Moonshine Horoscope + Melanie Reinhart on Planet Waves FM

Dear Friend and Reader:

We have increased the frequency of Genevieve Hathaway’s Moonshine Horoscope to twice a month — the Tuesday right before the New Moon and right before the Full Moon. Since the Aquarius New Moon is this weekend, we have a new Moonshine for you here. These will not be identified by month but rather by the name of the lunation.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

Genevieve is relatively new at horoscope writing. I’ve often said that astrology needs to have its brightest young minds writing horoscopes, and Genevieve answered the calling. You can write to her at to offer your feedback and your personal experiences with her writing.

This week on Planet Waves FM — my weekly audio webcast — we have a special treat for you: Chiron pioneer Melanie Reinhart is our guest. We will be talking about the centaur planets and in particular Nessus in Aquarius, which has been big news the past few weeks. This is a breakthrough discussion on the understanding of the centaurs, which most websites would be charging an extra $25 for. You will have access to this at no cost the moment it goes up.

Melanie is the author of Chiron and the Healing Journey, the most comprehensive book on Chiron, as well as Saturn, Chiron and the Centaurs: To the Edge and Beyond and Incarnation: The Four Angles and the Moon’s Nodes. She is a leading figure in contemporary astrology, and people travel from around the world to attend her classes and seminars. She’s a good friend of mine and has offered many interviews.

Planet Waves FM usually posts Tuesdays by about 8 pm EST (usually earlier) on the Planet Waves blog (Daily Astrology & Adventure).

For Aquarians — happy birthday. Your 2013 birthday reading is ready; you may purchase access here. It’s more than an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading. Our clients have fallen in love with these readings. I know I am working for “1/12th of the population” with each sign’s reading, but apparently that’s high enough resolution for me and my star-friend who teaches me astrology to make it seem like we’re reading your mail.

We will see you Friday with a new horoscope, article and news for the news averse.

With love,

Planet Waves

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