Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope, April 16 – April 23

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Take care of unfinished business. Make sure you’ve said what you have to say, and done what you have to do. I suggest you go back and do an inventory of what you have not completed and any promises you have not kept. Choose from your most important priorities and start with the top tier. You might also take care of a bunch of easy ones right up front so you build some momentum. We are approaching a New Moon in your birth sign, followed by the Sun changing signs. That means new opportunities, and more than that, new priorities. In preparation for that you will want to wipe your slate as clean and clear as you can, with little or nothing lingering from the past. And if you take up that issue you will see you really do have plenty of influence.

Taurus Birthday Reading Now Available for Pre-Order

Dear Friend and Taurus:

Speaking as someone with her Sun in Taurus, I know that sometimes we need a little more time to warm up to an idea before making a move. So to that end, Eric’s offering you the chance to pre-order your Taurus birthday reading for this year starting now — a full week-and-a-half before the Sun gets to your sign!

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Taurus is one of the most physically oriented signs. Yet for the past few years, your inner life has been transforming dramatically. This journey has been at times incredibly rewarding — and sometimes maddening.

Taking everything to a new level this year, your ruling planet, Venus, and its counterpart, Mars, dance their way into not one; not two; but three conjunctions (thanks to a retrograde by Venus). This is a pretty special (and rare) series of events, and Eric will be delving into what it (and the rest of your astrology) means for you in this year’s reading.

If you’re like me, getting true value for your money — in the form of something that’s beautiful or practical (preferably both) — is a high priority. And I know of no other astrological audio readings that deliver the same level of audio quality, attention to detail, longevity (this reading will serve you long past your birthday month) and sincere, soul-level insight you’ll actually use. Certainly not for this price: $24.95 for at least an hour of astrology in two segments, plus a third segment of astrology afterthoughts and a tarot reading.

