Tag Archives: Aquarius Moonshine Horoscope

Moonshine Horoscopes — Aquarius Full Moon Edition

Sunday Aug. 10 at 2:09 pm EDT (18:09 UT) is the Aquarius Full Moon. (View full chart here.) Elizabeth Michaud and Len Wallick have interpreted this lunation for each of the 12 Moon signs in their horoscopes below.

To read these horoscopes, it helps to know your Moon sign (where the Moon was at the moment of your birth), which you can find out by entering your birth data into Serennu.com. If you know your birth time, that will ensure accuracy — but often you can still be sure of its sign even if the exact degree is fuzzy. You can also read these horoscopes for your Sun and rising signs for additional insight.


By Elizabeth Michaud and Len Wallick

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You want what you want. Nearly everybody you know understands that about you, and everybody who matters respects it. How to get what you want, however, is a fluctuating dynamic with cycles that perhaps only you understand. If you can recall previous times when you had to put something in to get what you wanted out, indications are it’s that time again. As a matter of fact, everything you want and more just might be available now if you are willing to make the right kind of effort to earn it.

Pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. Opportunities are opening up this year; these readings will prepare you for them.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may feel as though abundance is moving away from you. You may be correct. Please consider the extent you might have contributed to the situation by withdrawing from exchange with others. Yes, you need your space, but you also need to let others in upon occasion. Maybe if you act now by opening a few doors and windows, what comes in could be more than flies. Perhaps what rolls downhill is a lot less repulsive and a good deal more valuable than you thought. Some must believe to receive. In your case, receive to believe.

Pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. Opportunities are opening up this year; these readings will prepare you for them.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — There is something of what goes around coming around the corner, begging you for resolution with this Full Moon. Focus on closure and try to eschew new enterprises except those absolutely necessary for the next couple weeks. A new grounding will almost certainly result. If you need a clue regarding what to follow through with and how to do it, focus on what will contribute to your rest and relaxation. Prioritize completions that will help you to breathe easier. After that, consider how to relieve others of needless tension as well.

Pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. Opportunities are opening up this year; these readings will prepare you for them.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — It is very easy to get carried away, especially when it comes to satisfying appetites. Whether we’re over-consuming or being needy for attention from loved ones, it is common for us imperfect human beings to satiate intense desires with immediate gratification. This Aquarius Full Moon shines a light on your inner security. You’ve held on through a tidal wave for quite a while now. You know your strengths; you may have come to terms with some of your weaknesses. Get clear on what you love about yourself, and try to be aware of when you’re seeking validation from an outside source. Your greatest friend and trusted ally is yourself.

Pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. Opportunities are opening up this year; these readings will prepare you for them.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Mahatma Gandhi said, “A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave.” If only more people found value in expressing love, imagine the change that would be possible. You are called now to do your part — to lead by courageous example. Don’t measure what you get back in terms of acknowledgment or gratitude. I know that can be difficult with a potent and determined desire fueling your drive for reward. Consider this an investment in future benefits. It is time to shine your light and see what grows. Pay it forward, as the saying goes.

Order your 2014 birthday reading for $29.95 through today only (price will increase to $39.95 tomorrow)!  This year’s reading includes a live Q&A session with Eric (recorded for those who cannot attend).


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Being at ease takes special skill. With so much stirring in your inner world, clarity can be elusive, and you may feel somewhat overwhelmed or vulnerable. The final relaxation pose in yoga, called Savasana, is often said to be the most challenging. To stay present in the moment and relax the body is tough, since the mind naturally tends to escape into planning the future or daydreaming about the past. But there is something to be said for letting go of the chaos and simply remembering that you are always in charge of your own center, your own breath.

Pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. Opportunities are opening up this year; these readings will prepare you for them.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — This Full Moon may well be a whirlwind of social activity or opportunity, or at the very least a phase of pretty sweet ease with other human beings. If you aren’t receiving the personal attention you want, it’s a good time to try a little harder to use your gracious influence. Many people out there are seeing you in a very flattering light. Enjoy it, and pay attention to doors that open that just may help advance your emotional and financial goals somewhere down the line.

Pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. Opportunities are opening up this year; these readings will prepare you for them.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Life is not always ‘all or nothing’, though it can certainly feel like it. If you find yourself in the uncomfortable position of being forced into the spotlight, try not to overreact. Your hard work and perseverance aren’t going unnoticed, and people are seeking to learn from your wealth of knowledge and experience. Just remember that you are not alone — you are supported and loved by a framework of various people in your human family who want you to succeed. Be kind to yourself and accept their encouragement.

Pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. Opportunities are opening up this year; these readings will prepare you for them.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Wishful thinking can be a good thing. When used to envision the future, the mind is a powerful force. You are in a place right now where inspiration is flowing, whether awake or asleep. Let your ideas be nurtured, let your imagination run wild. Think of this as a brainstorming session for your dreams, where you get familiar with them and determine which ones are really worth working towards. At the same time, don’t buy into all your own hype, or try to force your opinions onto others — you don’t want to burn bridges with reckless bravado. The time will come when budding aspirations will turn into tangible potentialities.

Pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. Opportunities are opening up this year; these readings will prepare you for them.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Don’t lose sight of what you need. Conversely, look to revise the concept of what you want. At this time, you can contribute significantly to the support of your needs while also meaningfully updating your heart’s desires by observing and addressing any impulsive tendencies, especially in communication. Listen closely to what comes out of your own mouth. Likewise, resolve to review what you write before sending it on. Implementing those two simple protocols will almost certainly open doors that you may very well have been previously (and unknowingly) closing.

Pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. Opportunities are opening up this year; these readings will prepare you for them.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The word ‘cleave’ is interesting in that it can mean both ‘split apart’ and ‘bring together’. This one bit of wordy knowledge may come in handy for you this month. If the Leo New Moon of late July came with some sort of splitting for you, the Aquarius Full Moon of August could represent the opportunity of reunification, or even healing. Conversely (and just as possible), what seemed too big to take on all at once just two weeks ago might now be resolved one part at a time.

Pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. Opportunities are opening up this year; these readings will prepare you for them.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Somewhere in the past, your creative proficiency was probably crimped a bit. Right about now should be an auspicious time both to examine your inhibitions and expand the scope of what looks to be your latent artistry. As you endeavor to pry into your own background, please be gentle. Self-criticism would be counterproductive at this point. Accept and embrace what you discover through self-examination. Devote efforts of the assertive variety to prying open your potential instead. Apply yourself to growth, and other necessary adjustments will follow in due course.

Pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. Opportunities are opening up this year; these readings will prepare you for them.

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Aquarius Full Moonshine Horoscope

Dear Friend and Reader:

We have one last horoscope for you before the Aquarius Full Moon, which is exact Sunday at 2:09:21 pm EDT (18:09:21 UTC). It’s the Moonshine Horoscope, now being written by Elizabeth Michaud and Len Wallick.

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Full Moon rising behind the Temple of Athena Nike, Athens, Greece. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

I’ve also covered the Aquarius Full Moon in the latest edition of Planet Waves FM. If you want to see my annotated version of the chart, it’s on the program’s page. If you missed Thursday night’s edition, that carried a detailed weekly horoscope devoted to this event as well.

There are two other articles from the archives that you might appreciate, apropos of this lunation. One is called Aquarius Moonwalk, a late-night tour of Paris from the summer of 2004.

I also have an even older golden oldie, called Brother Moon, from 2003, about the Aquarius Moon in the natal chart.

I may be back with one more blog post this weekend on Planet Waves News. Currently I am wrapping up the Good as Gold reports (see article below), apropos of Jupiter in Leo and much other astrology. Stay tuned for additional info about that as well.


Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon in Kingston, New York by Planet Waves, Inc. Annual basic subscription rate: $99/year. Core community membership: $149/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Business Manager: Chelsea Bottinelli. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Copy Editor: Jessica Keet. Research, Writing and Editing: Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Fe Bongolan, Brendan Merritt, Amy Elliott, Judith Gayle, Kelly Janes, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Moreno, Amanda Painter, Casey Smith, Carol van Strum, Len Wallick, Lizanne Webb and Chad Woodward. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions. Aunt Josie Forever!


Good as Gold: the 2014 Midyear Reading for All 12 Signs

If you have not already noticed, 2014 is really two years in one, with version 2.0 beginning right about now. With all of the inner planets direct, Jupiter entering a fire sign and Mars coming home to its native Scorpio, a whole new concept of life and of astrology is reaching out to us.  I will be unfolding this brand-new aspect pattern for all 12 signs and rising signs in my midyear reading, called Good as Gold.

