes to open gradually to the possibilities. You have room enough.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 27, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This week’s aspects seem determined to teach you that you contain all potentials and possibilities. Look at the world; listen to what the people around you say; gaze at all the crisis and struggle, and all the great achievements and subtle beauty; and admit that you contain it all. That’s the essential ingredient to activating your personal chosen destiny. You are emphasizing one set of possibilities over all the others, though they are just as real. The choice to be a helpful person, to be friendly, to honor your conscience, to develop your gifts, skills and talents: these are decisions you make. Then you take them into the world by your actions. And what you’re considering now, what you’re harmonizing with, and what you’re deciding is true today will be the motives for what spur you to action not so far from now. You may not feel ready, though this is your process of becoming so.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December 2017, #1177 | By Eric Francis

Saturn enters your house of professional advancement this month, which is the thing you need if you want to succeed at something meaningful. This is in the top tier of transits that can advance your cause, or that of the world. Saturn, which tends to describe worldly affairs, enters Capricorn, the solar 10th house of Aries, typically associated with fame, notoriety and success. Yet this never happens by itself. One must do the 10th-house work of developing a solid reputation, especially where Capricorn is concerned. You will need more traditional means than the website, app and Instagram feed. It will be essential to understand the difference between a solid achievement and a little flash of success. You’ve likely done plenty the past 10 years that qualifies, though in any event now is the time to get moving. The emphasis must indeed be on building: relationships, organization, work habits, and — most significantly — purpose. Saturn says work with time, including the past. You’re likely to have abandoned many past accomplishments, perhaps deeming them unrelated to what you currently want. However, you must work with all your skills, particularly now. There’s one last ingredient that will come up, one way or another: the whole issue of authority. You must be your own self-regulated individual, and also know your place in every pecking order. From there, you can move around.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 20, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

What does the word spiritual mean to you? It has to go beyond incense and candles. Your chart is describing a situation unfolding in your life that requires you to bring your highest awareness to your experiences and your relationships. It may be enough to say that spiritual is about love, though there would have to be a series of exceptions and clarifications for that to be true. As an opening framework, I would propose that spiritual is about trust. It’s about awareness of your relationship to existence: for example, how did you get here, and what are you doing here? In what ways do you see yourself as connected to all of existence? When you were young, the older people around you gave you a concept of God. Have you questioned, challenged or investigated that concept, and what is your relationship to it today? Each of these questions is really a tool. Keep them ready this week.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 13, 2017, #1176 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Much depends on your ability to remain calm and centered. To the extent you may fancy yourself a provocateur, dial that back, and keep your mind in observation mode. Do your best to move in a predictable rather than erratic way. Take care of yourself rather than expecting others to do so and, at the same time, offer your support where you see that it’s called for, without needing to be asked. Take a benevolent view of people: see them as friends or allies until they demonstrate otherwise. Powerful forces are at work this week. Many things that seemed dormant will spring to life. Elements that seemed separate or disjointed will emerge as part of the same picture. It may not be clear where exactly you fit into the scenario that emerges, though you will benefit from studying the landscape, particularly the human aspects. This will provide information about what to do, and when to do it, assuming you need to do anything at all.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 6, 2017, #1175 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You must have the discipline not to take things personally in your relationships. This is challenging because relationships are so personal; and yet now, more than ever, people are inclined to live in their own world. What someone is going through may be an unfathomable mystery. It may involve making the same mistakes repeatedly. You might use what you’re witnessing as a kind of therapy process. Are you doing any of this? More significantly, to what extent are you orienting your life on your involvements with others? If you do, you become subject to getting lost the moment they get lost. Start with your own feelings, remembering that “how you think someone feels about you” is coming from you. Your ideas and feelings about sex may provide additional details to your mind-map. Tune in even deeper and you will hear a clear, steady and seemingly new source of information.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 2, 2017, #1174 | By Amy Elliott

Be open to the possibilities in what someone is offering you, even if you don’t necessarily see or trust it entirely. Whatever opportunity now presents itself, you more than likely have the resources and capacity to meet it. This is no time for self-doubt, especially if it’s habitual. You have a chance to move in an environment where you can thrive and meet just the right kinds of people. Have faith in yourself, and take it up. Any assurances you feel are lacking will almost certainly follow.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 30, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Slow down and figure out what’s bugging you. No matter what, the situation is going to burn up energy, so you may as well get some good information about how to resolve it — and only you can provide that. Even if you sit with an excellent therapist for an hour, you’re still going to be the one who comes up with the goods. The role a therapist might play is to guide you away from denial and into affirmation of what you’re feeling. Your astrology strongly suggests there’s an ancestral angle, meaning that you’re addressing something that probably goes back a few generations. This is the perfect week to dip your bucket into that well, with so many planets in Scorpio, and much of North and South America celebrating Days of the Dead. Make amends with your ancestors. Let them take back what’s rightfully theirs. Thank them for giving you life.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2017, #1173 | By Eric Francis

Take the time, and the emotional risk, of encountering people as people; not their online avatar, their image in pixels or their disembodied voice. Make real contact, in person, without a time limit. That part is easy: when you plan to visit someone, don’t schedule anything else afterwards for the same day; and if you might stay over, clear your morning hours. The idea is to give yourself room to stretch out and experience something you’re not necessarily planning for. You might know what you want. You might also recognize that it’s a little weird to declare (for example) that you will never, ever do something with someone. If you’re saying that, then you’re carrying around some energy. What’s that about? It rarely happens that you’re knocked off of your center specifically due to the actions of someone else. When you are holding your center, and you know who you are and what you want, you tend to be in balance and on solid ground. There’s something more significant: know what you have to offer. You will feel relevant in your relationships based on what you give; not what you take, or ask for, or expect. You’re the one in a position to start the process of exchange, by being generous with your mind, your body and your spirit; with your time, your love, and your resources.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 23, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The Sun enters Scorpio Monday, which will come as a relief — particularly if there’s been too much talking, and nobody saying anything. Scorpio offers you substance, and a solid basis for your exchanges with others. This might be emotional exchange rather than light whims. It’s about actual sex rather than whatever happens on the internet. And Scorpio will guide you through the changes that you want to make, starting from the inside out. That’s the thing about actual growth and progress: it rarely ever starts from some external action, like going on a diet or getting a new outfit. The commitment to change must come from a deep place, even beyond something that lends itself to easy understanding. There’s a mystery involved; and once you embrace that and stand face to face with the unknown, you will learn things that you never imagined possible.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 16, 2017, #1172 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You will need to burn chaos for fuel, and you’ll get pretty good at it too. Keep your engine cool; don’t rev the accelerator. Rather, dip into any disorder, surprise turns of events or the unexpected arrival of people, while holding your center and focusing on the task at hand as best you can (and you can). Trying to maintain perfect order and organization will not work. You might tidy your desk to feel better, or not; though let your mind run a little wild and let your conversations veer off course. Then, the gems will emerge from the swirling mystery that is your life at the moment. If you need to maintain boundaries, I would propose two: focus the quality of your work, and do your utmost to come in on time. If that looks like it might not happen, negotiate with clients or bosses well in advance.

Jupiter in Scorpio Horoscope for Oct. 12, 2017, #1171 | By Amy Elliott

For you, the year of Jupiter in Scorpio is likely the culmination of what seems to be a long journey of growth, and of psychological effort. This will almost certainly be gradual, and based in information being revealed. Where you might only have been seeing a step or two ahead, you’ll slowly become able to read the map, and all you’ve done and encountered so far would then take a coherent shape. For now, you just need to stay on track and hold to your purpose as you see it. Comprehension and healing should follow side by side.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 9, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you encounter resistance, check your own beliefs. It’s likely that any strain or pushback is coming from within your own mind rather than from your outer environment. One would think that the ability to alter one’s thoughts would be the easiest thing in the world, with a tool as flexible and as brilliant as the human brain. It turns out, however, that changing one’s thoughts is one of the biggest struggles that most people go through. However, your ideas and your beliefs are indeed changing, particularly where relationships are concerned. You don’t have to do much to facilitate this, except to not put up tons of resistance, or cling to your beliefs on the level of a religious fundamentalist. Jupiter is about to enter Scorpio, which you’re fortunate to have as your 8th solar house. That means you can go as deep as you’re willing to let yourself be free.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 2, 2017, #1170 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Amidst much other exciting astrology, including the Full Moon in your birth sign, Venus and Mars form a conjunction in Virgo, the house in your solar chart addressing healing, work and wellbeing. One easy-to-spot theme here is that your intimate relationships are finding their way to a useful place: the improvement of your life. The 6th is the house that describes the process of mindfulness. The image, therefore, is of being fully conscious in your encounters with the other, particularly of the other sex. Notice when you’re projecting your ideas and your values onto the people close to you, and call those projections back in. They don’t help you. Stay in the moment, rather than letting your mind run into the future. Whether you’re in an intimate partnership or not, the completion attribute of the conjunction is about understanding that you contain male, female and everything in between.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 25, 2017, #1169 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Pay attention to who you meet this week, and don’t be intimidated by the great and the mighty. There’s an alchemy to your relationships at the moment, something that’s been gradually coming into alignment for a long time, and it describes encounters with unusual creative potential that might seem to manifest spontaneously. This is where being in the moment and setting aside any form of being star-struck come in. Recognize that every human being on the planet is, in a sense, your peer. However, it will help if you proceed with genuine respect, being honored to meet everyone you meet, whomever they may be: the powerful, the seemingly meek, the young, the old. Know as well that your presence has an influence on the world around you, even if you never see the results. You bring something distinct to every encounter, including the ability to actually present yourself as who you are. That will work brilliantly, as long as you bring all of your listening skills to every meeting.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for October 2017, #1168 | By Eric Francis

Uranus in your sign the past seven years has pushed, pulled, stretched and tweaked who you are. The energy of this transit has been so revved and at times stressful that you’ve had few chances to appreciate some of the more revolutionary qualities that it’s bestowed on you. This month, however, you get a point of contact and a moment of truth. Someone, something, or the world itself, meets you on your own level, and reflects back what you’ve attained or become. The missing experience that you acquire will reveal something of your true potential, which can happen when what you have to offer is met consciously by a circumstance where you’re actually received. You might wonder how you can set your life up to create more of these experiences, or have it be this way all the time. That is indeed the quest, and because you’ll engage this desire as a conscious mission, you have something to aspire to. Meanwhile, you may be getting the message that you don’t have to push yourself, or anyone else, quite as hard as you have in the past. You have an influence. People notice you, though they don’t always know how to respond, and it will help if you find ways to make it easier for them. It will help if you show your appreciation ongoing for anyone who even vaguely recognizes who you are.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 18, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Notice whether relationship partners are caught in a past issue or scenario, without necessarily recognizing it. If so, gently ask them what is happening and call them to the present. You might also recall what was going on in your life one month ago, around the time of the infamous total solar eclipse. There’s something here about completing the transition that you were involved in at the time, and which you might have forgotten, had it not been for the reminder coming from a partner or collaborator, even if indirect. Take this opportunity to do a review of the events leading up to the eclipse, which was on Aug. 21, and those in the weeks immediately following. One thing to watch is your balance between work and recreation. Lately, the planets are gathering in the angle of your chart associated with work and daily effort. You may need to ease off on that a bit, and nourish some of the other parts of your soul.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Sept. 14, 2017, #1167 | By Amy Elliott

It’s time you made a thorough review of your daily routines or habits, to ensure they facilitate what you’re trying to achieve. Discontinue any regular action or process that no longer serves you. This isn’t just about efficiency: you’ll want to be clear that nothing you do is holding you back from expressing yourself creatively, or from aspiring to do more of what you’re passionate about. You might also benefit from greater participation in charitable works. If you need to bring yourself out a little more, a partner or close friend could be able to help.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 11, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Before you try to solve everything at once, look for the one thing that might really be a problem. Put more time into thinking than anything else, retrace your steps and your mental process, and figure out what you actually need to fix. If you begin by tearing things apart, you’ll make them worse. If you take a step-by-step, pure-logic approach, you’ll get a much better result. The chances are that your thinking is more the problem than some device, system or service. So begin with your own awareness of the facts, and your own mental state, and move from there. If you’re feeling time pressure, note that this may be an illusion or based on a misconception of some kind. Construct an actual schedule plotting from the final time something must be done, and working your way backwards through the steps on the way to getting there.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 4, 2017, #1166 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

As Mercury changes direction this week, you will be guided to put the emphasis of your life on work-related projects. Yet you’ll benefit from leaving the window open to the creative zone of your mind, drawing from the same pool of ideas you would to do your most exciting personal projects. Said another way, to work effectively, the formula is to blend work and play. That means being more daring, and breaking the mold on certain stuck or boring thought patterns. You may encounter a situation where there’s a temptation to do things the same old way, though the more you try to do that, the more you will revolt. Your mind may become a kind of incendiary device; these get most of their power not from the explosive itself but from the tightness of the container. When you experience a real idea, you’ll know it from the way the walls and windows rattle..

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 28, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your next step is what we might call the real work. Recent events have set free a kind of inspiration that you rarely experience, and a push in the direction you want to go. Now, it’s time to attend to the practical realities of turning ideas and feelings into something tangible that will provide a place to live and work, food to eat, and a purpose to serve. Over the next week or two, you may experience a series of events that help you tune and refine your plan, though the real learning and the real refinement are all in the actual expression of what you want to do. You know enough theory; you have all the concepts you need. Be sure to persist in the face of any negative or contrary opinions. Understand that what you do is part of who you are, and must be welcome in any relationship.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for September 2017, #1164 | By Eric Francis

The question of your relationships is about devotion. That does not imply monogamy or sex, or living together, or getting married, or being jealous, or even being together. What is strongly implied is making sure that you hold open the space for the right thing to happen. That might mean accepting the relationship in a new form; it certainly means consciously embracing the changes and the growth process of the people you care the most about. Yet the astrology I’m describing is not merely personal or private. It’s about your relationship to ‘the world’, which means to your environment and all the people in it. Right now this is likely to have some unusual properties, which defy the usual course of your romantic relationships. Take these opportunities eagerly; you will learn many deep and beautiful lessons as your habitual relational tendencies are altered by new experiences. There’s a dual question: what is the meaning of sex, and what is the meaning of non-sex? Take these slowly. Notice the erotic qualities of every exchange, especially those relationships which specifically exclude what we think of as sex. This will teach you more about the meaning and nature of your erotic life than nearly anything else. Hold space for this learning process. Hold space for the people in your life to grow, change and evolve. Hold space for reality to enter.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 21, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Thomas Edison, inventor of the phonograph, the light bulb and cinema, said that genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. You’re doing better than that on the inspiration scale, and need to invest your energy into persistence, determination and gumption. Gumption is a great concept, and you would benefit from cultivating it: shrewd or spirited initiative and resourcefulness. Your success is not dependent upon everything going right. Rather, it will be based upon how you handle challenges, and your willingness to rise to the occasion. That means focusing, prioritizing and working as much as you have to work, as well as you can, until you are making headway. Set reasonable goals, attain them, and move on to the next set. Remember your partly expressed ideas and half-finished projects that can be dusted off and developed, and which will turn out brilliantly, if you keep the perspiration flowing and listen to those inspired messages.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Aug. 17, 2017, #1163 | By Amy Elliott

You are gradually receiving the understanding that meeting your life goals, or fulfilling your ambitions, is about personal growth. Truly accepting this concept flies in the face of the dominant cultural doctrine — that success is measured primarily by wealth — but it’s necessary if you wish to do what you love. With the eclipse coming in your zone of creativity, embrace your passion in all its unique glory, and ignore those who would fit you into one of their neatly boxed categories. Be yourself and express yourself as hard as you can.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 14, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

So what are you doing with your freedom? I mean really doing, with your creative freedom, your relationship freedom, your ability to move around the planet and to associate with anyone you want? What’s on your list that you hesitate to act upon, and what gives you pause? Finally, what’s standing between you and your ability to choose? It might amaze you how little seeming security you trade for how much lost opportunity. Now it’s time to trade some of your false confidence for some actual curiosity and adventure. What are you waiting for? You’re being called over and over again, and you’re jumping in place. If you’re even vaguely deterred by what others might think, forget it. The opinions of others matter less than ever, as they should. This applies to any fear of others judging how uninhibited you are, how sexual, how strange, how talented or not — just forget it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 7, 2017, #1162 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Most people will do nearly anything to be part of a group, which leads to some dangerous possibilities. Many of them are psychological and spiritual, though it’s clear that people will do things as part of a group that they would never do as individuals. The time has come to stand apart from certain people in your life, and the things that they do. You are well beyond the point of needing either conformity or approval from your peers when you express your personal intentions and desires. What you want to do would indeed be curtailed or hemmed in by seeking approval, whether you seek different forms of relationships, expressing yourself as an artist, or doing what feels right as a lover. If you want to get out of the habit of looking for validation, today’s eclipse will be a boon.

