Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2015

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Pull your mind into focus and set your priorities. This will give you a sense of direction. As you move through the next few weeks, you’re likely to revise your plans many times, or more likely, rework the language you use to describe them. I suggest you not get lost in the sauce of thinking that the words you pick to describe something are more important than whatever they are designed to illustrate. Focus on your central idea and you’ll find it a lot easier to be clear. Stay close to your subject matter. At the same time, keep shifting your viewpoint, so you get a fuller panorama. Notice when your perspective gets stuck. When it does, move around and look from another angle, or through a different lens. If you find yourself arguing, argue the other side of the case as well, and then weigh and balance what you learn. Language is always a matter of experimentation, of revision, and of getting the best approximate fit between a concept and how you sketch it out. Think in terms of improvement rather than perfection. Remember that good writing is not merely about clear words but rather about expressing clear ideas. And it can take some time to get there. If you consider that you’re describing something that already exists, this process will be much easier.

It’s Your Birthday, Taurus!

Venus Retrograde, and Three Conjunctions to Mars

If you’re Taurus or Taurus rising, your astrology this year is sending a message about specific projects, goals or healing missions. Specific is the opposite of general. That means it’s time to refine and focus your agenda.

Planet Waves
True-color rendition of Venus, a planet similar to Earth.

There is a crucial issue of how you handle self-criticism — particularly of your creative endeavors, and of yourself as a lover. The usual options in this world, which are blaming oneself for everything or letting oneself off the hook for everything, don’t count for much now.

What matters is that you recognize the extent to which you critique yourself unfairly, that you discover how that developed, and that you make some adjustments to your psychology.

This is all designed to give you an easier time living within your own mind (which you and I know is a very busy place). Taurus is one of the most mentally active signs of the zodiac. It’s just that, unlike Gemini, you don’t always express yourself.

This year’s Taurus astrology has several distinctions. I’ll go over these in some technical detail (not too much!) and then add additional interpretation.

Venus Retrograde from July 25 through Sept. 6

First, Venus, the planet associated with Taurus (its ‘ruling’ planet) will be retrograde between July 25 and Sept. 6. Venus is retrograde the least of all the planets. It happens for about six weeks every 18 months. For this reason, every Venus retrograde is always a significant turning point.

Planet Waves
Venus of Willendorf, more than 25,000 years old, was discovered during excavation in Austria in 1908.

Venus will station retrograde in the very first degree of Virgo, then back up into Leo, where it will be for the duration of the retrograde. Venus will spend much of its current cycle in Leo — approximately five months, from June 6 though Oct. 8.

That puts a Leo emphasis on the next year and a half of your life. But in the midst of that, Venus will spend three weeks in Virgo. And it will be conjunct a slow-moving point that is about focus, overfocus and unfair self-evaluation.

So in the midst of a lot of Leo — seeing your beauty, taking pride in yourself and loving who you are and what you do — there is this three-week pause to reflect on the details. Notice them; see what you’ve been missing. This really is about observing the obvious.

Three Conjunctions of Venus and Mars

The other interesting factor for Taurus this year is three conjunctions of Venus and Mars. Mars is the planet symbolic of your relationship partners (whether you’re male or female).

One has already happened, in early January (in Aries). The next two are on Sept. 1 (in Leo) and Nov. 2 (in Virgo). This is the story of a relationship. It describes a series of phases that an encounter with someone is going through, on the way to arriving in a place of mutual understanding.

The relationship may go through ups and downs during that time. The thing to be cautious of is competition. Even beauty- and comfort-loving Taurus can be a fierce competitor. That would only complicate matters, where love and intimacy are concerned.

In many ways, doing something other than competition would answer just about any scenario or impasse you arrive at in a relationship. That could be on any level, such as scorekeeping, money, sex, sex appeal, success, whatever. Do your best to foster cooperation, and a sense of mutual assistance, not just with important partners but with everyone.

I will go over these and many other themes in the Taurus birthday reading, which is available now for pre-order.

