It’s not unusual for new patterns to become apparent early in a new season, which is where you are now. Nor is it unexpected if new developments emerge with a waxing crescent Moon, which is what you have in Scorpio today. Indeed, this whole week’s astrology seems to imply something new finally and gradually becoming evident for nearly everybody.
Metaphorically speaking, the seeds of changes now evincing were almost certainly planted days, even weeks ago. The sowing would have been in decisions you made, actions you took, plans you made or events that you witnessed.
Most probably that symbolic sowing took place sometime between the Pisces lunar eclipse of Sept. 16 and the Sun entering Libra for the equinox and new season on Sept. 22. With the New Moon in Libra last Friday, it would also be fair to say that your emblematic seeds had gestated and taken root. This week the seedlings are set to sprout forth, leaf out and grow in parallel with more than just the Moon. Several sign-ruling planets, and you, will be chipping in as well.
The astrological role of any planet is largely determined by the sign it occupies. To paraphrase shamanic astrologer Sheila Belanger, you can think of planets as actors and signs as costumes. This week, cardinal signs would seem to be the focus.
When the Sun enters a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn), you enter a new season. With every new season come some new climatic conditions that compel you to respond. Among the most probable of your responses are changes in wardrobe, diet and elective activities. The deeper into a season you get, the more appropriate, even urgent, those changes become.
When a planet enters or moves through a cardinal sign, it emulates the Sun. In a cardinal sign, a given planet’s role is to act as an indicator of changes you can expect to see in parts of your life that correlate with that planet’s nature. One cardinal planetary aspect you are probably feeling already will be exact late tomorrow.
Shortly before 6 pm EDT (21:44:39 UTC) tomorrow, Mars in cardinal Capricorn will have opened precisely 90 degrees of separation from Jupiter in cardinal Libra. Astrologers refer to 90 degrees of separation as a ‘square’ aspect. In general, squares imply tension inside of you that often seems to originate from outside of you.
In truth, the anxiety often felt during square aspects is nearly always something you are at least partially responsible for. That’s good news, actually. It would follow that any inner disquiet you contribute to creating is also something you have the power to resolve. Usually, one singularly appropriate and well-timed act is all it takes.
Fortunately, Mars is what astrologer Robert Hand calls “an action planet.” Properly applied, Jupiter’s role in receiving a square from Mars would be to amplify your actions. Hence, you should act as though any action you take, however appropriate, is being magnified by a celestial version of power steering on an automobile.

Eric’s new class, It’s All In the Houses, will be held on Oct. 8. Discover the key to truly understanding a chart. You may sign up here.
In other words, act carefully, as if you don’t know your own strength. Furthermore, refrain from acting upon anybody other than yourself. Take measures to correct, adjust and change yourself first.
Then, rely on Jupiter’s expansive nature to make you an example for others. So long as your example is mindfully set, anything new coming out of your actions to make your inner environment more comfortable should also result in something new and gratifying coming back at you from others.
Such mindfulness is especially important now, when Mercury (astrology’s archetype of mind, among other things). is winding up more than two months in Virgo. As this week draws to a close, Mercury will finally move past the last degree of Virgo (where it stationed retrograde way back on Aug. 30) to join the Sun and Jupiter in cardinal Libra.
We will look into Mercury’s impending ingress to Libra more deeply on Friday. In the meantime, remember: Mercury is at the end of a long, winding and laborious journey. In all probability, that’s also the case for your mind and the minds of everybody you know. It’s been a long haul. Amidst everything new implicitly emerging, it’s currently just as important to think as carefully as you act.
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“The planets as actors and signs as costumes”: I forgot about that. Thanks, again.
Thanks Len… you’ve done it again <3
Thank you for this beautiful piece, dear Len. (((())))