Aquarius Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope, #1161 | by Len Wallick

Follow your excitement, but know how to guide it. Think of Sherlock Holmes. There has been at least one common thread connecting every version of this famous fictional detective. He thrived on stimulation. Granted, a sense of justice is apparent in each rendition of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s most celebrated character. Yet you never read or see portrayals of him lecturing at length about morals. It’s also evident that the legendary residence on Baker Street came with expenses. Even so, money was never his first motivation. What has always aroused every Holmes is a criminal to challenge his wit, combined with the confidence conferred by his skill set. It is likely you have an idea of what enlivens you, too. Now, the question is whether you’re also a master of your exhilaration. Gain greater command over whatever excites you in order to enhance both your esteem and satisfaction.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 31, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

In times of high pressure, chaos or confusion, it’s not easy to pull back and celebrate life in a meaningful way. Yet that is exactly what you’re being called upon to do, or rather being given the opportunity to do. Mars and the Sun continue to streak across the sky in Leo, which is the most creative, sexy and adventurous angle of your solar chart. Yet to use your creativity is a conscious act. It doesn’t just happen. People are more typically conditioned to squander their talent, passion and curiosity. If astrology means anything, you are being encouraged, guided and boldly invited to stretch your boundaries and do something genuinely meaningful with your abundant energy. If you’re doing this well, it’ll feel a little daring, like you’re pushing a boundary or violating a taboo. Creativity requires courage, and by all rights you would have that in abundance right now.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2017, #1160 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Life is creative. Most people never figure that out. Some people do, and they often become artists, musicians, dancers, jewelers, writers or some other form of aesthetic contributor — they just can’t help themselves. Yet the creative function is not really about art; it’s about existence. Plenty of cab drivers, hedge fund managers, house moms, crochet masters and printing press operators figure it out too. This month’s rare, magnificent total solar eclipse in Leo occurs on the line in your chart where your creative source meets your daily devotion to service, work and healing. The personal message of the eclipse is to make the connection between these two seemingly different aspects of life. It happens right in that sweet spot where inspiration meets action meets daily devotion. There’s something deeper here, as well. The healing source is the creative source. They are the same thing, applied in slightly different ways. To work this potent zone, whether you think of it as describing astrology or existence, takes a conscious decision. Once you do that, you will tap into a seemingly endless well of energy. Explore that for a while and you will discover, further, that you can direct ‘creative chaos’ in refined, specific and purposeful ways. This is all good practice for Saturn moving in your favor later in the year. Your level of responsibility will increase considerably, and you must bring all of your talent to bear on whatever you do.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 24, 2017, #1159 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

People, especially younger ones, are systematically having their courage bred out of them. Older people tend to become more reserved and conservative because they think they have more to lose. Young ones have always provided a resource of willingness to try something new for its own sake. Sadly, that’s being injected with a kind of psychic Botox. Your astrology is calling you in the opposite direction: to embrace the unknown with yearning, to directly enter what’s unfamiliar, and to view your life as a creative experiment. This is not theoretical, but rather something you would do from day-to-day, even hour-to-hour, as a yoga of the mind. Be eager to do what you’ve never done. Travel back from someplace by a different route than how you got there. Contemplate how sex is the origin of all life.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 17, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This week will be full of surprises, with Mars starting off the festivities by making a square to Uranus. I’m ethically obliged to give the accident warning associated with this aspect: if you’re doing something like climbing a ladder, make sure someone spots you. If you’re chopping vegetables, stay off the phone. That said, take any sudden alteration of plans as an opportunity. Shorn of your previous intentions or attachment to outcome, pause and ask yourself, OK, what do I really want? Where can I go from here? Then choose what would be most fun, most productive, or both. Where professional activities are concerned, your leadership role will be highlighted by your ability to think on your feet. Just make sure you do a quick once-over of your plans (taking from 15 seconds to 15 minutes) to check for unintended consequences.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for July 13, 2017, #1158 | By Amy Elliott

Something about the past week has removed a certain veneer that belongs to social interactions: a temptation to shutter your personal light in the name of conformity. Now that you understand this for what it is, you can begin to grow into the true space you were meant to fill. You need never again be held back by the impositions and assumptions of others. Shine brightly, allow yourself to expand, and revel in your creative gifts like a child in an adventure park.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 10, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This week, the element of surprise will be running strong in all facets of your life. You can only prepare by being flexible and maintaining situational awareness. That means paying attention to your surroundings, and tracking the relationships between the people around you. This counts even when you’re in your own home, or the home of someone you’re close to. One risk you run is being emotionally reactive, which can be part of your nature, though it’s particularly strong now. So, slow down and do what you can to stay calm. Drive cautiously, a little slower than usual if you have a heavy foot; and, this week at least, turn off your phone before getting into your car. What is the upside to this astrology? You want to be independent, emotionally and otherwise. It’s time to cut the apron strings or unhook the leash, as long as you know freedom entails responsibility.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 3, 2017, #1157 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This week builds to its peak with the July 9 Full Moon in Capricorn, the sign that for you is associated with your professional ambitions and your reputation. Potent forces are at work: among them, the Moon is conjunct the distant and soulful planet Pluto. You’re approaching a turning point, beyond which it’s necessary to practice this elusive thing called ‘right livelihood’ with full devotion. What does that mean? I would say, doing work you’re willing to do for its own sake. It’s time to subtract yourself from situations that are purely financially motivated, and invest yourself in the ones that feed your soul, and that are designed to make the world a better place. You might think that’s not easy right now, but Pluto’s usual modus operandi is to commence with something modest, which develops into something with deeper and further reach. This is your point of departure.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 26, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There’s a clairvoyant quality to your chart at the moment, an opening to the subtle realms. This happens from time to time, as you’ve experienced personally. When it does, it’s necessary to mind your boundaries. You might want to avoid crowded taverns where there are a lot of inebriated people, since you don’t know what they’re carrying around with them. Mostly you will want to observe your own mind. Process fear quickly and efficiently — as fear, not as the presumption that what you are worried about is true. And pay attention to your dreams. Remember that in the first instance, all of your dreams are about you. They are a representation of your thoughts, feelings and life circumstances. It would be unwise to count them as ‘prophetic’ of anything other than your own psychology. Maintain full ownership.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2017, #1156 | By Eric Francis

The world is in a fragile state at the moment. You are currently doing pretty well and, by all indications, are on an upswing. Yet you’re in a somewhat odd position of noticing all the cracks in consciousness, and the fear that’s seeping through them. This is especially true if you’re any kind of boss or manager; the people who work for you seem to need constant care and are struggling to adapt to the world. It will be noticeable if you’re a parent or someone who looks after children. They all need extra care now; people around you, people you feel responsibility toward, are experiencing the stress directly; you have a deeper capacity to handle it, you’re stronger and you know more. As you focus on who and what needs immediate assistance, something interesting happens this month, which is that the aperture of your mind is widening. You are beginning to see and experience yourself in a bigger world; both geographically, and the potential of your own life. You cannot let yourself be fooled into thinking that there’s no use aspiring to better things, or having more fun, or exploring your abundant creative desires. You must keep your awareness on high and refuse to cut off or be deterred by the absurd and painful struggles of the world. You must have faith in yourself.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 19, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Make a point of recognizing the authority of others, particularly in subtle ways. Be cooperative, especially with partners and people you share your household with. Taking out the trash and doing the dishes grants considerable social standing, which in turn subverts power struggles. You alone can cultivate a sense of calm in your home life, which in turn will be helpful in every other facet of living, particularly where your professional aims and your prosperity are concerned. Said another way, your astrology is suggesting you build your life from the ground up, and from the inside out, for its own sake — and for the best results in your seemingly outer life. You may decide it’s amazing what can happen when you organize your affairs this particular way, and you see how far a little contentment can take you.

Weekly Horoscope for June 15, 2017 #1155 | By Amy Elliott

You may be determined that the emotional issue you’re now tackling will be fixed independently of anyone’s help and in short order, thank you very much. Yet, while some introspection is necessary, others in your life stand ready to offer whatever support you need; and it’s likely they have something important to contribute. Open your heart and your ears, and let them in. You don’t need to accept their ideas uncritically, but simply listening would almost certainly be worth your while.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 12, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Nearly everything about the world as we know it is designed to detach us from our feelings and our bodies. You could make a long list: technology, so-called food, many medications, the ocean of alcohol consumed daily, the obscene pace of our lives, and numerous other factors. On the other hand, everything in your solar chart right now is about connecting with your body and your feelings. Once you focus on doing that, you may be surprised how challenging it is at first — and how good it feels once you connect with yourself more consciously. Start with your dependable methods: your favorite forms of sensuality and most reliable connections to inspiration. Claiming the comforts of home will serve you well as the first thing to do. Spend some time there. Open the windows and tend to the plants.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 5, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There’s an old saying that “living well is the best revenge”; meaning, the most appropriate response to the slings and arrows and various other challenges of life. Yet suddenly there are not so many of those challenges, and you might well wonder where they went. So much of what you went through was a battle of words, where there were neither losses nor gains. Now you get to pull your energy in: into your body, into your home, into your feelings, and generally not toss so much out at the world. Share your feelings with people you truly care about, even if it’s just one such person, whether lover, friend or confidant. Soak yourself in a more pleasant environment than you’ve been subjected to for the past couple of months and let it seep out of you, like muscle tension into a hot bath.

Short Monthly Horoscope for June 2017, #1154 | By Eric Francis

Keep small matters small. That will mean resisting the temptation to blow things out of proportion, which is likely to happen if you’re feeling insecure in a relationship. Your insecurity is coming from you, not from anyone else. The good news there is that you’re the one who can do something about it. The first thing in that category is to tell the truth. The second is to stand back from what you know is false: simply refuse to accept it. This is a solid step toward feeling at home in your own life, and inside your own four walls.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 29, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Avoid verbal confrontations this week, as Mars faces off with Saturn. Even logic is unlikely to be persuasive, as anyone you want to convince of something is likely to be coming from a place of intellectual or religious authority, unconcerned about the annoying facts. Since this may be one of those scenarios where the truth seems irrelevant, and where things could easily get out of hand, you might take a different approach. Perhaps focus on your own mental and emotional process. You seem to be stuck on an issue, which feels like a point of integrity; for example, you want to do the right thing, and you have to be strong. You might feel like it’s appropriate to deny yourself something, though it’s worth questioning whether you’ve got another motive, or are just being stubborn. For maximum results, focus your self-inquiry on the emotional level: what you feel rather than what you think.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2017, #1153 | By Eric Francis

You may be thinking one thing and feeling another. Which is correct? Time will tell, though if you’re in a hurry to make up your mind, you’ll want to go with what you feel rather than what you believe. Evidence of that might come with the experience that no matter how hard you try to convince yourself of something, you don’t believe it. The attempt at convincing rather than the not believing indicates what your real position is. You have other evidence; you have many clues; this is not as complicated as you may think, though there’s a reason why you may be having difficulty accepting what you know: it would challenge your larger belief system. For most people, human nature guides them to alter the facts, or choose from among the facts, to prevent a belief from being invalidated. Yet you’re at the point in your hard-won maturity where you must go beyond protecting false ideologies. It’s time to shed those like a husk and learn to invest your faith in the truth of what you know. You’re at a distinct advantage over most people: you have actual priorities and values, and you’re willing to speak up about them. You’re even willing to be unpopular if you need to. Be confident in your own intelligence, and daring enough to speak truth to power, including your own power.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 22, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Self-esteem is the key to happiness, and you’re currently under the perfect aspects to practice this approach to life. One thing I’ve noticed, working as an astrologer, is that many people undermine their respect for themselves, by sending themselves negative messages. You have every reason to take a bold approach to your happiness, to your aspirations, and to your future plans. Yet you must have a personal code that you live by, and item one of that credo is being aware of any negative inner chatter. The second step is to identify its emotional source. This is not something that can be addressed just with a reasoning process. That’s part of the solution; though ultimately, you must choose to feel good about your existence, about why you came to Earth, and about who you are. Therefore, take any opportunity to love.

Weekly Horoscope for May 18, 2017 #1152 | By Amy Elliott

Everything would seem to be in place for you to make an ambition reality. But which one? What should you prioritize? To a certain extent, this is a trick question; though there is something to be said for looking into why you have this apparent clash of ideas. If you’re really stuck, the key probably involves examination of your deeper motivations. Somewhere, a desire may have been stifled or set aside. If a hierarchy is required at all, that might be at the top.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 15, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Take a calm and observant approach to relationships, and stay out of conversations that you don’t understand. Whether in intimate personal matters or the most serious professional ones, remember that everything in life is based upon relationships. At the moment, people around you seem unusually sensitive. There’s a thirst for justice in the air; though, over the coming few days, it could be easily misdirected at anything anyone casually perceives as ‘wrong’. This is why you can take a step back and answer all questions with other questions, preferably after a delay. Mercury, the planet of mind and communication, leaves your sign and enters Taurus this week, which will give you a better sense of where you stand with yourself. Until then, make sure you don’t get brushed aside by the overly ambitious approach of people around you. Take care of yourself and stand up for your own cause.