Planet Waves

Good as Gold will explore the relationship between self-esteem, creativity and money. The three are so closely interwoven that in a successful person they are indistinguishable. While you’re on the way there, these elements need to be understood one at a time, as specific concepts, goals or challenges.

I will provide ideas, strategies, motivational rants (my speciality) and ideas I’ve learned in therapy to get the blocks out of the way, access your courage, and invoke your vision for yourself. Jupiter is about potential, but that also means that the human part of the equation is making that potential real.

How do you manage the transition out of something old that is not really working and into something new, with the simultaneous demands of a learning curve, balancing yourself financially and staying inspired? These and other things are what I will be exploring.

Good as Gold is available for pre-order now, at $49.95 for all 12 signs. As usual, we start with the lowest price for all 12, gradually raise the price, then sell one reading for about what we were initially asking for all 12. Now is the
time to get the best rate on the whole package, so you can listen to your Sun, Moon and rising signs, and check in with the readings for your collaborators.


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The Second Aquarius Full Moon — and Moonshine Horoscopes

Dear Friend and Reader:

Today we have your Moonshine horoscopes by Genevieve Hathaway for this year’s second Aquarius Full Moon.

Planet Waves
Nearly Full Moon over Nubble Pond. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Eric has been on a roll with his Planet Waves FM broadcasts, and he continues tonight with a program featuring the Aquarius Full Moon conjunct Nessus.

This edition will also open up the topic of the Age of Aquarius — something we have not seen discussed much on Planet Waves.

He has also reprised his Blue Studio Sessions, which feature interviews on various topics related to sex and sexuality, sexual healing and the discussion of normally taboo topics. He recently co-hosted an edition with ‘Diva’ Carla Sanders on how to have conversations about sex, suitable for all ages.

On the Planet Waves blog, today’s Daily Astrology article delves deeper into tonight’s Aquarius Full Moon, which carries a message about ‘fixed’ emotional patterns. Also, Len Wallick’s column will run at about noon today, asking us to consider the potential held by the Sun’s aspects as it ingresses Virgo this week.

Finally, please be sure to check out Eric’s audio preview for the Leo birthday reading. The preview is free. Even if you don’t have a Leo Sun, rising or Moon sign, it will give you a sense of just how much he puts into these readings — and why they make excellent gifts for loved ones (including yourself).

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

Planet Waves

Moonshine Horoscopes — Aquarius Full Moon Edition

Dear Friend and Reader:

Next week’s Aquarius Full Moon comes just as the Sun enters a new sign (Leo) and just two days after Mercury stations direct. This equates to a lot of energy and emotion building up within you and likely some tension with others. Genevieve Hathaway has interpreted this Full Moon for each of the 12 signs in her Moonshine horoscopes below.

Planet Waves

What’s your Moon sign? It’s the sign where the Moon was at the moment of your birth. If you don’t know your Moon sign, you can find out by entering your birth data into Serennu.com. It helps to have your birth time but often that is not necessary. If you’re curious, try reading these horoscopes for your Sun and rising signs for additional layers of insight.

The Aquarius Full Moon occurs just before 2:16 pm EDT on Monday, July 22. (View full chart here.) It’s a fascinating chart with a lot going on — there are planets focusing their energy on the Moon, and a lot of high-energy activity in Cancer, the Moon’s watery home sign.

Directly interacting with the Moon, we have what’s called a yod pattern. In this case, it’s made up by Venus at 1 Virgo in a sextile with Pallas Athene at 1 Cancer, and both are just one sign off from exactly opposing the Moon at 1 Aquarius. The point of opposition is held by the Sun at 1 Leo, which is right smack between Venus and Pallas.

So what exactly does that mean? Essentially the set-up is like a satellite dish, focusing the energy on a single point: the Moon, which represents your emotional body. That Aquarius Moon is either a conduit for humanitarian energy, or it’s ‘too cool for school’. The question being asked is: will you allow yourself to feel the emotional movement enough to actually care about the social issues that are on your mind?

It’s a pressing concern of our time, when we’re pressured to act totally nonchalant in the midst of a forest fire, lest we risk getting overly involved or not seeming hip. That clever Facebook meme about [fill in the blank] gets momentary attention, but it’s not actually action.

