Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope, Jan.7 – Jan.14

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 7, 2016, #1082 | By Len Wallick
Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Could be you are seeing everything clearly and not encountering any obstacles. If that is the case for you, cultivate gratitude for your good fortune. Additionally, endeavor to show compassion without judgment toward others who are having a more difficult time. Should your life feel more like walking through an unfamiliar room in the dark, use that metaphor to develop solutions. What, for example, would be the equivalent of bringing and using a flashlight to better find your way? If you have such a tool available, what would possess you to neglect using it? In the event that you do not have access to illumination, exercise caution. Walking sideways, for instance, can prevent stubbed toes and bruised shins. There are alternatives to cursing the darkness, provided you are not overly attached to either cursing or darkness. — by Len Wallick

We have just published our 2016 annual, Vision Quest. Here are content lists and excerpts from each of the 12 signs.


Aries (March 20-April 19)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Think of all your endeavors as a journey, and life will probably feel easier than if you were to become fixated on a goal or destination. Envision yourself as a child going through the proverbial stages of growing up, and you will be less likely to perceive crisis in your life. If you choose to see the world as a place of higher education rather than achievement, you might very well keep yourself from being brought low by discouragement. You have an advantage accorded to few right now, in that there is a simple way to determine whether you are doing the right thing. If you feel more energy coming in than going out, let that be your sign to override what other people might say about your course in life at this time. Believe what you are feeling, and don’t let anybody tell you that you are lazy for taking a natural path. — by Len Wallick

We have just published our 2016 annual, Vision Quest. Here are content lists and excerpts from each of the 12 signs.


Aries (March 20-April 19)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Make ‘returning’ your theme and you will be in greater harmony with the world. What specific form returning takes will depend on who you are and what you perceive your circumstances to be. In general, however, what you are best off reverting to should probably look like a place or time in company with others rather than in isolation. If you have had a setback that has set you apart, for example, now is the time to begin referring to yourself as the ‘Comeback Kid’ regardless of your age, and whether or not you see any opportunity for reunions. You will also want to contemplate taking proactive steps to catch up or seek closure with classmates, business partners, chums or even lovers from days gone by. Don’t worry about whether your return will be welcomed. So long as you offer what you seek (and honor others’ need for space, when expressed), arms will open. — by Len Wallick

We have just published our 2016 annual, Vision Quest. Here are content lists and excerpts from each of the 12 signs.


Aries (March 20-April 19)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — It is now more important than ever for you to be present in the moment. Start small. Count the steps on every flight of stairs you climb. Make note of every eye’s color. Listen for birds. Identify trees. Pay attention to the weather. At the end of every day, count the ways it was different from the day before. After a while, you will notice patterns and trends that are not constant, but changing. With the passage of a little more time, you will get a sense of what direction changes are taking. It may seem ridiculously simple, but keeping constant tabs on your present will liberate you from what is holding you back and what is inhibiting your forward motion as well. Eventually, you will reach a point where a very special moment shared with a very special somebody finds you doing and saying just the right thing at just the right time. — by Len Wallick

We have just published our 2016 annual, Vision Quest. Here are content lists and excerpts from each of the 12 signs.


Aries (March 20-April 19)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Odds are you have made your mind up about something or other after a long period of contemplation. Let that be a good thing. You owe it to yourself to have faith in your purposeful deliberations. You should also give yourself credit for having overcome impulse to find your truth. There is one other favor you should grant yourself, however. Whatever you have decided upon, do not make an irrevocable commitment until the last possible moment. Even as sure as you may be about where your heart is, give your mind a chance to change while it is still possible to do so with grace. This is not to say you should be fickle or put things off. By all means, move in the direction of your choice; but gradually, one step at a time. Make each step only after you are sure and unshakable in your resolve not to retrace it. — by Len Wallick

We have just published our 2016 annual, Vision Quest. Here are content lists and excerpts from each of the 12 signs.


Aries (March 20-April 19)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The most responsible, grounded and mature thing you can do right now might be to lighten up. Rather than settle for a few choice moments when you can blow off steam every once in a while, look to change your lifestyle. To do so you need not quit your job, give away your possessions or take leave of your senses. Rather, respect your senses and take care of them. The objective is to modulate what appear to be some rather significant oscillations in stimulus so that you don’t have to spend so much time recovering from emotional (and even physical) exhaustion in response. To begin with, keep a log of your time spent on all sorts of electronic media and make changes based on the results. Then, take a little more time each day to use your hands in ways that free your mind and heal your body. — by Len Wallick

We have just published our 2016 annual, Vision Quest. Here are content lists and excerpts from each of the 12 signs.