You’ll also get access to last year’s reading for review, an extended sign description, the charts Eric used and photos of the tarot spread. Pre-order your Taurus birthday reading now for $24.95, and you won’t feel like you’re rushing to catch the discounted price when the reading is ready.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may feel like there is some mystery you’re not understanding, or like you’re under some pressure you have not given a name to. You may feel some relief with Saturday’s Sun-Moon conjunction, and certainly when the Sun enters your birth sign on Monday the 20th. Here is the thing: you’re actually working with quite a bit of information. You know more than you think you know. It’s the sensation of not knowing, or of wondering, that is causing the distraction. If you focus on what you know rather than what you think you don’t know, you will have something to build on. What you may discover is that you’re of two different opinions about something important. Your chart suggests considering the possibility that they’re both true. This is less about making a contradiction and more about resolving one.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Fritz Perls, one of the co-founders of gestalt therapy, once said “lose your mind and come to your senses.” What you perceive in your immediate environment, what you notice and what you feel, all take priority over what you think. You’ll know you’re there because you feel less anxiety and less confusion. There’s a connection between focusing on your senses and taking responsibility for your life. Said another way, one method of avoiding your life is by reducing things to concepts, rather than engaging with them directly as experiences. Therefore, speak directly to people and listen to them. Notice your environment and how you feel wherever you are. Most of all, focus on what you know is the most meaningful to you rather than what you ‘think you’re supposed to do’. That admission of personal meaning is a way of giving yourself permission to live your life your way.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You may be struggling to stabilize certain elements of your career or professional life. It would, however, help if you thought in terms of your vocation rather than your career. A career is based on a pre-established path that in theory has a distinct beginning, middle and end. A vocation is what you’re called to do, which you do because it’s the thing to do. That’s likely to include some element of confronting what has never been done before, where there are no prefabricated moves and few possibilities to have expectations. Said another way, you’re not a careerist; you’re a pioneer at something. You might want to begin with the possibility that you have a way of opening up new territory in whatever you do. That comes with special challenges. Recognize that and you’re most of the way to rising to the occasion.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The theme of leadership not only persists in your life, it’s intensifying by the day. You know you have critical responsibilities, and that you’re being looked to as an example. When the Sun changes signs Monday this will become even more apparent, as you now enter the phase in the year when you’re at your most visible. If there’s a point of tension, it’s this: you’re restless. You crave freedom of a kind you have not had in a long time, and which you may have decided no longer existed. There may seem to be no easy point of resolve between these two states. That does not, however, mean that there’s no solution to the puzzle. But if there is one, it’s going to come from having an original idea, which influences both sides of the equation — the responsibility side and the restlessness side. By original idea I mean something other than doing the same things the same way.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You seem to have had your mind on various challenges and entanglements, which seem to involve where a sexual situation meets a financial situation. Or maybe you’ve just been wrapped up in what seems like the chaos of another person’s inner situation. That would not be possible if you were grounded in your own reality. Said another way, the only way another person’s ‘stuff’ can confuse you is if you’re already confused. Therefore I suggest you focus on yourself. That probably means setting aside the needs, the values and perhaps your involvement with someone else. That may feel daring, as this scenario seems to be fulfilling some deep need that you have even as it mixes you up. Yet I would propose that your need for grounding and stability is even more pressing, which you will discover once you get a taste how they feel.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — This is a positively crazy time to be a Libra, because all the usual things you need and crave seem to be unavailable. Let’s see; first there is stability. That seems like a distant memory. Your solar chart describes you as pushed to one extreme after the next. Your definition of security seems to be changing to something like, ‘When you’re in an earthquake zone, it’s best to live in a tent’. This is so contrary to the way you say you want to live that you could imagine that there’s some cosmic purpose. I can propose such a theme. How do you maintain your integrity in times of unpredictability and erratic change, under constant stress? The answer can be said in one word: devotion. This is where all roads, all paths and all purposes lead for you. Where there is true devotion there can be no compromises, but one thing is sure: you must be flexible.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Your chart is describing an interesting relationship scenario that may have a hint of polyamory. You seem to need some form of total focus in a relationship, while someone close to you has a lighter, breezier idea of what love is. You may think there’s no meeting point between their perspective and yours. I would remind you that you can only meet someone where they are. I would also remind you that ‘loving’ is loving a person for who they are and not who we would have them be. This is better news for you than you may think. You would surely benefit from loosening up your ideas about relating to others. You might be stunned to find that as you encounter different ideas, you discover that they turn you on. You might start with a conversation, not the ‘work it out’ but the ‘let’s have fun’ kind. Love is compersion: what turns you on turns me on.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — One topic consistently left out of astrology is the deeply emotional nature of those born under your sign. Astrology books talk about your derring-do, your globetrotting, your home that resembles an international youth hostel, and your need for space and for independence. Yet right now your charts are describing an emphasis on your inner reality, with the core quality being devotion. This is a special kind of devotion, centered on home and on your creative journey. I suggest you keep your focus inward, and if you bring other people into your space, make sure they are supportive, gentle and understanding. You are involved in coming to some deep realizations about who you are and what you feel called to do. And at the same time you’re ready to take a new risk expressing yourself based on what you’re now recognizing and accepting about yourself. There is no rush, not even for clarity — what you’re experiencing is beyond words.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — True confidence comes from the inside. It’s also a misunderstood concept, taken to mean certainty or cockiness. It’s no such thing. Confidence means ‘with fidelity’, which is another way of saying with faith, or with trust. Seen that way, it’s based in uncertainty rather than a sense of knowing, but that can lead to a sublime kind of boldness that you would very much appreciate now. I suggest you work with this gently. Remember that confidence is something you build with experience rather than wait for; it’s a process of slowly figuring it out. As part of that experience, it helps if you don’t try to talk yourself out of anything, or make matters more complicated than they are. It’s also clear that the talent or skill you think you’re the least capable of is the one where you have the greatest gift. But I cannot convince you of that; you can, however, discover it if you want.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may have the feeling that the universe is expecting you to give and give, and get very little in return. If that’s true, it’s a testament to how much you have. Rather than cutting back, I suggest you keep making yourself available — but only where you’re appreciated, or where you understand that you’re providing something even where you’re not fully appreciated. Over the next few days, the strength of your position will become more apparent. The truth is, you are more grounded than nearly anyone around you. You understand the foundation you’ve built your life on. And you know it’s necessary to be able to stay close to the edge in order to actually participate in a process of change. Right now people need your reassurance more than you need theirs, so remind them that you’re paying attention and participating in their lives.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You’re at a state of your growth where you must engage with money and with the life of your soul as one thing. These two concepts are usually divided off and made to be not only different but antagonistic toward one another. You are now involved in a process of integrating them into one concept, one experience. The thing they have in common is that your money and your soul are both expressions of you. They are both manifestations of your energy. That is the way to think of whatever you make, touch, or change; that’s the way to think of any interaction. One of the most significant problems we have in a society that’s full of ‘money issues’ is the failure to see money as a direct extension of life force energy. While nearly everyone is busy amputating it or making it into some kind of abstraction, I suggest you focus and understand that in this world, use of financial resources is a core theme of evolution. Let that inform all your choices.

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