Layered on top of this is the conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in Cancer, exact the same day — with the Black Moon Lilith close by. Mars could be stirring up your sense of need and desire, with Jupiter magnifying it all. And Black Moon Lilith represents a lot of what we have not dealt with, be it fear, desire or unattended family material.

Mars and Jupiter conjunct Lilith are saying, “This is what you have not dealt with, all of your disowned stuff; how would you like to deal with it?”

Chances are, Mercury’s backward turn through Cancer has taken you through the territory (possibly stuff around ‘feeling safe’, among other things) and has offered some ideas. It will still be getting its bearings in direct motion and moving very slowly during the Aquarius Full Moon, but that may just give you time to get the message and make a plan.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter


These Moonshine Horoscopes are written by Genevieve Hathaway. Genevieve is an astrologer and Planet Waves contributor. She is available for astrology readings. You can contact her at genevieve@venusinblue.com.

Aquarius Full Moon Moonshine Horoscopes | By Genevieve Hathaway

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Over this week’s Aquarius Full Moon, how you relate to the groups you are a part of is shifting and evolving rapidly. This may feel like a burst of energy accompanied by seeing a situation in a new light. What is changing is not necessarily the situation, but rather how you perceive it. An internal pressure is driving for more discernment now about whom you want in your network. You will have a number of options in picking who is around you. Sharing is often one of the most direct ways to experience a deeper sense of meaningful connection, even in a larger group setting. As you navigate these choices, I suggest keeping your vision on not only individuals who invite you into their groups, but those people and networks who have something to teach you as well. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You are working through a career choice that may seem to be at odds with a close relationship. I suggest holding off on making any quick decisions, instead proceeding with patience as you work the fine edge of a creative solution. You are taking the long view that this is more a matter of finding an innovative solution rather than seeing your options as mutually exclusive. A partner may be applying pressure for you to speed up resolution on the current situation, though this stems more from a need to understand the changing dynamics. Open communication will go a long way in bringing everyone along as you work and rework the career opportunity and the point where it meets or influences your relationships. The time and energy you invest in these conversations will bring a greater sense of intimacy. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Personal philosophies inform much of the way you approach structuring your life and the habits you have. Transitioning from living in old habits that do not apply anymore and acknowledging what is healthy for you require a vision that is based on facts. Think of those facts less as something you look up in a book, and more like information you test and retest to gain an accurate picture of what is real and concrete. As you mold your beliefs to support a healthy emotional state, I suggest holding an overarching emotional feeling of your life. As you build these new habits notice the feeling you get when the decisions you make support nurturing your emotions and sense of worth. You are building the solid foundation for a consistent sense of strength and grounded happiness independent of any external situations. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.

Planet Waves

The Cancer reading is now ready! Order for instant access.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The Full Moon is inviting you to take a risk in terms of the sex you want. I propose that you consider this less as a leap across the Grand Canyon and more like actually letting go of something that has weighed you down in the past. What you are letting go of is the fear and shame that have come from others’ judgments of your desires. As you make contact with a deeper sense of who you are and what is right for you, you’ll be able to move around any inner blocks. Sexual identity involves knowing what you want, need and desire and then sharing that first with yourself and then with others. Over the coming weeks, as you come across new people and experiences, meet them with all your cards on the table. Then note the sensations of confidence that are accompanying holding this position. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Over this week’s Full Moon, I suggest holding space for close partnerships to change at an organic pace. Your relationships at the moment may feel caught up on something, or like the pressure for change isn’t gaining as much traction as you would like. This feeling of pressure is coming up from within you rather than being applied on you. It is providing you with a leveraging point to orient on the changes you are making. Relationships for you have more to do with pleasure than a power exchange. In the past this has meant you giving more than you get, rather than a two-way street. You are in the process of learning to use a different approach to communicate your needs to a close partner. From these open and honest experiences and conversations strong relationships can be built with a foundation rooted in authenticity and acceptance.— by Genevieve Hathaway

