By Eric Francis
THIS WEEK — We have one more full week of Mercury retrograde. This process, which began Tuesday, Jan. 5, ends Monday, Jan. 25. The last week of Mercury retrograde can present some challenges. For example, you might want to take action or make a decision before you’re ready.

Three playful arctic wolves — basically, big, wild dogs from the north — at the Toronto Zoo. Photo by Scott Fleming/Flickr.
You might think you know something when it turns out there is more information coming. One of the most distinct properties of Mercury retrograde ending is making a discovery. So take your time, be patient, and let that revelation come at just the right moment.
Aspects this week are all about honest conversation. Many of the signs describe this as being about the most intimate aspects of life. If you answer this calling, and practice sincerity, a kind of magic is possible. Barriers between people can melt. You can discover things about yourself that you would never have imagined, particularly creative talents that surprise you.
The Sun changes signs to Aquarius on Wednesday. This shifts the emphasis from work-related matters to a lighter social environment. But as far as work is concerned, group efforts are favored over individual ones. Learn to put your mind together with those of other smart people and come up with the best ideas, and the best solutions.
“…you might want to take action or make a decision before you’re ready.”
But, but… the sweater sale at the fancy boutique ends today! And my director needed an answer about adding the special performance for social work students by today! And, and……… and life keeps rolling on. But no, I won’t be making any *life-changing* decisions this week, for sure.
I’ve been pretending to myself I’m back to full health for at least the last few days. I expect my cough will clear up in a week or so. 🙂
I came back to this page this morning to read about this weeks astrology because of the strangeness in how the week has shaped up for me – especially from the weekend, forward. This time has held precious bonding conversation with my Self and a fairly new acquaintance in my life. There has also been a shift in a volunteer role I am pursing that is pressing me to step out and speak about what I have to offer to them and their clients …not easy for me! I copied the parts below that are speaking directly to me as unfolding:
“Aspects this week are about honest conversation …being about intimate aspects of life. If you answer this calling, and practice sincerity, barriers between people can melt …you can discover things about yourself that you would never have imagined, particularly creative talents that surprise you.
And …”Group efforts are favored over individual ones …put your mind together with those of other smart people and come up with the best ideas, and the best solutions.”
This fortifies my faith and builds courage to feel empowered to move forward with confidence in what I have ahead of me today.
Good stuff!