Scorpio Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope, #1151 | By Len Wallick

It would be fair to say you underestimate both the extent and nature of your influence. You exist in the conscious continuum of a greater number than you likely know. What’s more, as formidable as your mind is, it’s almost certain that your greatest and deepest impressions have been made by your physical presence. Something about your hands, eyes, voice, smell, laugh or just hanging out in the same room with you has been retained by many long after conversational content has been forgotten by most. Now, as your effect in the flesh has accumulated to the point where it is coming back around, it would not be unusual if you were to see something of what you once were embodied in others. When that happens, respond as you would once like to have been received. Affirm and validate the living portion of your legacy, and ‘immortality’ will manifest as more than just a word.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 8, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Honesty will be the best policy this week, which includes keeping silent on issues that you’re not an authority on. Instead, devote your energy to discovering the truth, rather than taking shots and stabs at what it may be. Mars, your ruling planet, is in Gemini, making a square to Neptune. That’s a potentially volatile setup, and you could easily be provocative in a way that’s not helpful to anyone. Instead, monitor your mind for any self-destructive tendencies. Keep yourself out of situations that are potentially harmful or where you simply don’t belong, and focus on your creative goals. Astrology that’s terrible for drinking and arguing is (in this case) excellent for writing, making art and partying in the comfort of your own home. You’re likely to feel the desire to stretch your limits and do what you might not ordinarily do; just make sure you’ve defined your boundaries first.

Short Monthly Horoscope for May 2017, #1150 | By Eric Francis

You deserve to have more confidence than you currently do, where a relationship is concerned. What you’ve experienced recently has taken you deep into your self-awareness; now you must use what you know. The potential snag: people change, and relationships change. Sometimes that transformation makes it impossible to relate to someone on previous terms. When both partners are aware, flexible and willing to evolve, then and only then can the relationship grow. The only program you have to get with is that the universe and all of its people are in nonstop motion. One way or another, progress is inevitable.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 1, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Venus in your birth sign is a reminder to aspire to what you want, rather than waiting for them to come to you. Yes, your charisma is at a peak, which will make you that much more appealing. Yet with so much activity in your sign this week, including Mercury retrograde ending, you must stay in the driver’s seat. Speaking of Mercury, be ready to change your mind if you get new information about something. Once you’ve confirmed a particular matter to be true or false, valid or not, apply that to all of your thinking and act in a way consistent with what you’ve learned. Writing your plans down, and finding the flaw in your scheme will save you time and energy as the week progresses. Make a game out of discovering you were wrong, and then take the opportunity to set things right.

Weekly Horoscope for April 27, 2017, #1149 | By Amy Elliott

At this time you may need to focus on communicating efficiently and honestly with loved ones. It’s important that you measure your words and actions carefully and with a reasonable idea of how they might be received. It’s equally necessary that you understand yourself. Dealing with something from your past now may be an act of personal growth; and a sincere exploration of your feelings relating to it could be especially beneficial. If possible, bring someone in on that — discussions of this kind can help you foster lasting intimacy.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 24, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You must plan the week carefully, and be ready with Plan B. There’s no way you could foresee certain events, though if you’re conscious and well-prepared, you’ll not only be able to handle anything; you’ll be able to work certain unpredictable conditions to your advantage. If things get weird or too interesting for comfort, the thing to do is go into listening mode. You may be the one person who understands what someone in your household or circle of friends is going through, and the mere fact that you care enough to take the time and pay attention will be helpful to them. Certain factors are putting you under some pressure to speak your mind, though you must use caution and restraint. Under current conditions, you would be wise to wait a day or two before responding to anything even vaguely contentious or controversial.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for May 2017, #1148 | By Eric Francis

The world cannot run on the basis of anarchy. There must be a guiding principle, and if it does not come from inside of us, it will be imposed (far less pleasantly) from outside. Saturn in Sagittarius conjunct the Galactic Core is reminding you, in ways large and small, that you must have and live by actual ethical principles. Sagittarius is your house of spirituality and what you might think of as ‘higher being’, and what this translates to is how you run your life, how you treat people, and the code you live by. The stakes are high, because what you work out now will lay the foundation for your future success when Saturn enters Capricorn, your house of responsibility and success, later in the year. Now is the time to do your cleanup work; to make amends for any past transgressions; and to practice using the power that you have in a fair-minded way. Your current astrology is exciting and bursting with innovation. It could have you in a freewheeling mood, especially where your use of words or your attitude toward work are concerned. Yet now is the time to be precise, to be clear in your reasoning, and to honor your promises. The next few weeks will challenge your commitment to truth and to impeccability. This is not a test. It’s real life, with consequences.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 17, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The past few days have been an unpredictable adventure, though for some reason today you can focus your mind in a different way. Take some time and get your priorities in order: determine what comes first and why. What seemed so important yesterday may have lost some of its significance and urgency, and something you may not have considered is calling for your awareness. Pay special attention to a financial matter that’s been nagging you and that you may have been avoiding because it was too difficult to work out. A creative opportunity is about to present itself, though it will help if you’re in a positive state of mind and open to an innovative or unlikely solution. This will teach you something about negative expectations: they are rarely helpful. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Weekly Horoscope for April 13, 2017 #1147 | By Amy Elliott

You seem to be undergoing something of a renewal or rebirthing process. This is especially likely to center around your relationships, but in any case looks to be a major step for you — on the scale of a rite of passage, much like leaving your parents’ home for the first time. While it might seem impulsive to outsiders, this is in fact something you’ve been preparing for gradually. You’ve gained sufficient knowledge of the general environment; at this stage, it’s worth doing some final checks and taking a steady pace. You’ve come too far along to rush things now.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 10, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This is the week to take stock of yourself. Your accounting process might range from an actual review of your bank and credit card balances, to an investigation of what you’ve learned so far this year. Life has been a whirlwind, especially for those born under your sign. Now, although time spins on, you have a moment to reflect. Pausing and looking back is not a luxury. There’s vital information that you actually need, which is likely to respond only to your active inquiry. So keep your mind on and your curiosity busy, and start doing things like sorting out the mail, investigating what’s found its way into your wallet, and making sure all your paperwork in the glove box is in order. Nobody else has an interest in these questions like you do — and you will indeed be interested in what you find.

Short Monthly Horoscope for April 2017, #1146 | By Eric Francis

Stop worrying about ‘not going wild’. You’ve been aching to bust out of your shell for a long time, and suddenly it’s the obvious thing to do. You would not be acting out. Rather, in order to access the truth of the deeper discoveries that you’re making about yourself, you must actually experiment with some of what you’re thinking and feeling. As you stretch out to your true personality, you’ll find that growth and healing can only come through actual experiences. It’s time to change, to grow and to find out who you are without planning the outcome.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 3, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There are times when you must leave a situation be, and accept it as it is, and there may be such a scenario in your life. You’ve done plenty to help someone, or to resolve something in your life that’s taken great patience. Consider giving things a rest, which means not exerting so much effort. Shift your emphasis to more inwardly oriented matters in your life. This alone will help you re-focus your conscious thought process and your deeper emotional process. After a few days, you’ll notice that your priorities have changed. One benefit will be an activation of the serenity prayer: you’ll see the difference between what you can control, and what you cannot. There are some important priorities that are calling for your attention; make a list of what you’ve neglected over the past few weeks, and you’ll see what they are.

Aries New Moon Moonshine Horoscope, #1145 | By Len Wallick

Indications are that you now have the means to settle some previously unresolved personal issues. As a first step, it would help to be mindful of what makes you different from the person you were only a year ago. It’s possible your life’s experience over the last 12 months or so includes the acquisition of either the tangible resources or information you need to tie up some long-loose ends. More likely the clue you need to get some closure has to do with what has changed about who you are. Some aver that a person’s character is revealed by what one does when nobody else is looking. If you can simply describe to yourself how your private moments now vary from what they were when 2016 was young, you will have at least started on your way towards feeling more complete.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 27, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Monday’s New Moon in your sign is a turning point. It’s as if you can finally set yourself free of the emotional mire that you’ve been wading through the past month or two. You’ll move forward without much need to look back, though I would propose one question before doing so: who were you trying to impress? Can you identify a psychological motive beneath that impulse? Look in the direction of your father, who might turn up in any male figure currently populating your life. You don’t need to impress anyone, though don’t pretend that the need is not in you. Be real with yourself and you’ll unravel this quickly. The main thing that holds people back from embracing the future is being snagged in the past. Being honest with yourself is the way to unravel that. You can do it, but it seems that more than anything, you want to do it.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April 2017, #1144 | By Eric Francis

One thing that’s fast going missing here in the internet age is something known as an inner life. You can think of this as the sanctity of one’s thoughts; a private inner experience of the world; a relationship with the ‘you’ nobody knows. One reason for this loss is an unwholesome obsession with appearances and glamour: looking like something at the expense of being that thing. There’s another problem: the internet has blown our minds inside-out. We expose ourselves, and we’re invaded, tracked, stalked and photographed. Despite all of this, you have an inner life. Your being extends inward further than it expands outward. Aspects this month will guide you in this direction: toward yourself, into a world of feelings, a dimension of perceptions you may not be able to describe. This may have a ‘scary’ feeling as you step from one form of consciousness to another. If you peer into your mind and see shadow and darkness, give your eyes a moment to adjust. Allow your inner vision to receive rather than pursue what you might see. What you’re likely to discover is a world of light, of ideas, of memories and of unfamiliar desires. It will be worth stretching past any fear, discomfort or strangeness, and allowing yourself to get to know your own being, and discover your inner life.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 20, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The Sun enters your sign today, beginning the astrological year and a new season of your life. When equinox arrives, a surge of energy is released, which even the grass, the trees and the critters experience. Humans are growing less in touch with the passing seasons, though I suggest you get more in touch. The equinox will breathe energy into what’s already an extraordinary moment for you, with many developments brewing in your life. There are two plots developing. One appears to be taking you back to a past relationship or important phase of your life. Another seems to be propelling you into the future. These scenarios may not look related, though over the next few weeks, you can trust that the elements will come together. No matter what seems to be happening, remember that there’s just one story after all, which is your life.

Weekly Horoscope for March 16, 2017, #1143 | By Amy Elliott

When we anticipate an approaching event, there can be a temptation to try to predict the outcome. Any feeling of disappointment that can follow from this, while it might be poignant at the time, is usually unfounded. If you’re experiencing something similar now, have faith. Life often has unexpected ways of coming through with exactly what is needed, if not precisely at the moment we desire it. Remember also that surprises can take many shapes: some are more pleasant than others, and some require time to appear in their full beauty.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 13, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Events this week can revolutionize your life. But you must stay in the present to get the benefits. Most of humanity navigates by staring into the rearview mirror, by false hope, or by worry. You must look at your actual surroundings and your environment now, and size up what you see, hear and feel. This is more challenging than you might imagine. You’ll thrive by doing so. Astrology tells us that we’re in a moment like no other, and the most electrifying event in the sky — the rare Uranus-Eris conjunction, exact Friday — is happening right in your sign. If you’re experiencing this as a crisis, find the calm place within your center, and the information you need is right there. If you’re struggling, devoting yourself to healing as your first priority will help you. If you’re curious, thriving or feeling that itch to live, be bold and greet the world with an open heart.

Moonshine Horoscope for Virgo Full Moon, #1142 | By Len Wallick

You may not see it now, but all the good work you have been doing for the last two years or so is ready to harvest. Just as is the case with a tangible agricultural situation, however, your labors are not quite over. If you imagine yourself as a farmer who has finally seen months of planting and cultivating pay off with a crop that is now ready to bring in, you will have envisioned something of your present condition in a nutshell. One more stretch of effort over the next six or seven months is all it will take. Conduct yourself with diligence and care over that period. Whatever you have been striving for will accrue in sufficient quantity to sustain you through a new cycle of renewal and achievement over the two years or so yet to come.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 6, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

With Venus retrograde in your sign, it would seem that the thing you need the most is to experience the world from the viewpoint of a close partner. In fact, I suggest you do a review of your exchanges the past year or so, and see if you can figure out what you’ve been missing. Rather than asking for additional information, use what you know; note what you’ve already observed and put the pieces together emotionally rather than intellectually. You will know you’re getting somewhere when you have that sensation of revelation and discovery, as if the lights are suddenly coming on. In the end, this is about your relationship to yourself: how you experience your feelings, what relevance other people have in your life, and what you want to share with them. You want relationships, but why? Venus retrograde, which began Saturday and ends April 15, will help you figure that out.

Short Monthly Horoscope for March 2017, #1141 | By Eric Francis

There’s an old expression about not judging a person until you’ve walked a mile in their moccasins. You have the rare opportunity to do just that — experience the world from the viewpoint of a significant other. Part of that includes how they experience you. You might find that, as a result of this, you make some adjustments to your personality or to how you treat the people around you. Two changes would help: you can afford to listen more attentively, and you can afford to be more generous emotionally and financially. Open up and deepen your intimacy.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 27, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Yesterday’s eclipse in Pisces opened an inner doorway for you. This is a standout event, even on the scale of your current rapid phase of self-discovery. Now that this door is open, it will remain so, for as long as you keep using it. You have access through any inward-seeking practice such as meditation, art or spiritually grounded sex. There’s one more message that’s coming through, and it involves discerning the difference between need and desire. Most people tend to describe their desires as needs, since they’re easier to justify that way. I suggest you lean in the direction of desire, and learn to say the words “I want” without guilt. You actually have very few needs, and most of them are met. You will benefit from an honest relationship with wanting. It’s powerful for two reasons: first, it’s more direct and to the point. Second, if you want something that turns out to be unavailable or unreasonable, it will be easier to let it go.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2017, #1140 | By Eric Francis

Venus retrograde in your sign is encouraging you to see the world from another point of view, such as that of a relationship partner. How often do you have one of those revelations where you suddenly get that you really understand another person’s perspective, or feel the world the way they feel it? Rarely enough that it’s a special occasion when you do. It’s also a reminder that your actual primary relationship is within yourself. Love in any form is inherently introspective: it comes from inside you, and involves your feelings. If you’re not grounded within yourself, intimacy can feel dangerous; and in many ways it is. Venus retrograde is your encouragement to find your inner lover, or what you might call your best friend within. This is different from being narcissistic, self-important or egotistical, so different in fact that it’s the polar opposite. Coming from a self-loving place brings a subtle form of confidence. When you get there, a kind of neediness dissolves and gives way to authentic generosity. You recognize and hold gently the fact that everyone is an individual with their own needs, their own spiritual quest and their own healing process. If you want to cultivate deeper contact, listen to what people close to you have to say. At the moment, it’s more important that you understand them than that they understand you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 20, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s time for cleaning closets. This is the perfect time of year, and the perfect time in your solar chart. I do mean the psychic and spiritual kinds of closets, but there’s no better way to get that started than picking a messy storage area in your home or apartment and digging it out. You’ll have a potent, palpable metaphor for how it feels to open up territory you avoided, and to go in and set things in order. Make decisions about what you want to keep, what you want to discard and what you want to pass forward. Start with something simple, like a desk drawer. Then move on to something more ambitious, like the refrigerator or your pantry. Think of everything you let go of as an offering. Sing your favorite mantra, or invent a little song including the words, “I am making space for better things in my life.” While you’re doing this, pay attention to what comes up for you emotionally. Slow down and feel what you’re doing. Notice your dreams. That’s where most psychic closet-cleaning actually takes place.