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You are working through a few realizations surrounding your dad’s inner emotional state and how it affected you growing up. Tension is likely building between his inner experience of existence and how grounded you feel emotionally. This new information will help you connect the dots concerning his emotional health and its impact on any internal splits you’ve experienced between who you are and who you show to the outside world. Take time to reflect on how this affected your ability to consistently feel like the ‘real you’. What you are doing through this investigation is dipping some old but still-hot wounds in soothing, healing waters. As you let this healing balm wash over you, let it also wash away the past, acknowledging that it did impact you but does not dictate how you experience your life in the future. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — At the moment, you are working to resolve a point of tension between your creativity and your sense of self-esteem. This could come with the feeling of the energy pushing through, like it’s building and forcing the issue. Your creativity is particularly fertile now, coming with the sensation that instead of having one innovative way to express an idea you have many ways. The key is to feel that you can put this creativity to use in accomplishing your goals. This involves trusting in your ability to apply your ideas and vision. I suggest that you use any doubts that may arise as a chance to get under and around them, healing them through making contact with your actual potential. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Lately you may have been questioning how you can feel a permanent sense of security in a world that seems to be widely different one day to the next. You are making contact with a more accurate picture of how you access emotional stability, a concept that does not include possessiveness, jealousy or managing people. Rather, integrity and respect are two key components for you; so is being surrounded by a strong network of many different types of people. You need to feel that you have equals among your work colleagues, in your home life and in your wider community. Call it a tribe of people who know and openly accept the genuine you, including the parts of yourself you keep hidden away. Accessing these individuals is less about control or manipulating how they see you; it’s about showing up as authentically you, and noticing who responds. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — As you look to make some changes to your work and home space, I suggest approaching both areas as creative spaces — physical environments through which you express a signature of yourself. Take the time to physically carve out a space in both these places that is your creative workshop – a part of the space in which you have free rein to immerse yourself in your innovative and experimental side. A space where you are free to try new things without concerns of perfection in what you produce. Environments resonating with both your philosophical nature and your explorer nature will provide a nurturing space for you to tap into your core creative energy and use it to guide your work. As you go to work in this new space, continue to remind yourself that what you create has both value and a place in the world. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — During this week’s Aquarius Full Moon, you are reworking an idea around how you feel about your gifts — those skills that are a direct contribution to the larger world. They make an impact on more than just your local environment, though there may have been times you had a hard time connecting what you have to give and the large sweeping reach it did have. What you have to give back to the world isn’t a magic bullet to instantly fix all problems. Rather, it requires discipline, time and patience to fully apply your skill and see the results of your work. Note how you feel when you do this work, the sense of meaning in your life that comes with sharing skills that are both very personal for you and also make a positive impact in the lives of others. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — What it feels like to experience existence as ‘you’ is less a physical structure and more like malleable clay you can continuously re-shape. You are in a process of re-forming your patterns and habits to build healthier, more supportive internal structures. How you experience your existence is changing slightly, like you shifted to the side and suddenly noticed a hidden door that you never saw before. All you need to do is turn sideways to slip through it and into a new space. There are in fact many of these hidden doors and as you shift your perspective slightly you are able to see each one, slipping in and investigating it to try out a different potential emotional pattern. Ultimately, what you are making contact with in this process is an authentic mode of existence, one that provides you with enough flexibility to grow and explore yourself. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You live as much in your dream world as you do in the physical realm — for you they are both just as real and tangible. You may feel now as though you are barely able to straddle both worlds that you occupy, never in one enough to fully grab hold. I suggest taking a deep breath and trusting that you can in fact make the stretch to occupy both very different landscapes at the same time. Notice how you feel about what you are experiencing. As you record this information, you will be able to connect a few dots and learn something useful about how you can live in both the intuitive and physical worlds even as both realms continue to gain complexity. You need to exist in both mediums to survive, and now you are fine-tuning the details of how you do that. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.

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Mars in Cancer — and Your Moonshine Horoscopes

Dear Friend and Reader:

Today we have your Moonshine horoscopes for the Aquarius Full Moon, written by Genevieve Hathaway. That Full Moon will be a week from today, on July 22.

Planet Waves
Coffee Pond, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Later this evening, Eric will post his latest broadcast of Planet Waves FM by 8 pm EDT. In tonight’s program, he’ll be covering Mercury’s station direct on July 20, plus the astrology for the verdict in the trial of George Zimmerman in the shooting of Trayvon Martin.

