Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope, April 2 – April 9

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — What is your concept of original? Something you haven’t heard of? That would be a good start, though you’ll probably need to go further than that. Your relationship circumstances are calling for a deeper approach than you might ordinarily take. Or said another way, something unusual is happening and you need to respond in a way that’s appropriate to your situation. It’s not exactly a new development. It’s more like a situation that’s been brewing for a long time is revealing something you hadn’t seen before. The surface of something is being drawn back, and you’re getting a look at some of the underlying tensions. Those, in turn, describe a level of necessity that it would help you immensely to consider honestly. You are in a “things are not what they seemed” moment — which means you get to see them as they are.

After the Eclipse: Planet Waves Has You Covered, Aries

Dear Friend and Reader:

In just a couple of days, we’ll all experience the April 4 lunar eclipse, featuring the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Libra. This event is especially significant for Aries and those who love them — making Eric’s soon-to-be-released Aries birthday reading a must-have gift.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

By now, you’ve noticed what themes this eclipse season is stirring up for you. But do you know how to carry your insights beyond this event? Have you figured out the right questions to ask yourself, or the most constructive, creative, empowering perspective from which to consider them?

If not, don’t panic.

Take a few breaths, read your horoscope here, and remember why you were so excited to find Planet Waves in the first place. Then pre-order your Aries reading — still only $24.95 — so you can dive into it as soon as it’s ready.

You’ll get two half-hour segments of astrology, an additional audio file with a tarot reading and astrology afterthoughts, access to last year’s audio reading for Aries, an extended sign description, and images of the charts Eric uses and the tarot spread.