Planet Waves Horoscope for Feb. 16, 2017 #1139 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may notice for the first time just how edgy you’ve been feeling, and decide that you need to pull in a little bit, or seek some refuge in the friendly, benefic arms of whatever Jupiter in Libra represents. One possibility is a wise teacher. Jupiter among other things is a representative of your 9th house of ethics and spirituality. I suggest you use this transit to orient yourself on people who set the example of doing the right thing. This is true of any relationship or partnership you’re in. Tap into the knowledge and wisdom of people around you, and focus on the ones who are the most generous with it. Another representation of Jupiter is even more interesting. It also is associated with your 12th house, Pisces. You might think of Jupiter, in one expression, as representing some version of your inner self. This could manifest a number of ways. One is as someone who is in harmony with your deepest inner life. You will encounter people who seem to already know your secrets and have at least a partial map to your hidden world. However, given that we are talking about a planet associated with excessively dualistic Pisces that is in let’s-weigh-and-balance Libra, there’s another side to the story. You will probably have a series of meetings with people who represent your shadow side. These are likely to be the people who irritate you the most. They have something to show you. They will really teach you something about yourself if you’re paying attention. The thing to do is to keep an open mind, be flexible, and try to retain your sense of humor.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 13, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re in an unusual position to see and experience the world from the viewpoint of a close partner. It’s one thing to think you’re doing this; it’s another to actually get into the emotional space to witness what you cannot usually perceive. It takes willingness and some conscious submission. You’ll know you’ve found that spot when the world changes a little, and when you feel the intricate emotional predicament that someone you care about is in. Meanwhile, it helps to listen, to be helpful without being patronizing, and to tread gently on the territory of the relationship. You can also safely assume that you don’t get it, rather than that you do get it. Assuming you understand where someone is coming from, and what they feel, vexes many relationships; but nobody can stop this in your life except for you. In the coming weeks and months you will learn more, if you’re willing to.

Planet Waves Horoscope for Feb. 9, 2017 #1138 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The parity and potential disparity between what is happening in the veiled world of your 12th house (Pisces) and the expressed world of your 1st house (Aries) require special attention and understanding. This is truly a call to integrity in the form of conscious integration of facets of the psyche that often go unacknowledged. What I’m suggesting here is that it’s essential to bring the material of your inner process forward into your daily life, which would include being a more transparent person. And it’s essential that you bring the material of your outer life into your inner sanctum for careful review. This combination of factors, and others I have not mentioned, is likely to have an effect (among many) of focusing your sexuality. You will be perceived, and experience yourself, as more sexual, more appealing, and more desirous. Under these conditions, you must summon a measure of fidelity and intentionality around your sexual expression. This does not mean monogamous, though it certainly does not exclude that potential. Rather, it would be more complete to suggest that you stay in contact with the meaning of every sexual encounter you have, and allow its meaning to reach into the depths of your being. Your ultimate fidelity is to yourself, and it’s only when you feel and live that inner harmony that you can express it to others sincerely and meaningfully. It is rare indeed that people treat their sexuality as an aspect of their spiritual path, much less its core element. That approach would suit you. Eroticism moves energy; it’s inherently creative and a necessary part of life. Yours will be increasing exponentially.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 6, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your confidence should be running at an all-time high right now, but is it? If you’re feeling shaky, or like too much is being expected of you, draw your attention inward. Pay attention to your inner life. Yes, this is a social time of year for you, and you may be getting more attention than usual. You might go in the opposite direction: stay in rather than go out; invest time reading and thinking rather than in any concerns about your appearance; and relate directly to the one person who appreciates and respects you the most. When you attend to your true spiritual and emotional needs for a little while, you’ll feel a new kind of confidence that is based on self-worth. You might start with food. Eating well, and at home, is a resounding message of self-love.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 2, 2017 #1137 | By Len Wallick

Over 30 years ago, a young musician spoke of his reasons for giving so much for so little in material return. It was, he said, for his friends. He made music that was authentic for his community of choice at a time when commercial markets offered nothing of the sort. The years passed. The world caught up with that musician, rewarding him with fame and wealth. But his old friends still remember the unconventional cause that led to his conventional success. Chances are you are now in much the same position that young man was when his artistry provided little more than relief from being excluded. You have a gift. It’s likely that only those you now identify with can appreciate what you have to offer; but if you devote yourself unselfishly to friends in need now, it’s very possible that you will have no cause for want in a future that your example helped to create.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 30, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars, the Aries planet, has moved into your sign for the first time in two years, and it’s time to pluck up your confidence. This is not a matter of faking it till you make it; rather, it’s time to embrace the reality of your own courage. What stands between you and who you are? What stands between you and what you want to do? I suggest you check two places. One is your concept of authority: for example, if you think something will happen to you if you are real. Another involves the relationship between religion and sex. Yes, this one is a little like chasing roaches; however, the evidence would be found in guilt about what you want, or any form of approach/avoid behavior. Have you ever wondered about these things? Do you ever have the sense that someone is watching you, in your most intimate moments? If so, that suggests you need to claim your right to exist. That’s confidence.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February 2017 #1136 | By Eric Francis

The great adventure has begun. The times, they are a-changin’. And who are you really? That’s the journey, and that’s what you are ready to discover. You have so many possibilities, and yet you so often approach life the same way. You’re under some intense pressure to set yourself free. But free of what? An idea about who you are, which seems to dictate how you relate to the world. This looks like a search for gender identity. Your feminine side is calling you; she’s trying to get your attention, though she’s having some challenges expressing herself. It’s as if you’re hearing but not listening. Let yourself be drawn into your inner life, and if you feel resistance, remember that this is one of the most fearsome things a person can do. Many pressures you’re under are designed to draw you outside yourself. Yet your inner awareness, your imagination, your ability to feel who you are rather than tell yourself who you are — all of this is calling you. You’re being invited into your own inner sanctum. Don’t fall for the glam, the commercial or what your social media accounts claim about you. Turn toward the unknown and take your time getting there. In those moments when you feel the least comfortable in your skin, when you feel restless, when you doubt yourself: that’s your invitation, easy to miss.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 23, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Some say it’s safer not turning your fantasies into reality. The wisdom of tantra would say that you’re only safe doing so, because the imagination is slippery and unwieldy until you focus your feelings on what’s solid and verifiable. True, one takes various risks doing anything physical, though it would seem that’s why we all incarnated in bodies. Why dream about art when you can make art? Why imagine how a photograph might look, when you can create that picture? Why pretend to know how good something might feel, when you can go explore the experience and find out? Well, there’s a good reason. Entering a space of physical emotion means that you open yourself up to the full spectrum of feelings, including the potential for pain and fear. Many prefer to avoid those possibilities, or become nervous when things get a little too real. Yet you want and need to be real.

Short Monthly Horoscope for February 2017 #1135 | By Eric Francis

Your bold experiment in who you are will be more fun if you take it out of the house. You’re under no obligation to be the same person every day, which is a good thing because that’s about how frequently you get a new idea. To really find out, you must explore more openly in your relationships. The people closest to you must be on board with your project; this is about co-creating rather than shocking anyone. Gender roles, artistic pursuits, your professional goals, how intense you want (or dare) to be and what you’re willing to reveal: it’s all fair play.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 16, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Work with people behind the scenes and you’ll have much more influence over the flow of events. You don’t need to reveal who is helping you, though you would be wise to seek assistance if you need it. This might come in the form of ideas, intel or a direct advocate who works on your behalf. Your true strength, however, will come when you remember to take a moment and ask for help on the inner, invisible or spiritual level. Summon your own strength and healing gift. It makes a difference to ask. Rather than pleading, simply state your request for the outcome that you want. Be courageous and declare your sincere desire for the best possible outcome. Then, trust yourself and the flow of events. While you’re at it, you may notice that someone is seeking your assistance, particularly with something you’re specially suited to offer. Your heart will guide you on what to do.

Moonshine Horoscope for Cancer Full Moon #1134 | By Len Wallick

A small aggravation in your home or emotional life could be the spark that ignites a whole new era in your public life. Of course, a lot depends on recognizing that ember for what it is. Then there is the matter of what you choose to do with it. Even though it may sound trite, a sincere desire to change yourself will be the necessary requisite for turning a glimmer of ‘what could be’ into the light of a new day. Assuming you have an aspiration to evolve beyond your current definition of self, the next step would entail how you perceive events that are merely annoying. The moment you can see opportunity in what irks you will be the instant you realize how a proactive solution will accomplish more than just take irritation away. Ultimately, just such a shift in your perception, and the subsequent revision in how you respond, will validate and multiply those who support you, while exposing any remaining critics for what they are.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 9, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You now get a chance to run with your plan, and it’s likely to be an excellent one. You can presently activate some concentrated, hot idea, probably related to your profession, career or vocation (however you think of it). This involves Mercury stationing direct in Sagittarius and soon storming into Capricorn, your house of success. Here are a few reminders that will help you succeed. One is that you need to focus on the practical elements without letting your vision cool off. This is a skill that you must master; the most important learning goal of Aries is sustained effort over time. Another is to remember that your public presentation is about your reputation and how you deliver your message. The two are related. Stick to matte finish rather than high gloss. Focus on getting the job done, with quality and consistency. A little stagecraft may be necessary, but only a little, at the right time.

Short Monthly Horoscope for January 2017, #1133 | By Eric Francis

Your power to achieve great things this year is only limited by your imagination, which means no limits at all. Yet you need to make a conscious choice to dream of the possibilities and then take action. You can see potential where nobody else can. You can feel your talent, though others might not notice at first. Yet you would be wise to focus your goals into something that you understand and can explain to another person. Many things are possible, and many possibilities are appealing. Concentrate your efforts on your most cherished priorities and you will be unstoppable.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 2, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your profession is about what you have to offer the world. It’s your way of nurturing the community. Yes, there’s the achievement aspect; yet ultimately you accomplish great things based on the gifts you give. That includes your time, your productivity and your ideas. Focus on that rather than on the power aspect and you will come across to potential employers as a genuine asset to them.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2017, #1131 | By Eric Francis

Integrity means integration: aligning your outer life and your inner life. Your charts draw a stark contrast between the two, describing a world within you that bears little resemblance to what you present to others. This worked for a while; though to facilitate your sanity and your growth, you will need to bring them into alignment. Perhaps what you’re experiencing inwardly has no easy expression in words. It may be so deep as to elude your awareness, or feel so private that you could never reveal yourself. And it’s easy to choose an appearance or persona and express that to the people around you, who may have no idea whatsoever what you’re really going through. Yet you’re past the time when you can abide the pressure that this causes. Start by being truthful with yourself, and then take steps each day to live uncompromisingly in that reality. Invite people you care about into your inner world. Let your face match your true feelings. When asked, or when you feel moved, give your real opinion. Let your actual needs and desires guide your decisions. Most of all, you would be wise to avoid putting on appearances or what the esoteric literature describes as ‘glamours’. From these experiments, you will tap into your true strength, which is about standing in your most honest reality as a day-to-day, hour-to hour journey.

Aries 2016

Moonshine Horoscope for Capricorn New Moon #1132 | By Len Wallick

Included prominently in what you can probably claim to have gained from 2016 is a strengthened belief in yourself. Just think of all you sustained and maintained better than you might have. Give yourself credit for when your plans and follow-through paid off. Acknowledge what you have overcome when doing so was not a foregone conclusion. Now, as you head into a new calendar year, one worthy objective would be to enhance the extent to which others believe in you. To increase the probability of accomplishing that goal, keep two things in mind. First, do not underestimate the importance of timing. Pick your spots to impress, and endeavor to be both alert and prepared for when spots pick you. Also, remember that others often see you through themselves. Therefore, anything you can do to help others believe in themselves will also serve to raise their estimation of you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

In the world there are two main forms of power: official and informal. Official power would be the president of a college, who gives orders and must be obeyed. Informal power would be the most popular student on campus who gets things done because people like him or her and are willing to help. People tend to over-emphasize official authority and forget about informal lines of influence; you must remember both. On any question you may have, or task you want to accomplish, a combination of both is necessary. When dealing with people who have actual control, it’s necessary to work with their official capacity and their human aspect. That means listening, being helpful and doing what you’ve agreed to do (and a little more). Tapping unofficial power means keeping your ear to the ground so you have up-to-date information. And it means making sure that your allies are ready to help you when you need it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Cooperate with people of power and influence in your life, even it if means temporarily setting aside your personal goals. Collaboration is the key to your success, and your astrology is suggesting strongly that you take a long-range perspective. This means investing your energy in demonstrating that you’re helpful and reliable to people more advanced in their professional activities than you are. These people become your professional network, which can serve you for the rest of your life. Developing such a network is not merely about knowing people’s names or collecting business cards. It’s about establishing common cause, and supporting the projects of others because you can. Many people these days are asking how they can make their living doing something they love. The answer to that is to start by learning skills and making yourself useful. Worry less about getting paid and more about getting established, and being good at what you do.

Moonshine Horoscope for Gemini Full Moon #1130 | By Len Wallick

Of all the people in the world, the only one you can truly control is yourself. Keep that in mind for the remainder of this year, and you have the key for making your closest relationships work as well as possible. This does not mean you should withdraw and focus on yourself. Instead, make yourself the focus as you interact with others by constantly asking yourself how to set the most authentic, instructional and inspiring example for the people who know you best. This may mean breaking with some of your older and less productive behavioral patterns. More likely, your path towards greater influence in your closest quarters will begin with making the greater good for all involved your biggest concern.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Belief is one of the most fragile ways to think. Yes, it’s convenient to take things without questioning them; though consider how often you’ve believed something that turned out not to be true. Your astrology this week is about questioning your own presumptions. Don’t be afraid to ask yourself boldly what’s really true. Then toss what does not check out, or what you prove to be wrong. Doing this will bring you closer to your personal truth: what you actually know about yourself, and have discovered to be correct. One potential obstacle is when you run into the deeply rooted ideas of your parents. Most of what you believe without questioning comes from them, and yet your loyalty to your family might make it seem impossible to make up your own mind. It’s not impossible, and you will be doing everyone a favor by thinking for yourself.

Short Monthly Horoscope for December 2016, #1129 | By Eric Francis

Given the high-voltage planets in your sign, you may have wondered if you’re too intense for a normal social life. You would be wise to err on the side of asserting who you are rather than trying to hide or tone down. Jupiter is now boldly working its way through your relationship sign, Libra. That’s a way of saying that people will not only accept who you are, they will benefit and thrive on your energy and your wild streak. The coming year will be one of great meetings. Be real, look people in the eye and welcome them into your life.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Belief is useful to the degree that it’s flexible. It’s even more useful if it’s acknowledged for what it is: a notion of what might be true. More often, belief is like a shield against truth, or the inconvenience of having to find out. This week, make no compromises in this regard; play no games with yourself or with others. You’re likely to encounter information that challenges what you believe, and this is an opportunity to make some adjustments. Be willing to discard what you discover not to be true. Be willing to embrace the new reality that you face. If it seems that precious ideas are being taken from you, or like your bubble is being burst, stand back from the process and open your mind to learning. You are growing much faster than your present beliefs can contain, and you therefore need to expand your mind to embrace who you are becoming.