Eric began his discussion of this event and the astrology in Monday’s Daily Astrology column on the Planet Waves blog, noting its relationship to Mars in Cancer:

“I think that Mars in Cancer describes the anger and frustration issue. Many people feel unsafe and powerless to do anything about it. There is an incredible well of rage in the United States, for many reasons, many of which have an economic dimension. There is far more racial animosity than the media typically admits.”

In Len Wallick’s column for today, he considers Uranus stationing retrograde on Wednesday, and the recurrence of things in threes related to that event. That article will post at about noon EDT.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter


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Moonshine Horoscope — Aquarius New Moon Edition

Planet Waves

This telescopic image captures strong Earthshine from an old Moon taken from Isfahan, Iran. Earthshine, also known as ‘the Moon’s ashen glow’, is when the Earth reflects sunlight, illuminating the Moon’s night side. It is strongly influenced by cloud cover on Earth. Photo: M. Taha Ghouchkanlu/NASA.

Dear Friend and Reader:

These horoscopes, written by our global correspondent Genevieve Hathaway (writing from Australia), are based on your Moon sign. She has written them specifically about the Aquarius New Moon, which is on Sunday, Feb. 10 at 2:20 am EST, and has interpreted it for each of the 12 signs.

To look up your Moon sign, enter your birth data into Serennu.com. It helps to have your birth time but it’s not necessary in most cases. I suggest you also read your Sun and rising signs. We’ll be featuring the New Moon on the Daily Astrology and Adventure blog with a post by Genevieve on Thursday, so be sure to check in there.

Yours and truly,


These Moonshine Horoscopes are written by Genevieve Hathaway. Genevieve is an astrologer and Planet Waves contributor. She is available for astrology readings. You can contact her at genevieve@venusinblue.com.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Currently your dreams are more concrete and tangible than usual, like they are pushing up from your unconscious into your conscious mind. I suggest you write down the stories you live while you sleep, taking note of the details of your dreams and how they make you FEEL. Much in the way of information is coming through regarding your core needs. These basic desires and wants are a direct connection with your soul, providing indicators as to what is right and genuine for you. Notice when you encounter feelings of anger, frustration, guilt or fear — this shadow material points to ways in which your core needs were denied or ignored in the past. As you move through this material hold space for time to work its course and answers to grow and become clear, complete ideas. Sit with someone who can hold space and be with you with no judgment on your wants and needs, simply honoring that they are right for you. — Genevieve Hathaway

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — We live in a society that defines what we do for money and our passionate interests as two separate entities. At the moment, you are reworking this idea of work and passion, building toward an integrated concept of work that is constructed on doing what you love. Doing your work with creative passion, and working at what you’re creative at, may not feel like going to a rave. It’s more of a slow burn, requiring patience, dedication and appreciation. When the work you do to make money is based on your inner creativity and passion, you’ll have a deep well of energy to draw on. You will also make contact with a type of self-confidence that comes with living as your most authentic self. As you reorient and make contact with this new approach to career, don’t judge your performance. Proceed with integrity and authenticity and you will do well. — Genevieve Hathaway

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You are currently working on a creative project that is gaining traction. Over this weekend’s Aquarius New Moon, I suggest you carve out time to further develop the written side of this project. Your creativity surrounding writing will be particularly fertile, coming with the sensation that instead of having one clever way to express an idea you have many ways. Like a professional golfer preparing for an important hole-in-one, you have every metaphorical club in your bag at your disposal to help you gain your project’s objective. As you write, developing your ideas will be like filtering a light beam through a prism. One idea will get unpacked, showing its many different components. That will let you build off each of those pieces to fully flesh out and craft several mature concepts. — Genevieve Hathaway

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Belief is something accepted as true or real, yet it’s based on a feeling of certainty rather than necessarily a list of facts. There is a lot of room within that idea to shape what is true for you, to apply your vision to your life and have that vision be true. Walking the fine line between denial and a healthy belief requires a vision that has its roots in facts. Think of those facts less as something you look up in a book, and more like information you test and retest to gain an accurate picture of what is real and concrete, yet also moldable. Hold an overarching mental and emotional image of your life and where you are heading, while remaining flexible on how you get there. Becoming what you believe means working with those beliefs in a disciplined, conscious manner, because it’s what will become true for you. — Genevieve Hathaway

