Aries (March 20-April 19) — Easy does it till the Sun ingresses your fellow fire sign Sagittarius on Saturday. By easy, I mean that what takes 25 pounds of effort today will take five pounds after the Sun has changed signs. Therefore, I suggest you invest your energy in something efficient, like planning ahead. You might want to try this thought experiment, just for fun. On Friday, sketch out what you consider to be some wide, far-reaching and extravagant plans. Then review them after the Sun has changed signs and ask yourself whether maybe you could expand your idea of your own potential. This will be the theme of your life over the coming year — stretching across the divide between who you are and who you could be. Just because your ideas get bigger doesn’t make them more difficult, or further away. Discovering yourself is a journey without distance to a goal that has never changed.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — There seems to be some difficult conversation you want to have with a loved one, though I suggest you pause and reflect until the Sun has entered Sagittarius on Saturday. It will be easier with the Sun in a fire sign. Whoever you’re speaking with will have a better perspective on what they have to gain by at least listening to what you want. What you’re going for here is a greater sense of potential than you might ordinarily feel within the confines of one relationship. You seem to want to express the full spectrum of your potential, and you also have an idea that one path to doing that is through intimate relationships. Consider how rare it is that any other person in the world would have a close enough idea of their own potential to match yours. That’s why this discussion must be encountered with an open mind and an even more open heart.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You seem to be hung up on one particular strategy for making something happen. Yet I suggest you check whether it’s really working, and in turn whether you need to throw your old plan to the wind. You might not get an idea of that until the Sun enters your opposite sign Sagittarius on Saturday, and you realize how much more is possible than you had in mind. The thing is, you may be stuck in the past, even if that past is what seemed like a brilliant idea one week ago. I suggest you set aside your entire strategy as you contemplated it earlier, including anything that seems like an emotional strategy or the desire to get someone to change their mind about something. Once the Sun changes signs, you will see that none of that matters, though you may feel like you’re getting way ahead of yourself. You’re not; you merely need to catch up with yourself.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You seem to be in a time crunch, though I think that will let up as the next few astrological developments unfold. You could benefit from experimenting with the idea that you actually have plenty of time to accomplish what you need to. This is an idea more than anything else; being rushed is often an idea rather than a reality. Often but not always, and I think this is one of the times when the pressure is more conceptual than it is real. There are, meanwhile, plenty of things you can do over the next week or so to move obstacles out of your way, and clear the space in front of you. Just doing that will help you feel like you’re in a more spacious reality. And that might reveal in a bold way that time is entirely a function of thought, closely related to belief. Most important, using your time is a matter of priorities.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Right now it’s easier to work out any emotional blocks or tension through creative activities than it is through other forms of ‘sorting yourself out’ or ‘getting to the bottom of things’. You may think this is cheating — painting your troubles away, or working it out on drums, or maybe even in bed. Well, on the art studio couch would be better. Art serves a purpose to humanity, and it’s not a luxury. It’s an absolute, bottom-line psychic necessity, and by the way it’s entirely unrelated to how creative you supposedly are or are not. The blank canvas or page, the silent space into which you can make sound, represent a more than symbolic encounter with total potential when you allow yourself a moment of anything at all being possible. Then you dare to do something, anything. The result is an effect that can soak through your entire being and inform every aspect of who you are.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You seem to be running circles in a small, dark space. There is a vast expanse just outside your door. Yet you have to step outside to see it, to feel and experience it. What you’re really doing is giving yourself a break from a particular mental thought pattern, which is also a change in environment. You can accomplish this most easily with a change in physical space, even if it’s a day trip or a few nights away. One method I use is that I have several work spaces, all equally functional. In weeks when I have 10 projects due, it helps to bounce around from space to space. Café-hopping can do the trick; there are many possibilities. The idea is to actually see and use the relationship between mental space and physical space. The constant change of perspectives will help you keep your ideas fresh and your mind interested in what you’re doing. Right now that is essential.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — From the look of your charts, the heavy feeling that may have been stalking you the past week or so is about to clear out of the way. However, it remains an option. That’s the thing to remember, and to remember all the time. State of mind, and emotional state, is optional. The problem is that it doesn’t always feel that way, and when you need that information the most you may be the least likely to have it available. Now is a good time to memorize the fact that you have a choice, because your options are not only wide open, they have equal magnetism, equal accessibility. You can move between them like moving from room to room in a physical space. Notably, all of your options have value right now; once you start exploring them you are likely to see that each supports the other. The most significant point here is learning how not to get stuck in any one of them.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Don’t worry about how to do it, just take the first step and get moving. You seem to think that you need to have your whole strategy or agenda planned out, but that’s never the way things work. Sure, you can sketch out a rough plan, but I think that even that would go against your purposes because you could easily get hung up on having that plan be the right plan. What you need is some momentum; what you need is movement in what seems like it might be a good direction to go. If you meet resistance or challenges, then take them one at a time. You are embarking on actual terrain, which has geographic features like hills and streams. These have never stopped the human race from getting anywhere, most of the time without a map, and I don’t think they will stop you.