Moonshine Horoscope for Sagittarius New Moon #1128 | By Len Wallick

It’s possible you will want to solve a mystery over the next several weeks. More likely you will need to accomplish an entirely different task: developing your discernment and applying it to problems in the world. To be clear on the distinction, envision yourself sorting and matching a pile of socks as opposed to taking the same amount of energy and time to search for a single lost stocking.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You need a new perspective, and it looks like you’re about to get one. You’ve been so consumed with your own changes and developments the past year that it’s been difficult to see much past that. Now you’re getting a view over the edge of your own horizons. This will give you some space to consider your possibilities without feeling pressured or cramped. The picture in your chart hints at a few other ideas. One is to go beyond seemingly concrete notions of right and wrong. There are many shades, hues and colors to explore. Another involves whether you want or need to consider the interests of a partner in your future. I suggest you question this especially if you’ve taken the answer for granted in the past. An example of this would be never traveling without a partner. Maybe it’s time to go somewhere on your own, with nobody else to answer to.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — December 2016, #1127 | By Eric Francis

You’re not through finding yourself, though you’re less lost than you were at this time last year. You’re adapting to the idea that you wake up a slightly different person every day, in a different world every day. This means embracing being less certain, though what you’re giving up is a fragile or even false concept of who you are. You now have more space to maneuver, and less need to prove to yourself or anyone who you are. It’s through action and interaction, live and in real time, that you will make your most significant discoveries. Life is not a matter of theory that you or the world must live up to; rather, your experience will have a way of hinting at who and what is real and relevant to you. It’s then up to you to extract the potential from all of this, and create something for yourself. You may still be inclined to ask for permission from others; you may still think you need the approval of authority figures. You may still think there’s a matter of morality involved, especially if someone is trying to impose their morals on your choices. There is no argument to have. It can be challenging to grasp that merely existing sends a stronger message about your intentions than anything you might say.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

To get what you want, turn up the passion. You don’t need the ordinary kind of desire; you need the instinctual, lusty kind. This is partly about wanting something enough, or wanting it more than others. It’s also about being so devoted to what you do that you draw others into your vortex and encourage them to take up your goals. This devotion starts with you, and your approach to your work and also to your existence. Right now your existence and your purpose must merge into one thing of beauty, that being you. This is one version of leadership by example. Never underestimate how important this is, even if nobody admits it out loud. Many people around you are struggling to care about anything; many strain to understand why anything matters at all. You get it; and your demonstration of commitment is essential proof of what’s possible.

Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 17, 2016, #1126 | By Amy Elliott

While creative art involves a good deal more work than Hollywood filmmakers (for example) would have us believe, imagination is also fueled and restocked by occasional play. Shaking loose a bit can be remarkably advantageous to the production of eureka moments. You know this really. You also know that it’s important to have some quiet time, regardless of one’s natural level of gregariousness. All these things are like the oil that smoothes the machine and helps to keep it maintained. Try to keep some balance in your schedule.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The best sex is always a little chaotic, a bit messy and unpredictable. Never fold your clothes when you undress. Toss them off with abandon and just make sure nothing lands on a lit candle. This is the way to live your life right now. You are the seducing influence in every situation. Your presence will lead people to reveal themselves, and to get in contact with their desire. Yes, you may get some unwanted advances, though that’s part of being attractive — at least you have your options, and just about everyone has something to offer. Mostly, the thing to do with your portable disinhibited zone is to have fun. You’re free to flirt wildly with people and take pleasure in what they say to you and how they look at you. You may wonder how it is that you’re prompting everyone to reveal who they are without really doing anything, and the answer is Scorpio Power.

Short Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1125 | By Eric Francis

Progress means change. Sometimes progress happens quickly, and that can be unsettling. Yet given your potential, it would seem that ‘settling’ is the last thing you want, in any sense of the word. You’re in the perfect position to take advantage of this restless, unpredictable moment. Circumstances that might work against other people are opportunities and resources for you. You have the ability to respond to new circumstances quickly, though you must keep an open mind and be willing to take the opinions of others on board. The keys to success are listening and conscious collaboration.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Success is a conspiracy. Work with your others to make it happen. There’s no abstract concept of fairness that you must adhere to, which leaves you free to get the help of people who believe in you and who support what you’re doing. It’s possible that you will be an asset to someone, and that would be another reason for them to facilitate your progress. What matters is sincerity, and your willingness (and ability) to come through with what you offer. One theme of the times we’re living through is an extreme form of everybody doing their thing. Understanding of the strength and pleasure of cooperation and collaboration is rapidly evaporating. But those qualities have the same value they always had. Define success for yourself, and then plan for it with others who have a similar idea as you do.

Moonshine Horoscope for Scorpio New Moon, #1124 | By Len Wallick

Know thyself, especially in comparison to who and what you were at this time last year. If you are pretty much the same person you were 12 months ago — if your needs are being met and your life is going smoothly — you are in a position to demand substantial reward for risking any change to your good thing. If your personal evolution has been substantial enough to make change your primary need at this time, consider thinking differently. Instead of risk versus reward, think in terms of renegotiating any previously incurred contracts, responsibilities or obligations to do right by both your new self and your old relationships.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 31, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You need a new deal, and you can negotiate it. The time is perfect. However, that won’t mean much to you if you don’t grasp the concept of negotiation. It’s a conversation where people state their expectations and what they’re willing to offer or deliver. Then, with that information on the table, you reach an agreement. For you, the basis of the discussion is what you personally want, what you want to contribute, and whether what you’re being offered is acceptable. Most people balk at discussions this direct in the personal realm; I suggest you proceed with confidence and with clarity. You’re likely to underestimate your influence or power in the situation, though don’t make the mistake of overrating yourself, either. Recognize that everyone has needs and everyone has something to offer. The question is: can you work out something that’s mutually acceptable? Whether this is personal or professional, there’s no reason why not.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1123 | By Eric Francis

Fighting chaos is like trying to smooth out the surface of water with a canoe paddle. You may be facing some challenging situations at work, though it won’t take much for you to turn them into opportunities. The first thing to do is take a different approach to any turbulence or conflict, which would begin by stepping back and observing. You may not be noticing how your influence in the situation is stirring up your environment. The best way to figure that out is to step back, observe and listen. The thing to study is relationships. Notice where people’s loyalty is invested, without judging it or saying anything about it. This is a matter of facts, not of opinion. The only way to get anything done — whether it’s a project of some kind, or your own professional advancement — is to work with others. And that is entirely based on who is loyal to whom, and why. What I suggest you remember about this thing called ‘work’ is that for most people, it’s merely the one means they know of to the end called eating. For a few other people, work is a creative endeavor that gives meaning to their lives. For a few others, it’s a political game or power trip. Know where you stand, and know who you’re dealing with at any time.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 24, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you think friendly thoughts, you will see friends everywhere. If you’re thinking darker and more suspicious thoughts, you might see conspiracies around you. There are two things going on: one is that these days, your thoughts are powerful projectors of your reality. Experiment with this: as you change your thoughts, your reality will change. You might need to convince yourself to try this for the sake of the experiment. The other phenomenon is the sense that all people and events are somehow interconnected. This might manifest as making the discovery that people you meet already know people you’re connected to; you might experience other synchronicities that reveal the extent to which the world you see is the projection of your own mind. The beauty of this discovery is that it reveals how much influence you have over your own life.

Weekly Horoscope for Oct. 20, 2016, #1122 | By Amy Elliott

If in the past week or so you’ve experienced anything from minor turbulence to a full-on tempest, you’ll be relieved to feel the weather clearing up. You might also be glad to find there was a purpose to the boat-rocking. This involves letting go of an old habit. Something has been holding you back from living life to the fullest. Now you are beginning to see how to distance yourself from it, and the potential healing in that process. If you still need a key to the riddle, fun, artistic endeavors or sheer relaxation may provide it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 17, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You must keep a cool head. This is true in every facet of your life, though let’s start with personal situations. It would appear that a partner is in a space where they’re easily triggered. The only way to handle this is to keep yourself in balance, even if others are finding that a challenging state to maintain for themselves. As for the professional aspect of your life, you seem to be making progress toward a challenging goal that you’ve been working toward for a long time. However, you will need to work with the powers that be, rather than against them. This is not the time to be rebellious; it’s the time to be what’s known as politic: mind your manners, offer your opinion politely, and make sure you’ve listened for a while before you do that. The very worst thing you could do is to get pushy, as it’ll be interpreted as aggressive. Rather, focus your goals, work with your allies, and gently persist at what you want to accomplish.

Moonshine Horoscope for Aries Full Moon, #1121 | By Len Wallick

It’s high time to take it a bit easier on yourself. Likely you have been diligent enough at ‘doing’ in the conventional sense of making things happen. Rather than working harder, think about how to work smarter. This does not necessarily mean you need to organize or be more efficient. Nor is there any certainty you are procrastinating overmuch. Instead of pushing yourself to do more, try another tack: look to address any relationships where inertia has taken over. You might be surprised by how far reviving or refreshing stale connections with others will go towards helping you to give yourself some much-needed slack.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 10, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The big break in one’s career usually comes gradually. Years of effort eventually lead somewhere, though usually the rewards are collected more like interest on an investment and less like winning the lottery. Then there are times when you must focus and push toward a specific goal, and sometimes that can result in an acceleration of results. That’s the phase you’re in now. Over the next 10 days you’re coming under the influence of an aspect that will drive your ambition. However, I suggest you convert most of that power into productivity, pragmatism and service. If you allow yourself to get into the mode of conquering or even competition, it could backfire on you. Therefore, I suggest you be extremely cautious around the issue of power, and instead, strive to make yourself useful. That can include setting specific goals, though you will succeed based on cooperation rather than on competition. That includes cooperating with people in positions of authority, whether you like them or not.

Short Monthly Horoscope for October 2016, #1120 | By Eric Francis

Nothing is predictable, nor do you want it to be – especially relationships. Leave yourself room for adventure and for surprises, and set this tone with friends and partners. All the good that’s entering your life is doing so through spontaneity. So practice that as yoga. Change up your schedule any way you can. Take different routes to and from places. Meet people you might ordinarily pass by, and hear their story. All of this will feed into your current extravaganza of self-discovery, though one other thing is certain: there’s opportunity in the air, and to get access you must assert yourself.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 3, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You are entering new territory in your professional life. If it seems like you’ve been doing the same old routines this year, Mars moving across the achievement angle of your chart will be refreshing. One thing to be mindful of is being too proud of what you’ve accomplished, such as when presenting yourself to potential employers or clients. Rather, exhibit a calm, quiet confidence. Take the attitude of “I do my best to get results.” Next, you must understand the politics of every situation you’re involved with. Who holds the power? That’s a good place to start. Know who you’re dealing with. Over the next couple of weeks you must be careful not to be seen as if you’re staging some kind of overthrow or revolt. It would be too easy to get on the wrong side of people in authority, and equally easy to work with them to get the result they want.

Moonshine Horoscope for Libra New Moon, #1119 | By Len Wallick

If the skies are any indication of where you are in life, the phrase ‘mending fences’ should resonate in some way for you now. How that term reverberates in your case will in large part depend on relationship choices you made during the past two seasons. In all probability, the consequences of those choices will begin to become increasingly clear during the next month or so, serving to define the parameters of your life for at least the next six months. Because you have already proven yourself to be a reasonably rational and competent decision maker over the last couple of years, there is no reason to second-guess yourself now. Rather, follow through by acting to shore up the framework of one-to-one relationships you have chosen to sustain and develop over the six months just past.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You are saucier than you let on. In fact you’re quite good at this, though it tends to get in the way of your fun. Imagine yourself at your wildest and most outrageous. Then see if you can move 10% of the way in that direction. That would be just enough to get you out of your familiar safe zone and into some territory where you feel different and get different responses from people. You won’t be committing to much, or risk losing control, but what you’ll have is the experience of exploring an edge of your personality. That’s where the action is, when you want to feel fresh and alive and like you’re taking a chance on living. You’ll also notice different people than you’re usually aware of, by which I mean that even if you troop around the same neighborhood all week, stepping outside your usual bounds will cue you into the existence of people you’ll be very happy you noticed.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for October 2016, #1118 | By Eric Francis

There are those moments when you must give up control over the course of events, and you’re veering into one of them now. You might find this helpful, because there are certain possibilities you may not have fully connected with, and those have a better chance of coming to the forefront if you’re not trying to hold everything together in the way that you have. Said another way, this is a time when you make some chaos work for you. This calls for the one thing that’s in the shortest supply on the planet right now, which is trust. By that I mean trust in the flow of time, in your development and in your relationship to yourself. Those are the most significant factors that will help you align with the world around you, and it’s clear from your astrology that what you’re experiencing is not merely an inner trip. Your relationships, your professional calling and your physical environment are all involved. We are in an edgy moment right now, on many accounts. There is an abundance of fear going around, most of it directed at instability and lack of trust. You are now in the fortunate position of needing to trust yourself, and knowing that your faith in everyone and everything else flows from there. True, this is easier said than done, and you can do it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may feel like it’s taking you 10 hours to get an hour’s work done, or a thousand words to cover what you might ordinarily clear up in a sentence. I suggest you back off on the effort and focus on inner clarity. It’s tempting to want to get things right in relationships, and with work relationships sometimes it’s essential. However, most of what you get done these days, you’re going to accomplish despite other people rather than with their assistance. That’s likely to shift when the Sun ingresses your opposite sign Libra later in the week, and Mercury resumes direct motion after its three-week retrograde. Once that happens, you will need to prioritize carefully rather than trying to catch up with everything in one day. Figure it will take you about one week to get back up to speed. Focus on what is the most pressing or timely, and then tidy up the less important tasks as you go.

Pisces Full Moon Moonshine for Sept. 15, 2016, #1117 | By Len Wallick

It is as if you are a bridge. On one side is what formed during the years of individuating yourself. On the other side, a newer plateau you reached after an evolutionary leap sometime during the last five years or so (a place you are still becoming fully aware of). Now, it’s a matter of whether you want to remain a bridge, holding the tension, or fill in the gap. Either choice will require some effort. Sustaining the status quo will entail constant, indefinite maintenance. The alternative is to metaphorically move a lot of material by doing some proverbial heavy lifting for a while, ultimately allowing you to relax. There is no good or bad in either elective. There is no right or wrong, either. It is a choice to be grateful for.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your relationships are not a question of who can do what for whom. Rather, think of them as creating a mutually supportive environment. The difference may seem subtle, though what I’m suggesting is more offering, and more giving, and less taking, and less in the way of expectation. Fairness is the necessary primary value. This is not about some form of exact exchange. You may give more than you receive in some situations, but that’s your contribution to the greater good. You are certainly being offered more than you might expect in other situations, and about these things you would be wise to be gracious and receive with a spirit of genuine appreciation. There exists a question of what to do if you’re feeling anger. I would propose that this is about something much older than your current circumstances, and you would be wise to address it as such.