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Over the next few weeks, I suggest you approach concepts around relationship and sex as fluid and changing — different from past experiences. Sex for you has more to do with pleasure than a power exchange. Your Moon inherently wants to give a lot to sexual partners; in the past this has not always been reciprocated. I propose a reimagining of how you assess information regarding whether a relationship is a good fit. Start from the place of the exchange during sex, looking for more of a pleasure partnership rather than either party imposing rules on the other. Hold space for everyone involved to experience a deeply healing sexual surrender, honoring each other as sexual beings. Put another way, recognize each other’s experiences and needs as valid, withholding judgment. From these open and honest experiences strong relationships can be built with a foundation rooted in authenticity and acceptance. — Genevieve Hathaway

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Information is currently coming through regarding close partners. Neptune moving through the area of your chart of relationships and partners can make it hard to differentiate between how people are and how you wish them to be. The glamour now is shifting like a holographic image shifts to reveal another image, providing glimpses beyond your own projections. Do not dismiss what you see just because it does not match your previous perceptions. Collect this new information and give it time to settle before taking action. The challenge will be to avoid reacting too quickly to what you learn; it will take time to gather all the pieces so you can discern the truth from fantasy. You will gain insight that will point out partners who aren’t truly supporting you and your growth, as well as those whom you can rely on. Take what you learn and refocus your energy into those who are, in reality, providing you the love and support you are worthy of. — Genevieve Hathaway

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — I propose a question — what does beauty look like for you? What is the role of beauty in your work environment? Start with an examination of your workspace and home environment, redecorating where you notice the sensation of a lack of aesthetic pleasure. Approach both your workplace and home area as creative spaces — physical environments through which you express a signature of yourself. Take the time to physically carve out a space in both these places that is your creative workshop, an area in which you have free rein to immerse yourself in your innovative side. In other words, create a space where you are free to experiment without concerns of perfection or judgment on what you produce. Environments resonating with your sense of balance and beauty will provide a nurturing space for you to tap into your core creative energy and use it to guide your work. I want to make one thing clear about this process: what you create has both value and a place in the world. — Genevieve Hathaway

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Sensations of safety are often approached through attempts at control, when in fact emotional security is entirely an internal issue. How can you feel safe enough in this world? This question has been rising to the forefront of your life lately. You are making contact with a more accurate picture of how you access emotional stability, a concept that does not include possessiveness, jealousy or managing people. Rather, integrity and respect are two key components for you; so is being surrounded by a strong network of many different types of people. You need to feel that you have equals among your work colleagues, in your home life and in your wider community. Call it a tribe of people who know and openly accept the genuine you, including the parts of yourself you keep hidden away. Accessing these individuals is less about control or manipulating how they see you; it’s about showing up as authentically you, and noticing who responds. — Genevieve Hathaway

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Like tightly woven threads that make up a piece of string, ‘your parents’, grandparents’ and ancestors’ emotional processes have been closely integrated with those emotional patterns that are distinctly your own. You are currently working with a metaphorical high-powered laser to help you in separating those threads that are genuinely yours from your parents’, grandparents’ and ancestors’ emotional material. It is delicate, disciplined work to separate your family’s ‘stuff’, passed down generation to generation, from your own. Insight and realization will be coming down your psychic pipeline regarding family themes and how they affected you growing up. The good news is that the patterns can stop with you; you can heal this ancestral material and move forward in life without it. The first step is awareness. The next step is recognizing that this ‘stuff’ isn’t yours — and that letting go of it will bring you into closer contact with the feeling of being genuinely, wholly ‘you’. — Genevieve Hathaway

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Planet Waves

Note to Capricorn and Capricorn rising readers: Your birthday reading is ready. It’s a whole new thing, separate from LISTEN, covering different subject matter. It includes two sessions of astrology, a tarot reading, an extended description of your astrological sign, the charts and spreads used in the creation of the work, as well as access to last year’s reading so you can check for accuracy. You can order that here.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Spend the next few weeks taking stock of your personal resources. Get this list out of the abstract; actually sit down and write out what challenges you’ve worked through, how you’ve grown, skills you’ve learned, and things you’re good at. You have more in the way of resources than you may initially realize and you are coming into contact with a new personal resource — one you’ve had all along but did not fully recognize. I suggest you view these assets less as something just for you, and more as beneficial to your larger network. Understanding how much you have to draw on will help you see what you have to give back to the larger world. Valuing what you have to give and then following up by sharing it will bring you into contact with a deeper sensation of what is often described as living a meaningful life. Remember, what you are sharing doesn’t have to cure cancer for it to be worthwhile; positively impacting a handful of lives is a valuable contribution. — Genevieve Hathaway