Pre-Order Your Sagittarius Birthday Reading Now For Best Price
Dear Friend and Reader:
If you have a Sagittarius Sun or Sagittarius rising (or have Sadge loved ones), your solar year begins with the ultimate ‘start now’ symbol: a New Moon in your sign just hours after the Sun makes its entrance. And that’s only the beginning.
A little more than a month from now, Saturn makes its first foray into your sign — about a week before the start of the New Year. This is a total change of energy and shift of emphasis; as a Sagittarius, you appreciate new frontiers and adventures. If you’re skeptical about Saturn, remember that it actually offers a wealth of gifts; they just tend to be the kind you make yourself, metaphorically speaking. And they’re gifts that last.
Your birthday reading is available for pre-order now for a reduced price. Beat the holiday chaos, and enjoy some peace of mind knowing that as soon as Eric finishes the reading, you’ll be able to access it.
Your reading will consist of two half-hour (plus) segments of astrology, plus astrology afterthoughts and what seems to be everyone’s favorite — a tarot reading using the Voyager deck by James Wanless.
Two excellent extra features round out the package: access to last year’s reading, so you can check Eric’s work and check the progress of your life; and also a live call-in program so you can ask questions about what Eric covers and (to some extent) your own astrology.
If you’re friends with a Sagittarius, this reading makes a beautiful gift they’ll use and truly love. All Planet Waves readings are recorded in studio-quality audio, and can be listened to on any computer or mobile device.
You can pre-order the reading now for $24.95.
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Once the Sun enters your sign Saturday, followed immediately by a thundering New Moon, you will see how little you had to worry about. But that never stopped anyone from ruminating unnecessarily. Two points come out of your chart, besides the timing of the big turning point of the moment, that New Moon Saturday at 7:32 am EST. One is that you seem determined to follow your intuition. I would suggest rather than doing that, you allow it to lead you. There is plenty of intuition to go around, but one of its properties is that it has nothing to do with fear. Second, you may have a tendency to take on the emotional baggage of others. Be especially aware around your mother or anyone who reminds you of her, or when you slip into some of her tendencies. It is vital that you stick to your own values, with passion, awareness and determination.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You know what you want. You’ve earned that knowledge and you’ve earned the privilege of striving for your preferences. At the risk of stirring up revolt against this currently derided thing, privilege, I will say this: Semantically, the word privilege has its origins as a law that applies to one person. Later, it came to mean an advantage granted. If you have some advantage, you have granted it to yourself. Though there are obviously precursors to that — for example, you know how to read, you are educated, you have a bank account, and others — the privilege I am talking about is something you have given to yourself by your own effort. If you want a balancing factor, I suggest that you proceed in full awareness of your environment, and strive to be responsive to your environment. If everyone did that, we would all be privileged and we would live in something close to utopia.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — If you can get your mind off of work and responsibility, you will discover that this is a perfectly vibrant time in your life. True, you are the kind of person who is at home in your work. You seem to be more oriented on ‘my work is my life’ than the natural ‘I have boundaries and I punch out at 5 pm’ type. Sometimes, however, it’s good to make some distinctions in this area, and now is a fine time for that. Anyway, your astrology is magnetizing you out into the social world at the moment, and by the weekend this will pick up considerable momentum. So get among friends, get out into society, and tell only your best stories about what you’re accomplishing and the many trials and tribulations that you’ve surmounted on your way to being a master of the game.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This weekend’s stunning New Moon in Sagittarius will put you into the spotlight. You’re already visible at the moment, though this will increase in a series of degrees over the next four weeks. Visibility is a good thing, for you. Contrary to the notion that Pisces people are reclusive and prefer to be invisible, there is also the extraverted, performance art type of Pisces. And this comes out in every fish person at some point — such as right now. Whatever you’re doing, visibility will help. Even if you’re a smuggler, be the kind who attends the Senate gala ball and you will blend in all the more perfectly. Other factors in your chart describe this moment as one of high achievement. Yes, there are issues brewing in the background, but you’ve got your wheels on the ground and have enough traction to be moving steadily. You may meet some truly influential people this week and next. Take phone numbers and make sure people remember your smile.