Short Monthly Horoscope for September 2016, #1116 | By Eric Francis

Belief is best used as a tool, rather than as a block against something else that might be true. You’ve seen the value of opening your mind to new possibilities. Keep reminding yourself how helpful this is. Notice when you run into an old idea about life that slows you down or discourages you, and then come up with some new possibilities. What you observe now, in the present moment, is far more useful than the ideas that others put into your mind long ago. Ask yourself honestly what is true for you, and use what you discover.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Despite this being such a busy time at work for you, pay attention to your relationships. It would be too easy to let projects push people out of the way, when some of the best life has to offer is coming through them. So make sure that your work has a start time and a finishing time, or at least create some space where you can take it slow and get to know someone. There is also the potential for collaboration, which may come along with a personal encounter. Someone close to you may have ideas that will help you along, or might be available to work with you; or you might form a partnership based on both love and something that you want to create or accomplish. Because two people cannot live by majority rules, it’s important to have a consensus-based decision-making process: that means give-and-take, and sticking to your deeper purpose as the guiding idea.

Virgo New Moon Moonshine for Sept. 1, 2016, #1115 | By Len Wallick

Nobility is often thought of as a privileged social status to which one is born. For you especially, the concept of nobility means much more. It’s a state of mind. It’s also a way of behaving. It would appear as if your sense of nobility is very strong. Even though you may not be explicitly asked to do so, the skies imply that you would be well advised to build on that particular strength in your character even more. Begin with the time-honored maxim that one should be noble in proportion to the degree one is privileged. Then, count the privileges, entitlements, blessings and powers that you have realized or exercised in recent months. Finally, raise the level of your noble conduct appropriately, so as to create a balance in how you influence your world. If you can do just that, the world will respond to leave you feeling more balanced in turn.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 29, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Anything is possible, though usually you must do the work to make it happen. There are times when your efforts seem to count for more, and others when they seem to count for less. At the moment you can harvest the benefits of efficiency and leverage. You have a little something extra going for you. Investing relatively modest amounts of energy will get unusual results. Following your astrology, here is what I suggest: for the next couple of days, work on resolving old business at the same time you plant the seeds of new business. Tidy up the past and, in the same gesture, move any obstacles you find out of your way. This might include clearing physical space, commitments and lingering issues with others. At the same time, clear out your mental space. Make room for new ideas. Be happy to let go of what was not working, experiment with different approaches, and keep your focus on that one thing you know you want to make real.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for Sept. 2016, #1114 | By Eric Francis

If you’ve been wanting for company, you won’t be for much longer. There is companionship in the stars, which means that you’ll have a variety of possibilities available. People have a way of aiming low in their relationship choices. We’ve all been there, and seen it more times than we can count. You have your options open, and I suggest you leave it that way for a while. You don’t have to commit to the first person who you think might be acceptable, and you don’t have to compromise. Stand in your truth, and see who responds to you as the person you really are. This will take some time. And in that time, you’re free to do what you want, with whom. See if you can stand back from the idea that you owe anyone your loyalty, fidelity or exclusivity for as long as you need to have some fun and to truly discover who the people around you are. Far from violating the rules of civil society, you might say you’re violating the rules of low self-esteem. Over the past year or so, you’ve emerged as someone original with a unique mission. There are people in the world who recognize you for these qualities. Those are the people you want in your life: those who are friendly, supportive, encouraging and genuinely loving. Settle for no less.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

With the Sun moving into Virgo this week, you will now have the energy to accomplish some of the many goals on your list. I suggest, however, that you begin with what is the most difficult, which is likely to be the one you’re the most passionate about. It would be easy to get lost in many side-tasks and alternate projects, and lose sight of the thing you want to accomplish the very most. What could deter you is the feeling that it’s not possible. Let that thought go. Anything is possible; there’s nothing you can do that can’t be done. Yet you will need to focus your energy, and very likely neglect what seem like potentially relevant tasks. Even so, nothing is more meaningful than the one thing you know it’s time to do — and you’re finally in a position to do it. You might notice that when you gather your mind, your intentions and your energy, and stay at it, accomplishing this particular goal will be far easier than you imagined.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for Aug. 18, 2016, #1113 | By Len Wallick

When you were a child, simple and unstructured playtime did more for you than you could have possibly known at the time. That’s especially true regarding play with others of your own age. Now it may be time for a refresher course more consciously taken. It’s not so much that all your hard work lately could use a little complementary balance (although that’s part of the picture). It’s just that new connections to a wider community of similarly inclined people will more likely be established outside of your usual environs of service and work, rather than within them.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have some unusual and by all indications excellent opportunities to express yourself, in creativity, in love or both. What you might come up against, though, are some of your more rigid beliefs about life. These are likely to be values that were instilled in you when you were young, and which don’t serve you. Yet you seem to depend upon them, in a way, to protect you from your more exciting options and your true vitality. Now you’re pushing back against them; that is necessary, if you want any room to have some fun, which is another way of saying to get past the limits that were set upon your bliss. Look for examples of this if you decide you want to do something adventurous and then feel guilty about it, or you feel like something horrible might go wrong. That fear is a blockage, and it stands between you and the future. Now is the time to work it out.

Weekly Horoscope for Aug. 11, 2016, #1112 | By Amy Elliott

For a story to be interesting, it usually requires at least a little difficulty. If the hero immediately lays their hands on the prize, there’s nothing to tell. This reflects the idea that the best rewards are the ones worth a substantive effort. You now have the chance to get closer to something you’re seeking. Are you ready to be the protagonist of your own tale? If you are facing challenges, take heart — they’re just likely to make the victory sweeter, and the adventure more of a page-turner.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Focus on the quality of the work you do, and devote yourself to the service you offer, and you cannot go wrong. You might think that this is the approach you take when you’ve figured out what you want to do with the rest of your life. Yet it’s the devotion to whatever you happen to be doing that will guide you to the place you want to be the most. This is an inner quality rather than an outer one; the common thread is a state of mind rather than any particular activity. Doing quality work in a deli is not that different from doing quality work as a writer; in both cases you must pay attention, focus on the details and keep your human presence strong. Respond to your environment and honor the idea, “I am here only to be truly helpful.” When in doubt, remind yourself of that.

Short Monthly Horoscope for August, 2016, #1111 | By Eric Francis

After months of focusing on some deep inner questions, you are now free to explore new horizons. After considering the past and your previous involvements so carefully, you can look at the future with the confidence that your desires are within reach, and that the potential you feel is real. You might sense your ideas about life expanding suddenly. If you’re wondering whether you should act on these discoveries immediately, ask yourself what you would be waiting for. You might have a reason to pause, though remember that the journey you’re on always leads you to the next place, and the next.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars, the Aries planet, is finally set to move out of Scorpio, into Sagittarius. This is one of the closing chapters in a long story of self-discovery for you; you’re now moving on to new adventures. You may feel a sudden burst of liberation, or like you pulled in your landing gear in preparation for cruising altitude. For you this may be like those moments when you’re at the end of a relationship and finally decide that it’s time to be free; only this may be about any number of commitments, entanglements or contracts that you’re ready to move beyond. When you get this feeling, I suggest you face toward the future immediately. You don’t have to rush anywhere or into anything new, though once you sense that you’ve got some freedom from the past it’s wise to place your emphasis elsewhere. And there’s certainly plenty of adventure in the air.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1110 | By Eric Francis

Much of what’s been shocking the world for the past few months involves your birth sign or your primary planet, Mars. This may be resulting in change, clarity or some chaos. You may know that the great astrological event of our era — Uranus conjunct Eris — is happening in Aries. For its part, Mars, on a long visit to Scorpio, has been provoking some results out of the conjunction. Personally, this could be serving to get you interested in being free. By that I mean participating in your relationships on new terms, able to make ongoing choices about who in this world you’re intimate with. The notion that one must give up nearly all close contact with people for the sake of one relationship actually works for very few people. It’s altogether reasonable that anyone would choose to coexist on their own terms. If you notice one thing, maybe it will be this: the social rules that pressure people to be certain always seem to be rooted in the past, but really they are held in place by peer pressure. Couples are often more influenced by the group around them than they are by their own values and ethics. Where do you stand on this? Once you’re solid with yourself and your partner, or potential partner, it’s much easier to do what you want, no matter what the crowd is up to.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This will develop as one of the most creative and exciting times of the year, if you can stay focused in the moment. You seem to have some concern about the future, which might translate to not quite feeling what is possible. Yet you don’t need to have faith in the future; you need to trust yourself in this moment. Your astrology says that the most beautiful possibilities exist right now, and if you immerse yourself in living, the future will take care of itself. By that I mean you will cultivate the plan that you need to go forward. You don’t have to justify your fun with any excuse, like it’s somehow productive. Sincerely indulged, creativity will get you far. It will help if you set modest goals, like devoting yourself to a task or activity that you’ve wanted to do, so you have something to aim for. Accomplishing anything creative will feel good, and encourage you to do more.

Weekly Horoscope for July 21, 2016, #1109 | By Amy Elliott

Look before you leap. Undoubtedly you’ll have heard that concise bit of wisdom before; this is a good moment to pay it particular heed. If you experience some impulsive emotion that feels a bit like rage, it would probably be worth taking the time to analyze that, or to express it constructively through your favorite creative medium — whether that be painting, blogging or something else — rather than acting it out immediately. Consider carefully the needs and responses of those around you as well, and you’ll be on course to realize the important truth nestled in the swirl of emotion. It’s there, and it’s ready to speak.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You must proceed with care on the career front. You have some unusual opportunities that are opening up with this week’s Full Moon. Yet there is also the potential for drama and power struggle. I suggest you use your creative energy to avoid the dramas — specifically by fostering cooperation, and knowing when to step back and get out of the way. This will leave you plenty of space and creative energy to make some excellent moves of your own. Just remember: as David Bowie once said, small moves count for a lot. Do only what feels right. Test out modest advances and see what the response is. If you’re going to be innovative, do it with a commitment to quality and practicality with just a little finesse (a little goes a long way). Most of all, delete the concept of ‘power’ from your lexicon. Stick to loving service and you will make some worthwhile progress.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for July 14, 2016, #1108 | By Len Wallick

Act on your highest aspirations and you will most likely be on the right track. If you can do so without resorting to impulsive action and without procrastinating, all the better. In order to have the tides of life in your favor at this time you will first need to be clear about what you want. Once you have that clarity, the rest will be a matter of intent, focus and continuous effort. If you have already been in continuous and consciously defined action for the last two years or so, you should now be near successful culmination. If such a pinnacle does not seem to be at hand, worry not. You still have time to get there. Eschew fantasy. Be fantastic.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Go as slowly as you need to go, in order to feel your surroundings, and your own inner being. Go as slowly as you need to go so that you feel safe. That’s a tall order with the world the way it is right now, on edge about something new every day. Consider this a special assignment custom-designed for your new level of spiritual growth. Life cannot be lived on the basis of fear. There are a few ways to think of the opposite of fear, one of which is courage and the other of which is confidence. I am talking about a quiet, calm confidence, which is yours to tap into, though this will take a conscious decision to gear down, take a breath and notice what’s really going on within you and around you. Most people are losing this kind of awareness; you must cultivate it.

Short Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1107 | by Eric Francis

You can now work out a mutually agreeable plan in an intimate relationship. When you look back on this development, you will see that the missing ingredient was being honest about what you want. You knew all along; this was a matter of admitting it to yourself. True enough, it involved subject matter that’s not easy to discuss even with oneself; but you seem to have figured out that you really need to be more open. This story is not over; you’re learning something that will set the tone of the next couple of years, so remember to use what you know.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You are still working out a balance with a partner or love interest, which requires an honest dialog about what both of you want. Make no mistake here: without open affirmation of desire, there cannot be honesty. This is because honesty is about what you want. If you find yourself in a situation where you don’t feel you can express your desires, it’s worth stopping yourself and questioning what that’s about. Most of the misery in relationships comes from withholds: the things that people don’t say to one another. I recognize that in modern mythology, those might be considered good things because a level of secrecy provides social lubrication. At this stage in your life, you need to do much better than that, and take the risk of being real. The result will be that you have real relationships — the ones that don’t meet the test will dissolve, and you’ll get to move on.

New Moon Moonshine Horoscope for June 30, 2016, #1106 | by Len Wallick

As always, your greatest asset is your self-confidence. Remember that one constant, and any winds of change you might encounter will only serve to lift you up and propel you forward. Speaking of changes, you may want to consider making some of your own. Specifically, the universe appears to be offering you the dual gifts of ample room to change your mind and sound reason for a change of heart. While the world may not always be fair, you can at least always be fair to yourself. Therefore, take everything that comes with the next month or two as fuel for your fire and grist for your mill. There is no obligation for you to be or live to the satisfaction of others if it means being dissatisfied with yourself.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 27, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

To the extent that you’re a different kind of person, you need different kinds of relationships. In your case now, that translates to something less glamorous than is the current fashion. Rather than being about anything exotic, innovative or digital, you seem to be craving the kind of connection that is only possible to have in a home space. I suggest that, when you’re with a lover or partner, cook your own meals and eat in. Give yourselves time to get to know one another, for the first time or in a new way for this phase of your life. Your astrology describes you seeking intimacy, understanding and a genuine exchange. These values have nothing in common with relationship by SMS or sex by Snapchat. Getting the devices and, indeed, the robot commonly known as the Internet out of your intimate time will feel radical and revolutionary.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1105 | by Eric Francis

What is it about sex? I mean, what is it exactly? Have you noticed that the world seems driven by something that it’s simultaneously obsessed with and terrified of? It’s time for you to put sex into the category of what is natural: like organic apples, playing Frisbee with a dog or dancing at a concert. Any time you have a question or a concern, imagine one of those things. Any time a power struggle manifests, think of a border collie leaping into the air and gleefully snapping a flying object in its jaws. While you’re at it, be aware of the faux moral trips that people lay into one another on a regular basis. At a certain point, any mature, happy person must decree that such is utter nonsense, if for no other reason than it’s useless for anyone to mind anyone else’s business. With this comes one particular necessity: dropping the control drama. This may seem like too much to ask, but freedom is to sexuality what breathing is to yoga. You can hold your breath through your Sun salutation, but only at the expense of depriving your brain of oxygen and turning blue. You can now do something radical: allow yourself to be free, and openly encourage others to be free. What do you do with jealousy? Recognize it as the toxic emotion that it is, and put it down — just like cigarettes.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 20, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

For who you are and what you’re doing, you need special kinds of nutrients. Like an athlete must stay hydrated and pack carbs, you must feed the person you’re becoming. You might be wondering who that is, but don’t psych yourself out. Identity is not as simple as putting on a hat with the Nike swoosh. It’s an inner process, and you’re putting what seem to be pieces together. Here’s the thing: you can never be more or less than one person with one life. You might think you’re many people playing many roles with many missions. What you want to nourish is exactly the opposite of that. Get some focus and simplify. Remove commitments that are not working for you, and that don’t serve the larger purpose you’re growing toward. Make time and space for what is actually working, and don’t be afraid to drop what is not serving you. Rest and eat real food. You will like the results.