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — I suggest for the next few weeks you work with the idea that your framework of self — what it feels like to experience existence as ‘you’ — is less a physical structure and more like malleable clay you can continuously re-shape. You are in a process of re-forming your patterns and habits to build healthier, more supportive internal structures. Experiment with different modes of relating and feeling. Work from a place where you can slightly shift your response to try out a different potential emotional pattern. It’s like trying on hats: each gives a different feel, perspective and attitude. Ultimately, what you are making contact with in this process is an authentic mode of existence, one that provides you with enough flexibility to grow and explore yourself. — Genevieve Hathaway

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).

Planet Waves

Note to Aquarius and Aquarius rising readers: Your birthday reading is ready. I cover entirely new territory from what I did in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition. I review the ways in which Aquarius itself has been changing and evolving. I describe your process of discovering your sense of mission; of opening up your inner life; and relationships based on creative exploration first and ‘commitment’ second. It’s two sessions of astrology plus tarot, with an extended description of your sign — and access to last year’s reading so that you can verify my accuracy. You can get instant access here.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Mars and Chiron are currently moving through Pisces, your Moon sign, offering both drive and focus to move your creative projects forward. Over this weekend’s New Moon, the contents of your toolbox and the traction you have at your disposal will increase exponentially. A number of projects have felt like you’ve been running in sand for a while — putting in a lot of effort but not moving forward. I suggest you view the work you put in as a time of preparation. Like a runner training for the big race, you’ve put in the work and preparation needed prior to reaching markers of achievement. Traction as well as additional creative and personal, energetic resources are available the next few weeks as you take a project to the next level. Have faith in what you are doing and that others will respond in helpful ways. Be mindful of your thoughts and feelings — especially any sensations of self-doubt or concerns that others won’t provide you the support they have promised. — Genevieve Hathaway

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


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Some images used under Fair Use or Share Alike attribution.

Moonshine Horoscope + Melanie Reinhart on Planet Waves FM

Dear Friend and Reader:

We have increased the frequency of Genevieve Hathaway’s Moonshine Horoscope to twice a month — the Tuesday right before the New Moon and right before the Full Moon. Since the Aquarius New Moon is this weekend, we have a new Moonshine for you here. These will not be identified by month but rather by the name of the lunation.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

Genevieve is relatively new at horoscope writing. I’ve often said that astrology needs to have its brightest young minds writing horoscopes, and Genevieve answered the calling. You can write to her at genevieve@planetwaves.net to offer your feedback and your personal experiences with her writing.

This week on Planet Waves FM — my weekly audio webcast — we have a special treat for you: Chiron pioneer Melanie Reinhart is our guest. We will be talking about the centaur planets and in particular Nessus in Aquarius, which has been big news the past few weeks. This is a breakthrough discussion on the understanding of the centaurs, which most websites would be charging an extra $25 for. You will have access to this at no cost the moment it goes up.

Melanie is the author of Chiron and the Healing Journey, the most comprehensive book on Chiron, as well as Saturn, Chiron and the Centaurs: To the Edge and Beyond and Incarnation: The Four Angles and the Moon’s Nodes. She is a leading figure in contemporary astrology, and people travel from around the world to attend her classes and seminars. She’s a good friend of mine and has offered many interviews.

Planet Waves FM usually posts Tuesdays by about 8 pm EST (usually earlier) on the Planet Waves blog (Daily Astrology & Adventure).

For Aquarians — happy birthday. Your 2013 birthday reading is ready; you may purchase access here. It’s more than an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading. Our clients have fallen in love with these readings. I know I am working for “1/12th of the population” with each sign’s reading, but apparently that’s high enough resolution for me and my star-friend who teaches me astrology to make it seem like we’re reading your mail.

We will see you Friday with a new horoscope, article and news for the news averse.

With love,

Planet Waves