Once the reading is published, the price will increase. Once we move through Saturday’s eclipse, we’ll be in a new cycle of astrology — and of life. Give your Aries loved ones (or yourself) some extra spark as this season shifts into full gear.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Focus  your efforts, your energy and your intentions on specific goals; or perhaps even one of them. There is plenty going through your mind; many ideas, desires, visions. In fact you may be feeling a level of chaos brewing on that off-to-the-side level of awareness. At the same time, you have the ability to concentrate your strength and really get something done — as long as you don’t distract yourself with too much head-tripping. That will be easier said than done, till you actually step up to the challenge with some determination. Make a few decisions about what your top priorities are. Make sure you’re not neglecting anything that simply cannot wait. Then ride the wave of momentum connected to the Full Moon eclipse and notice how much you get done. As for the carnival of inner distractions, that is your power source. The specifics matter less than the energy that’s brewing.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may feel pulled between being out and among friends, and secluded in your space making art, music or writing. I suggest you take care of your inner needs first, and then be amongst people and have that kind of more extraverted fun. You have real ideas simmering, and they need your protection and attention. You also have a limited window of opportunity act on certain factors (which I would say is Friday night into Saturday night), whereas the out-and-about kind of fun will still be there waiting for you. Right now your creative process is your most helpful therapy. It’s the place where you’ll be able to get insight into yourself, and find some answers to the questions you’ve been asking. But they are not likely to come in a tidy package. Rather, they’re likely to arrive as part of a discovery process, and you’ll know you’re really on that journey because you feel like you’re taking some unusual chances with what you say or express. That sense of risk is essential.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — What is your concept of home? What is your concept of secure? To the extent that involves a relationship, you may need to rethink your approach. In truth, safe is not what will help you feel safe and secure is not what will help you feel secure. It would seem that you’re challenging yourself to live outside of your past notions of what made you feel grounded. That, in turn, may be somewhat troubling because your sign is known for its needing grounding and security. But if you seek that in a relationship, you’re seeking in a place that is one of the least dependable, because relationships change so often. Which leads to this weekend’s eclipse. You just might benefit from exploring the aspects of relationship that are anything but secure in the conventional sense. Where you will feel the most natural and the most at home is in the realm of ‘forever changes’. It does indeed.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You cannot be clear with others if you’re not clear with yourself, and your chart is saying it’s time for both. There’s an inherent paradox in determining that you need clarity, though. It requires some clarity to notice that fact. This weekend’s eclipse describes some scenario in which you get at least that far. You might, for example, notice what you don’t have the words to say — and then you can figure out what those words should be. There is a pressing necessity, however. You have a lot of responsibility on your hands right now, and you’re accountable for the actions of others. Therefore your alertness and awareness (or lack thereof) will spread out into the world or into a community. You remain in the position of setting an example, though unlike in recent weeks, you’re now setting an active example rather than a passive one. This calls for more assertive leadership. And that demands clarity first and foremost.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Everything comes down to self-worth. By everything, I mean the state of our relationships, of the world and of existence. Reality is self-mediated. That is, it’s fairly obvious that how we experience the world is a product of our perceptions. The problem with that approach is that it’s often difficult to put it into practice. Or said another way, how you feel about yourself seems difficult to control. But really, that’s on the moment-to-moment basis. Self-esteem is best conducted as a long-term project. It would include a study of the past, in particular of influences that have impacted how you feel about yourself (positively and negatively) and a series of choices that you make on the level of your values. In essence, every value you hold is a reflection of how you feel about yourself. Once you begin to bring your values into line with what really works for you, your self-esteem will improve. Focus this issue and Saturday’s lunar eclipse will carry you light years in a few short days.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — A total eclipse of the Moon in your birth sign is taking you below the surface ideas you have about yourself. The thing is, you may have already thought you were aware of what was going on down there, and I don’t doubt you’ve made some helpful observations about yourself. Yet there is always deeper you can go, and you may surprise yourself as you make contact with what I can only describe as your real agenda. One thing that’s clear is that your attachment to the past is starting to fall away like so many autumn leaves, and something new is sprouting like so many springtime buds. You have also placed a high value on independence in your relationships. You’ve been willing to confront the factor of instability that’s often necessary on the way to making some space for yourself, though the real message of this weekend’s eclipse is that you are the most stable and dependable presence in your own life. Therefore, count on yourself.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You may fear you’ve taken the risk of letting others run your life, but not exactly. Actually, you and someone close to you have just about everything in common — except maybe a sense of familiarity with the territory. For you, unfamiliar is hot. Remind yourself that. It’s what you crave and what stokes your curiosity. For someone else, your encounter with the unfamiliar is a reminder of how good it can be. As you explore this territory, you will encounter places where your desires and seeming needs are grafted onto the past. Make sure you update your ideas about what you need, and especially about what you want. At this stage, desire is the name of your particular game. Needs, in truth, are few in number and you have many of them met. Desires are more complex; they can seem like a luxury; they may feel open to editing by others. Try wanting what you want, in the moment — especially when it’s right in front of you.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You are seeking a sense of higher justice — of fairness that really means something. For you, that also translates to having a vision for your own life that matches what you suspect your true talents to be. I want you to know there is an opening for you. By opening I mean a way through; a space in society where you can live and grow. Do not fall for the notion that the world is some kind of closed book. It’s true that opportunities seem few and far between, and many people cling to what they have with a kind of desperation. Pay no mind to that. Pay attention to what you’re doing. Stay focused on developing your talent, and more than that, putting it to productive use. Don’t hoard what you have — share what you have: your knowledge, your skills, your ideas and your talent. Keep an eye on possible paying gigs, or better paying gigs, but keep your heart and soul tuned to who you are, and what you actually do. Do that; be that.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Guide yourself not by instinct but by intuition. Instinct is generally made of old programming; intuition is immediately relevant information that comes in fresh from moment to moment. Your role in the world is changing, from moment to moment, and it would be wise of you to keep up with the news. By role, I mean your calling, and your choice of how to respond. Over the next few days you may notice that an old concept of what you’re ‘supposed to do’ is replaced by a much newer idea. The place where you make a subtle pivot is on the level of taking leadership more seriously. The thing about leadership is that it’s an unusually compelling and necessary calling, and yet at the same time, anyone who is called and who answers must confront a degree of isolation and solitude, at least at first. Consider that you’re aware of necessities others cannot or choose not to perceive. You are responding to what would make others uneasy and insecure. That will not stop you.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You’re still in a position where you must be strong for others, even if they don’t see it that way. To do this, you’re having to juggle and shuffle a diversity of self-interests, set them aside, get them out of the way or put them on hold. This is temporary, though you’re learning something interesting, which is how resilient you are. There’s always enough food to go around, enough resources, enough of you. Remember that. What you’re able to offer is largely the result of what you’ve been through over a very long stretch of your life where you seemed to experience everything there was to experience. So you know what others are going through. But more significantly, you have sufficient experience to give you confidence that you can handle anything. The energy you don’t waste worrying whether you can stand up to your current challenges, you’re able to invest in the world around you. Think of your life and all the people in it as a farm that you’re tending. Hard work — but worth it.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Keep your arrangements flexible, and make sure any agreements you enter are responsive to your immediate circumstances. You are in a rather significant moment wherein anything is up for renegotiation. Evaluate everything first on the basis of how it works for you, and then on the basis of how it works for others. You will need to meet both qualifications for something to be functional for you, though remember the order of operations. Most of all, stay in contact with your environment. Ultimately, that is your primary relationship, and your environment will give you nearly all the information you need about what to do, and how to do it. You probably already know that adaptability is your greatest strength. Put it to work now. Make any changes you need to make. Focus on being flexible, with everything from money to time to any arrangements you need to make to your physical body. Look at the world and be limber enough to look into it, and even through it. You will be told everything you need to know.

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