Moonshine Horoscope for June 16, 2016, #1104 | by Len Wallick

You will look back on this time and see how many things were working in your favor. Whether hindsight reveals that you were one of those things is something you can determine now. Everything you have been through for the last five years or so has prepared you to be your own most serendipitous supporter. By now, you know your needs like the back of your hand — especially when it comes to sustenance. You have also come to learn something of your value to others in relationship. Over the past two years, especially, you have made great strides finding your place in a changing world. Now, the idea is to get everything working together. One fringe benefit of supporting others is that they often feel more inclined to support you in return. While that is not the reason to help people, there is something to be said for remaining open to receiving from others as you evolve and grow.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 13, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Every revolution begins with words, but you must get beyond that phase quickly. State your intentions and your plans to yourself, for the sake of clarity — then move on to your points of action. You have a rare opening to turn ideas into physical momentum, and it won’t last for long. It’s true that one can take action and get results any time, though some times are better than others. It will help to think clearly in terms of the level you want to be on. For example, if you’re working toward success in some project, a career move or your talent in general, the question is: where in society do you see yourself doing this? More like a cafe, a small theater or Madison Square Garden? More like a small gallery opening, a full exhibition or a wing at the Museum of Modern Art? You’re in an unusually strong position to move up a level or two. Know where you want to be.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 6, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Feed the weird part of yourself this week: the nonconformist, the artist, the original thinker. This takes slightly more courage than doing what you might usually do, or going along with what everyone else seems to be doing. You can feed that aspect of your psyche as well, taking as few risks as possible — though if you do, you’ll be missing out on some glorious opportunities. The planets look like this: to think differently, you have to break free from the structure of your past ideas, and the past in general. This is unusually easy at the moment; everything is conspiring to draw you in that direction. Yet internally, you’re craving deeper contact with yourself. Mars, your ruling planet, has re-entered Scorpio, which is calling on you to be submissive to your own inner emotional truth. You have not reached the bottom of your journey there; stay open and guide yourself deeper. You’re doing this for one reason: liberation.

Short Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1103 | By Eric Francis

You are becoming someone you never expected to be. That is welcome news, as the change you’re going through will help you find a place in the world that is all your own. Be humble about this fact, but recognize that only you possess the distinctive combination of skills, talents and creativity that you offer. What you do flows from who you are. What you do is an expression of your distinct gifts. Give them to the world gently, without trying to prove anything. Observe carefully who notices you, who recognizes you and who receives what you offer.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 30, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You are being called deeper into your awareness than you have in a long time. All the doors in your emotions that you typically walk past are now asking to be opened one by one. Through this process, you will gradually discover how you actually feel, and what you truly need. It’s easy to gloss over these most important elements of living, and it’s sometimes difficult to stop long enough to locate yourself. Yet at this point self-awareness is your only viable option, if you want some genuine experience of guiding your own life. You’re being taken through a process of bringing energy and consciousness back to anything you’ve disowned or cut off. You’re being guided to regain awareness of anything that you’ve denied. You might think that this would be overwhelming. Yet what you’ve really been experiencing is a lack of information and sensory data, not an overload. Sensitivity will feel good, and you will learn more.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1102 | By Eric Francis

Take care of yourself — words often spoken and rarely heeded. Most people take far better care of their car than they do of their body, and incredibly, our bodies hold up under constant assault. Our minds, though, feel the stress, and we pay in ways we don’t usually notice. Begin to orient your life around your home. Speaking of cars, save yourself time, energy and money by reducing your time spent on needless travel. Notice the many things that make supposedly modern living into the frenetic chase it so often is. The motion and energy expended on so much that matters so little add up to one huge distraction from life. You need your energy now, as you’re in a rare space of personal breakthrough. It’s the kind of development that’s calling for you to pull your attention inward, so you can actually feel, notice and work with the changes that are developing. It is fair to say that you’re taking a genuine, long-anticipated step in your personhood. While this is a rare moment of personal evolution for you, it would be easy to miss the opportunity for profoundly improved self-awareness that you have in your hands. Feed and nourish your internal progress with quiet spaces, doing the things you love to do the most, and spend time with carefully selected people you care about.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 23, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Slow down the conversation, whatever conversation you’re having. Set a specific place and time, to ensure you increase the odds that you hear one another. There is plenty of room for miscommunication, and there’s also an unusual opportunity to discover and resolve an issue that was lurking under the surface. That thing lurking is something that appears to be an unspoken priority of yours, one that you’re finally going to bring up. You will help your own cause if you set the time, place and feeling of the conversation. First, you want to avoid any feeling of a showdown. As you’ve seen, confrontation has been in the air, and it will be up to you to defuse this feeling. Be aware when you’re clinging to a belief or an opinion. It won’t be long before you either figure out you didn’t have it right, or question your motives and realize you don’t need to be so attached to your point of view. Keep the floor open for any discussion.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 19, 2016, #1101 | By Len Wallick

Most of us have a so-called ‘element’. That is to say, an environment in which you are most comfortable and proficient. An actor’s element, for example, might be on the stage. To be out of your element is often referred to as being ‘a fish out of water’. It is possible, however, to discover a separate or alternative element that is just as suitable as the one you now think of as your own (if not more so). Such might very well be the case for you soon. Whether as result of your own personal evolution, or by sheer serendipity, you could come across something or someplace new that feels like home. Be alert for that sensation. If you do feel it, remember to take enough time to make sure that what you are feeling is real before deciding to move in.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 16, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

How important is your opinion? I would propose that admitting to the facts of what you know is more meaningful than your idea of what they might mean. Facts, by which I mean things you can demonstrate to be true for you now, must point to the need for a decision if they are to be considered relevant. Once you intervene with your opinion, that can become a huge sidetrack, like pundits on TV endlessly debating some future probability but unable to do anything about it other than stage a debate. There seems to be one situation where you are missing vital information. If that’s true, it deserves some acknowledgement. When you make this particular discovery (which is about yourself, and one seems inevitable), that is the time to set the appropriate plan into motion. This is a matter of confidence, and you’ll know it when you have it. Give it a week; there’s no rush.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 12, 2016, #1100 | By Len Wallick

One way or another, you are making yourself into something more than you thought you could be only two years ago. The question is whether you are fully and consciously aware of what appears to be a successful personal transition in progress. Your day-to-day decision process has evidently been sound enough to get you this far, but is your ascent more than the accumulating sum of your hard work and a lot of good choices? In a way it does not matter if you can see how far you have come. As is often said: don’t mess with success. But at least give yourself credit where credit is due and be proud of who and what you are.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 9, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have a significant financial opportunity right in your vicinity, though it’s likely to come in the form of a discovery. You might think of this as figuring out how to use what you already have, to some unusual profit or benefit. In leaner times, people were more creative, and would consider the value of their current resources before acquiring or venturing into something else. Now we just buy things. I suggest you take the older-fashioned approach of assuming that for any need or desire, you already have the thing you need in your possession. Now imagine this can work on a much larger scale, and that the ‘thing’ in question may be the solution to a puzzle, an idea for how to expand a business, or a new way to think of your talent. Remember, this is not about getting anything else; it’s about discovering what you have and how to use it in an interesting way.

Moonshine Horoscope for May 5, 2016, #1099 | By Len Wallick

You are far less likely than most to lose your head at this time, and not just because it is attached to your body. The next month or so represents a period when you will find it easier than many others to remain in full possession of yourself, regardless of whether or how things move or change direction in your life. The main thing will be to pay attention. This does not mean you need to be all tense and vigilant 24-7. By all means, allow yourself to periodically set your cares aside, relax and even indulge forms of distraction that serve to refresh and revive your acumen. That way, when you need to be on the ball, you will be in self-control and ready to roll — and you’ll show the rest of us how it’s done.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 2, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Once you know what matters to you, everything else falls into place. Therefore, consider your priorities carefully. If having more money is on your list, I suggest you take that a step or two further and ask yourself what you would do with it. Money is a symbol, and it always represents something else. The question is what, and why. If having a certain kind of relationship is on your list, ask yourself what you would do with that experience. You’ve noticed there’s pressure to emphasize the structure of relationships (marriage, for instance) rather than the content or purpose. From many different angles, your solar chart is illustrating the need to get under the surface image or seeming idea and figure out what’s going on a few levels down. This kind of process might take a while. I suggest giving yourself three weeks of daily self-inquiry, taking notes so you know where you’ve been.

Short Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1098 | By Eric Francis

Any financial plans you make would best be long-term. You have some excellent ideas and opportunities, though you need to do more due diligence. Information and timing are marks of the truly successful person. There are likely to be ideas far beyond what you are currently thinking, if you can project yourself a few years into the future. What I suggest you remember is that you have what you need. Not only are the basics covered, you’re unusually resourceful. For those who aspire to great success, it’s good to remember that there’s such a thing as enough.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Religion is the contract that you have with your existence. It’s your understanding of why you’re here and the code that you live by. Rare activity in your solar chart is describing you in a process of questioning your old agreement and striving to make a new one. To do this well, you must question all of your beliefs, including ones that you may not have known you had. Be bold and brave about this, and trust that you’re up to the task. People tend to hold on to beliefs that don’t work for them, only because they’re afraid that their life would be unstable if they did the very thing that you’re doing. Yet for you this is not an option; you’re growing and evolving far beyond what your previous beliefs could contain. Here is the thing: you’re actually going deeper than that, deeper than mere opinions or hunches about what is true. You have begun a journey that’s no less than a search for your deepest personal truth.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1097 | By Eric Francis

No matter what you may think or feel about the progress you’re making, you are building toward an unusual breakthrough. By unusual I mean once-in-a-lifetime, though it may happen in slow motion, such that you don’t notice for a while. Astrology, however, can help align you with your moment. There is a process that’s helping you get there, which may lead you to feel as if you’re delaying or lagging behind, though that’s not true. Mars retrograde in Sagittarius is inviting, enticing or compelling you to question your deepest-held beliefs about existence, which means about yourself. The situation as I see it is that who you are becoming is bigger than your current beliefs can contain. When you cross the boundary of a belief, you can stir up conflict about ‘trying to do the impossible’, which can be self-limiting. Therefore, before you strive to exceed what you think of as your current limitations, you will need to investigate them. One relationship that you’re in the process of changing is how you coexist with time. It will help immensely if you remember the ways you’ve learned what is possible when you use time well. Part of your assignment is learning the personal discipline to do what must be done each day. Part is remaining connected to your long-term goal. When you put the two together, you are unstoppable.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may find yourself questioning long-held beliefs. This might shake up some people, as if the answer to the question, ‘What if that’s not true?’ would surely be scary. I suggest you take the bold approach, and figure out which ideas you’ve held perhaps for your whole life that are not serving you. This can come with a sense of liberation, and you can add things to your list of what not to worry about any more. Be especially vigilant — or perhaps just curious — looking for things you were told about yourself that have no validity at all. You now have the presence of mind to decide what really matters the most for you, and what is an honest expression of your values. This will have the effect of influencing your long-term plans. Updating your beliefs will lead you to update your goals, and your vision for yourself.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 14, 2016, #1096 | By Len Wallick

It’s important for you not to underestimate the value of this moment in your life. It’s even more vital that you do not underestimate your own importance. There will always be another day, but there will never be another you. Even as important as it is to seize the day, you should never do so at the cost of your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health. Therefore, for the sake of your body, sanity, inspiration and creativity, don’t hesitate to get away for rest and relaxation. This is not about taking a long vacation. It’s about improving the quality of your breaks and downtime. Do more with less, so that any and all of your short getaways are long on rest and re-creation.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem to be going through a transformation process that is calling on you to have some help birthing your new self. You will still do most of the work, and all of the growth; whoever is assisting you is more in the role of midwife. Please don’t be too proud to accept assistance, however great or modest it may be. You’re under the influence of potent aspects, which could manifest several ways. One is an extreme sense of confusion. Another is going from that feeling to resolving inner conflicts that have stalked you for a while. You have the potential to make astonishing progress in the coming seasons of your life, though taking the ‘go it alone’ point of view is more likely to slow you down than it is to ease your way. Give credit where it’s due, to collaborators and even to those who help you in some passing way.

Moonshine Horoscope for April 7, 2016 #1095 | By Len Wallick

Know what works for you. Filter all your options through that knowledge, and your decisions will be properly informed. Simple though the protocol may be, it will be easy to forget. That’s because your life looks as though it might gain considerable stimulation in the coming weeks. A lot of good things and interesting people are likely to be drawn to you. Your power to attract is very strong right now. Unless you exercise discretion and set some boundaries, however, the real gems may get lost in the sheer volume of people and things moving in your direction, through no apparent effort of your own. Be selective. Additionally, prioritize what you want to go after over what or who is coming after you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Use your imagination and figure out what you want from life. Tap into your dreams, your secret desires and your creativity. If you were writing a movie and you were the leading character, what would you have happen? Later this week, you’ll experience a New Moon in your sign, which happens just once a year. Between now and then, the Moon will be in Pisces, which is luring you into your inner vision for yourself. While you’re in there, you might notice a difficulty, past hurt or some factor that is urging you not to trust yourself or what you want. Rather than fight that thing, I suggest you engage in a direct dialog with the feelings surrounding it. At a certain point, what was done to you in the past must cease to predict what will happen in the future. Yet you are the only person who can intervene and alter the flow of events, by making conscious choices from among real options.