Aries (March 20-April 19)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Enough with humility for the time being. If you have not conducted yourself to the satisfaction of others, you also know that very few are worthy of judging you. If you do not consider yourself at least the equal of anybody else, ask yourself what it would take to feel that way. If the answer is that you have to be something other than what you are, take that as a sign that you are selling yourself short. Nobody is perfect, and nobody should burden themselves with trying to be perfect. If you are going to take on any aspirations at this time, let them be of your own creation. Your sociable side may want to be ‘where it’s at’, but your soul will be more content if you focus on finding out where you are at and placing yourself there. Granted, being true to yourself may not be easy at first, but eventually it will be right. — by Len Wallick

We have just published our 2016 annual, Vision Quest. Here are content lists and excerpts from each of the 12 signs.


Aries (March 20-April 19)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Knowledge is not intrinsically a bad thing. Neither is power. Both, however, can be dangerous if you are not grown up enough to handle them. If there is anybody who has earned their qualifications to rise from ignorance and step into power, it is you — just as you are in this very moment. About now, you should be able to look back at whatever trials and tribulations you have been through for the last three years or so and recognize that there was a purpose to what happened and what you did with it. Step back a bit and look at your life with admiration rather than remorse, and you will see a precious and hard-won container of your own creation. That container will hold the knowledge you have gained and manifest all the power you need, but only after you resolve to become it, as it becomes you. — by Len Wallick

We have just published our 2016 annual, Vision Quest. Here are content lists and excerpts from each of the 12 signs.


Aries (March 20-April 19)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — In the long run, time will prove to be on your side. It simply may not seem that way right now. That’s the reason you need to find some faith to tide you over, like a wisely chosen snack can help you keep going between meals. Just as with a snack, you should not overdo the faith thing. Take only what you need. Remember that its purpose is to sustain you. Even though it would be best if you chose to have faith in yourself first and foremost, it does not really matter what form of faith works for you. So long as it is working for you and you are not a slave to it, any form of faith will probably do you a lot of good this year. What you learn from employing (rather than being employed by) faith will also stand you in good stead when your relationship with time turns around, and you are finally on top of it again. — by Len Wallick

We have just published our 2016 annual, Vision Quest. Here are content lists and excerpts from each of the 12 signs.


Aries (March 20-April 19)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Pride in excess can indeed lead to a fall. In your case, such a danger is unlikely. Ask anybody who loves you, and you will almost certainly hear that their affections are informed and supported by the pride they have in you. Hence, your task is to become proficient with pride. To begin with, get and keep yourself constantly present to what you should rightfully be proud of. In all probability it is achievement, as well as persistence. Do not neglect, however, to be proud of how good you have been to other people. Time and time again you have been supportive above and beyond the call of friendship. Over and over you have gone beyond offering a helping hand to follow through. As result, many have manifested what was once only a dream for them. Of all that, you can and should be justly proud. — by Len Wallick

We have just published our 2016 annual, Vision Quest. Here are content lists and excerpts from each of the 12 signs.


Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Just because it’s a new year does not mean you should be doing something different. If anybody knows the value of sticking with what works, it is you. The idea, however, is not to get stuck once what works has run its course. Therefore, endeavor to keep going as you have while keeping an eye out for your chance to make things work even better. The most important thing for you to keep in working order at this time is your body. When in doubt, choose rest over strain. Listen to your body and heed its calls for sleep and nourishment. Err on the side of caution when it comes to staying well. If you have your health, nearly anything else is possible, and all sorts of possibilities are soon to open up — provided you can be both physically fit and mentally capable of releasing attachment to what no longer serves you. — by Len Wallick

We have just published our 2016 annual, Vision Quest. Here are content lists and excerpts from each of the 12 signs.


Aries (March 20-April 19)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — If you can figure out a way build a castle in the sky (which you just might be able to do), more power to you. Most castles, however, need a foundation. That foundation, in turn, needs to be laid in a place where it will endure, so that the time and effort you put into construction will be worth your while. Fortunately, you temporally have the ability to read both nature and time with the ease of reading a newspaper. The only thing that could trip you up is doubt in your ability to do so. For that reason, you will want to work on becoming more comfortable with taking risks. This does not mean becoming more reckless, or even more courageous. Instead, you need to trust and continuously develop your ability to see how all the possible outcomes the future holds will eventually collapse into a single reality — one that you could see from the beginning. — by Len Wallick

We have just published our 2016 annual, Vision Quest. Here are content lists and excerpts from each of the 12 signs.
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About Len Wallick

Besides endeavoring to be of service to all of you here at Planet Waves, Len strives to live in Seattle while working as a professional astrologer. To contact him for an astrology reading you can send an e-mail to: His telephone number is 206-356-5467. In addition to his profession, Len contributes to the Seattle community without monetary compensation by serving as a Reiki practitioner and teacher through classes and outreach offered by the Seattle Reiki Mastery Series modality.

2 thoughts on “Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope, Jan.7 – Jan.14

  1. P. Sophia

    =^.^= Thanks for the weekly readings Len! They (Libra’s) in particular) have been spot on. I like the (new) sign logos, as well.. It has been helpful in PW denoting their ruling planets, which I am still in the process of learning for each sign.

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