Short Monthly Horoscope for April 2016, #1094 | By Eric Francis

Believing in yourself and making an impression on the world: that’s what these weeks of your life are about. When you have confidence, you don’t need luck; you know how to take the right chances. When you have faith in yourself, people of influence notice you. You know you’re in the right place at the right time. Yet there’s one more vital way to express your sense of belonging: look toward the future. Right now that takes courage. Most people do not dare. Be the bold one and reach forward. You know that great things are possible. Now, prove it to yourself.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may feel ready to move on a plan that you thought would take much longer to enact. Take the first steps that lead toward your vision, though stay flexible as to the long-range timing. Whatever you have going on, you don’t want to over-plan. Indeed, a strategy of minimal strategizing will leave you open to adapting to unforeseen changes in your environment. You want to proceed more like a dancer than like a train running down the tracks. One essential ingredient is leaving yourself open-minded enough for intuitive hunches to enter your thought process. This means listening to yourself, and keeping your mind updated with the latest observations. Meeting long-term objectives always happens as a result of many smaller steps, and it is those steps that need your attention now. Keep your eyes open and facing the future. Keep your facts and your mind in order.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April, 2016, #1093 | By Eric Francis

You’re bestowed with more energy than you know what to do with. Yet the planets are encouraging you to do something not so characteristic of your sign: pace yourself, move methodically and take the long view. You’re onto something unusual, with a bit of extra potential. Yet your path to success looks like it will require you to revise your plan several times, including the financial end. Keep in mind that you’re not sprinting but rather running a marathon, one whose course is not exactly set at this point. As you take the journey of the next year or two, you’ll become a distinctly different person from who you are today. The greatest points of potential emerge where you encounter any seeming obstacle, diversion or reversal. That’s where the real power is contained. To tap that power effectively, you’ll want to be moving slowly and with conscious intention. The challenge here is that you are likely to be feeling driven and ambitious, which for you translates to the desire for speed. Instead, work for mindfulness and efficiency. Most important, focus on who you are becoming as much as on what you’re doing, making or reaching for. When all is said and done, that’s the single most important factor in the equation of your life: who you are becoming, in the present, now.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem poised to make a discovery this week, but it’s something that you knew all along. So this is more about using your existing knowledge rather than gaining new knowledge. You might ask how or why it took you so long to figure out something that will seem so obvious, though the timing seems appropriate. One discovery appears to be about the value or condition of a relationship, which is likely to show its true colors. You may have had reasons not to acknowledge what you otherwise would have seen clearly. Another discovery may be an attachment, which can have way of blinding people to some deeper reality. Yet now you seem ready to see your life from a deeper place, and to acknowledge what is at the heart of the matter. Relationships rarely end; they just change forms, and you have plenty of influence in how the current transformation takes shape.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for March 17, 2016 #1092 | By Len Wallick

Of all the things it is possible for you to feel, there is nothing that compares to feeling like yourself. Indications are you indeed are at least on the way to feeling more like yourself, after a month or more of what might be called work. If you are not already doing so, consider applying your conscious intent to being yourself. Imagine fitting like a glove into a perfectly snug, yet comfortable seat of your own choosing and design. Then allow that feeling to guide you in the daily regimen of things you are obliged to do, so that you can recognize and engage with all that you need and want to do once again. You’re back, and you’re beautiful.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you have the sensation that something unusual is brewing, or that you’re about to reach a major turning point in your life, you are correct. Yet you may not have a clue how brilliant a moment this can be, or how excellent an opening you have before you. The best way to prepare for this opportunity is to be aware of what you usually forget or brush aside. For example, make a list of all the patterns that seem to hold you in their grip, the ones you always say you want to change. The most important will involve relationships. I can sum up your three-month outlook as such: you seem to be growing larger than your relationships can contain. Either you must shrink (not really an option), your relationships must grow, or you must admit that they are outgrown. Growth — in ginormous leaps and bounds — is what’s happening. You and the world must take notice.

Moonshine Horoscope for March 10, 2016 #1091 | By Len Wallick

Your vision, hearing, smell, taste and tactile senses provide you with valuable information about the world. That information, however, is always experienced in your mind. Such a state of being conscious provides great advantages. For within your mind is where the experiences of your own lifetime combine with all you have been taught, and even with the essence of life’s history on Earth. Now, perhaps more than ever, it is vital for you to be aware of what your mind brings to your encounters with the world as perceived by your senses. That awareness will be the final ingredient that will blend in with the entire content of your psyche to make you more than the sum of your parts: somebody capable of changing the world at least as much as it changes you. This means what you do with the information you receive is your call.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Remember what you’ve learned the past few months because it will come in handy. You may feel set free from an emotional entanglement, which is offering you a sense of what freedom the future holds. Yet you need to be mindful all the time, and make sure that you don’t recreate scenarios of the kind that you know are no longer right for you. I suggest you feel the wider, brighter, lighter space that you’ve entered — that is, notice how good it is to have room to be yourself and to make some long overdue decisions. While you’re doing this, be mindful of situations that remind you of the past you’ve evolved from. Listen carefully and respond to new messages and new ideas with your full awareness and attention. The future does not just happen. You stretch into it and work it until it fits beautifully.

Short Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1090 | By Eric Francis

Don’t let the pressure get to you. The energy surge is coming from inside. Your mind is bursting with ideas and imagination, which would make many people nervous. Not you, however. I think you’re aware how rich the moment is. You might call this the Year of the Brilliant Idea, and set as your primary goal expressing yourself any way you know how. You’ve only begun to experience the first waves of the once-in-a-lifetime self-transformation that you’re about to go through. Be aware: that means change. You cannot have one without the other, though many try.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1089 | By Eric Francis

You may have the sensation that you’re sitting out in a lobby of a theater, while the most fabulous show ever is going on right on the other side of those doors. Yet you may feel like you can’t find your way into that other room, the one where all the action is. Here’s a clue: it’s inside you. That other space, or other dimension, is your own imagination. You are not missing anything at all; what’s happening is that your potential is expanding quickly, and will continue to do so until you can’t contain it any more. This may take a few weeks; then events will begin to manifest rapidly. The best thing you can do for yourself is to stay in touch with your inner life. Recognize that the ideas you have are excellent, though they may be in nascent form. They will require development, and this will take patience and persistence. You need to have enough faith in what you’re creating to stick with the plan for long enough to get results, which will only be the beginning. Rather than slow down, the way to proceed is in tangible steps that you accomplish one at a time, which lead you forward in ways you notice. Patience and taking the long view may not be your strong suits, though there are rewards for developing these skills.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem to have figured out once again that your worst fears are not true. Yet have you noticed how much creative energy that fear consumes? It might help to look from the other direction — when you’re at your best, when you’re accomplishing the most and relating to the people you care about, there’s no anxiety involved. The solution to the riddle of fear is being conscious about what you do with your creative energy, and keeping it positive. Engage your mind with thoughts of what you want rather than what you don’t want. Focusing on something is like watering a plant. If you choose what thoughts you want to grow and give them attention, that’s what you will nourish. If your thoughts go astray, gently guide yourself back to where you want to be. Remember: you have the power to choose.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 18, 2016, #1088 | By Len Wallick

You are in a position to prove that fresh starts can be made as well as found. In your case, the best approach is to be creative like a jazz soloist. Begin with a simple, appealing idea that flows naturally from where you have been. Then, develop the idea gradually, one easy step at a time. Don’t rush things. Rather, emphasize a sustainable rhythm. Neither should you over-extend yourself. Instead, know your limits and work within them. Most of all, relax. It’s not necessary to squeeze juice out of yourself. Nor is there a finish line to hasten towards. So long as you feel inspired and enthusiastic, what comes forth from within you will serve both to please and to sustain you. While perspiration has its place, let inspiration have its day for the time being.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

For the next week or so it will be easier to speak with people about subjects that are usually difficult or impossible to bring up. At the same time, it’s also easier to avoid any subject by glossing it over. The choice is yours. Regarding the first possibility, you wouldn’t know something is easier unless you try it. So you might ponder what you’ve wanted to discuss with intimate partners or close friends that you have not been able to, or if there hasn’t been an opportunity. This might involve sex, or it might involve money. The benefit you have now is that others will be more comfortable with taboo topics, and you are more comfortable in the territory of your own private business. This wide and unusual opening will not last forever. Take advantage of it while you can.

Moonshine Horoscope for Feb. 11, 2016, #1087 | By Len Wallick

Let comfort be your guide. Offer comfort to others. As odd as it might seem for a person of action like yourself to make comfort your cause and objective, it’s not really inconsistent. You know from experience how important it is to make a good start in any endeavor. That’s especially true if the endeavor is a cooperative effort. To ensure that any common enterprise you are currently initiating (and maybe even leading) may be successful, do your expected part and then something more. Work to keep yourself and everybody involved feeling content with their role and confident of what anybody would define as success, and your extra effort will pay off.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Pay attention to what conditions you put onto people you might date or otherwise engage with. One might involve health. It’s not healthy to count people as potential disease vectors, or to set a standard of purity. Yet it’s also necessary to be aware and have open discussions about the topic, which happens way too rarely. Anxiety can burn up love and trust. Speaking openly has a way of fostering these things; so I suggest you pluck up the courage to have the conversation in a friendly way, not in bed. The kitchen table, a cafe or a walk in the park are much better locations for intimate and potentially sensitive discussions. Be open about your life and ask any questions you might have. This applies to any subject that truly matters to you. Honesty really is the best policy. It takes courage, but not as much as you may think.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 4, 2016, #1086 | By Len Wallick

If there is anything that recent years may have taught you, it’s an appreciation for both the specific and the complex. You are better able to ascertain the unique nature of each individual person, place or situation in your life. You understand more about how to perceive and respond to what’s unique about now, rather than reacting to the present as if it is the past. Most of all, you have evolved to better comprehend the importance of subtlety and nuance. For the most part, you have applied your acquired sensibilities towards improving both your creativity and productivity. To some extent you have also brought your more advanced personal skills to individual relationships. Now, you are finally ready to cross another threshold and establish yourself as both more widely influential and more universally respected. As you proceed to take a more responsible place among your peers, simply remember that the example you set will be far more important than the results you seek.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Pay attention to your sexual energy. Some profound exchanges are possible now; more emotional, meaningful and beautiful than usual. Rather than thinking this must be with one special partner, you can treat everyone you meet — and share energy with — as the love of your life, at that moment. Treat everyone with equal potential and feel the people who can feel you. You will know because your emotions and even your senses will be richer and more resonant around anyone you have the potential to connect with deeply. If someone is your certified partner, the approach to take is a wide-open space of empathy. Embrace whatever it is that the person loves. Be the person with whom they are utterly free to be themselves. Vibrate with ‘whatever turns you on turns me on’. Cast jealousy to the four winds.

Short Monthly Horoscope for February 2016, #1085 | By Eric Francis

Love always has conditions, and it’s easier if you understand them. To keep things simple, I suggest you have just one: that you be loved for who you are. For that to be possible, you must not only stand boldly in your truth, you need to speak up about what is most important to you. Don’t expect others to read your mind.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You are now in a position of social leadership. Humans almost always need someone to come up with the plan or strategy, and if it sounds good, they’re likely to go with it. I suggest you lead the crowd rather than go along with it. You may be the one person who can get the people you know, or some of them anyway, to try something that’s actually different. On a more practical level, the power of the group mind is especially strong right now, particularly if you are the one to focus several intelligent individuals on a challenging problem. The approach to take is that everything that actually needs a solution has one. It helps immensely if you commit to believing only what you demonstrate to be true.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February 2016, #1084 | By Eric Francis

You can have a formula for success, though it requires that you focus many different talents and capabilities simultaneously. The one that stands out is using positive vibes rather than power to persuade people. One way to do that is to get people turned on by what you want. This may seem self-centered, but it’s really saving people the trouble of originality while they get to contribute to something larger than themselves. Therefore, I suggest you know your objectives and know what’s appealing about them — and make a point of both feeling good and being open. In many respects, the more radical your plans, the better. By that I mean that the more you are challenging yourself and others to think in a different way, the better. There is another piece to this, which is about ethics; or rather, teaching ethics. Focus on doing the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. This notion is starting to become popular, but it remains mostly an idea because the skills are not readily available. Yes — what I am saying is that people need both teachers and examples for how to do the right thing: how to be devoted, honest and faithful. There remains the question: is it possible to teach ethics? That’s debatable, but you may find yourself needing to do just that. Start by setting the best example.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Be mindful of jealous emotions this week. They can disguise themselves a few different ways, including ‘scorekeeping’ in relationships, as well as various shades of control drama. Note: you might not be the one who is feeling these emotions; they may be projected onto you. Either way, you’re in a position to take the discussion to where it really wants to go, which is the heat and passion that will reveal itself when you and a partner are honest with one another. Jealousy or any intense feeling would not be possible were there not some potent energy in the relationship. The key to amorous bliss is expressing it in a way that is humane and friendly, and which recognizes that people in fact have free will and the ability to choose.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 14, 2016, #1083 | By Len Wallick

In Star Wars, Luke Skywalker — restless and eager to leave the confines of his home planet — complains to C3PO that, “If there’s a bright center to the universe, you’re on the planet farthest from it.” He says this at a crucial point in his life when he is yearning to claim his own identity and assert himself, in spite of not knowing the full truth about who he is. The current astrology suggests you find yourself at a similar juncture. Unless, of course, you have already matured (like Obi Wan Kenobi) and are looking for closure regarding older responsibilities and unfinished business — which would allow you to move on and become an initiate again, but at a higher level. Either way, what you are looking for is probably just around the corner, even if it seems long ago or far away. Yet, passivity won’t get you there; teach what you would learn, to orient and advance yourself past your current proficiencies.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re in a position to shape the life of a close partner, and there are several possible ways you can do that. You have actual power in this situation, and you’re driven by passion. Now, let it be passion for the right thing happening. This situation is not really about you; it’s about someone else. You are clearly involved and you have an interest in the outcome, but don’t let that get in the way of your sense of fairness. You could be influenced by envy, and you may have to consciously address or sidestep your own challenging emotions. Fortunately you know how to let things go, though there is always a temptation to cling. Remember that loving someone means supporting their happiness, if it means anything at all.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 7, 2016, #1082 | By Len Wallick

Could be you are seeing everything clearly and not encountering any obstacles. If that is the case for you, cultivate gratitude for your good fortune. Additionally, endeavor to show compassion without judgment toward others who are having a more difficult time. Should your life feel more like walking through an unfamiliar room in the dark, use that metaphor to develop solutions. What, for example, would be the equivalent of bringing and using a flashlight to better find your way? If you have such a tool available, what would possess you to neglect using it? In the event that you do not have access to illumination, exercise caution. Walking sideways, for instance, can prevent stubbed toes and bruised shins. There are alternatives to cursing the darkness, provided you are not overly attached to either cursing or darkness.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re heading into one of the most ambitious and potentially successful weeks in a long time, and will be in rare form as a taskmaster and leader. Take a light touch, and request rather than instruct. With Mercury about to go retrograde, make sure you mind all facets of communication. Clear your plans with higher-ups as you build consensus among your direct colleagues and those who report to you. In the face of missing information, make no assumptions. It’s far better to stop and make sure everyone is on the same page, taking extra care that everyone actually understands one another. This will help you head off potential complications resulting from purely needless misunderstandings. Ethics are also a high priority; there’s no wiggle room there. Set the example of impeccability.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2016, #1081 | By Eric Francis

You stand at a branching of the ways in your own life. One road leads toward appearances, glitter and glamour, and the other leads toward self-realization. Life is not normally so black and white, though a great wave of energy is about to come through your life, and its raw power is inherently neutral. It will carry you far and fuel your endeavors, in whatever direction you choose. You are the one who gives it meaning, and who harnesses it for the purpose that you designate. In other words, you choose what to do with the vital force that powers your entire being. And now that vital force is rising, and you will have great surges of energy, as will many around you. Yet the path of least resistance will be to stay on the surface; and many will do that, transfixed by shiny objects. The more challenging path is to go inward. Part of why it’s challenging is that ‘inward’ is such strange territory these days. For many it’s entirely alien, and for most it’s unfamiliar, intimidating and chaotic. Do not be intimidated by yourself. Leave that to others, if that’s how they feel. You are who you are inwardly, and you are being challenged now to go inside and stay with yourself for a while. If you seek understanding, and self-respect, you will indeed find them.