PS, here is the Taurus reading for last year.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You seem determined to sort out the money issue, which is a good thing. Remember though that money is not usually something that comes to you. Rather, it’s something you go out and get. And if it does come to you, it’s often the result of long preparation. That’s actually good news, because there are likely to be several skills you’ve developed that qualify. In that light, I have two suggestions: One is to embark on a personal resources inventory. What do you know, or what skills do you have, that are of value to others? What do you currently get paid for that you can improve, so as to increase its value? Before you go striking things off your list for not being perfect, or well-developed enough, take it slow and consider carefully what you’re working with. Communicate with people who pay you and find out how you can snuggle tighter with the larger business plan. Second, you need to connect to your motivation. That’s another way of saying what drives you, and allow it to do so. Skip excuses like ‘money isn’t everything’ or ‘money doesn’t really matter that much’ and actually make contact with your need or desire to improve your life from a material standpoint. If you look carefully you’ll find many matches between your resources and your motivation to succeed.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Think of yourself as a weaver. You already know that fibers that are woven into fabric are much stronger, with more integrity, than a collection of loose threads. Therefore, collect the loose threads and, one at a time, gather them into the fabric of your life. Weaving is a conscious act. It’s based on an idea and an intention. You may at first need to trace the threads back to their origins, untangle them and place them where they belong. This is of course a mental process, and you may be sorting through some complex ideas about who you are, how you feel and how you feel about others. There would seem to be some scenario from the past that is calling for a careful review. You’re likely to notice interconnections between people and events that you might have missed, though you saw the clues many times before. You don’t need to look for the connections, merely to notice them. I also suggest you pause before you judge the intentions of others, especially on events in the past, because much information is going to come to the surface. The timing extends into mid-June, because Mercury is retrograde in your sign (beginning mid-May). Other chart factors say you may be in a rush to get to the bottom of things, or experiencing some other form of impatience. Give yourself time to untangle and weave what you learn into a coherent story.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — If you’ve ever wanted to reveal all your secrets to yourself, this is the time. With this I would include deep,
unspeakable desires, which you may find are more easily translated into words over the next few weeks. You may discover that you can see viewpoints that are opposite what you typically hold. This doesn’t mean you’re changing how you feel, but rather that you’re open to considering different perspectives. Notably, you don’t have to share this information with anyone yet. In fact you will be working out a diversity of inner contradictions, and you won’t know for a while where you really stand with yourself. It would probably be better if you kept what you’re working through to yourself, or perhaps only a trusted confidant, at least through the end of Mercury retrograde on June 11. The real gift seems to be getting to the bottom of your anger. This would be especially true if you feel you don’t have any. And it’ll be helpful if you’re aware that you struggle with forgiveness in any way, especially in a world that seems intent on doling out insults and injuries on a regular basis. There’s plenty you can do about this, at least in terms of cultivating your own peace of mind. Understanding really is the most significant precursor to compassion, and within a short time you will understand a lot more than you do today.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Many mysteries will reveal themselves over the next five or six weeks; that seems to be written in every corner of the sky. Your own personal discoveries are likely to surround your sexual history. The fact that sex is exploited, commercialized and joked about does not lessen its significance. In a clear and sober state of mind, just about everyone would agree with that statement. You now have a rare opportunity to focus on a dimension of your healing that you may have been trying to see clearly for years. There’s a factor you first encountered during childhood that may make itself known. The result of that event or experience seems to have been accelerated maturity, but you paid a price for that; you left behind an aspect of the child you once were. Information about this may come from any direction, though I suspect that a series of interactions you have with people in your community or circle of friends are going to help you figure out how you feel and what you need to do. Pay attention to any conflicts that arise, particularly with people you thought you trusted. Be aware when someone reveals another side of their personality, or when you notice that it’s there. Look for the other side of every story. This will guide you closer to the truth that you seek. Then take that information in and contemplate it quietly.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You seem to be fixating on the question of why you struggle with insecurity to the extent that you do. It’s a good question, though if you look around at the world and notice how much is teetering on the brink of disaster, you would feel better about yourself. We in the 21st century often think of ourselves as being so much better off than the pioneers or the settlers or assorted primitives who came before us. But is that really true? There’s so much more that can go wrong today. For you, though, the question is where you place your focus or, as may be the case, your over-focus. Because the things that concern you and consume your energy so rarely go wrong, you can read your own thoughts like a tarot spread. You don’t actually need to worry about what you tend to worry about, though it will tell you a lot. There really is a root cause to your worries, and from what I can see you’re in an excellent position to figure it out. I can give you a clue, which is that it’s likely to be a variant on something that troubled your parents and perhaps their parents but is no longer a factor in your environment. Once you understand that their problems are not your problems, you will feel so much better.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You now have the blessing of being seen, and even better, being seen for who you are. While it’s true that your focus is often on making sure that others are taken care of, you’re not always recognized for that. If you are who you are, it will be obvious who you are. Under this astrology, you have extra freedom to reach for goals that may have seemed distant or impossible, and actually get a result. Just make sure that you don’t talk yourself out of that possibility. Surround yourself with supportive people, and gather a few new ones. Make sure you take care of yourself and that you’re taken care of by others; your state of mind is nearly all that matters now. Therefore, if you have a crisis of faith, I suggest you speak with those who are in a position to help. You might even decide that it’s better to leave certain concerns to others whom you trust, so that you can keep your mind free to take care of other things. Under the current astrology the best thing you can do is be visible, show your face in public and stay on the radar of those you respect or want to work with. All of that, and remember your goals. Know what you want and don’t forget.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You certainly seem to be walking that fine line between fear and desire. Yet your fear, in some ways, seems the larger of the two, as you contemplate all that could potentially go wrong. That’s not really an issue, though if it is, ask yourself whether you’re using your power correctly. Consider carefully, and if the answer is yes, then move on. What really may be the thing making you nervous is the passion you’re feeling for someone, or that they feel for you. In that way, intense desire can come across as fear, though I would ask: fear of what? Aaah well, fear of the only thing that seems to get anyone’s attention, which is the potential for change. Change in this scenario means experiencing actual feelings, and meeting someone who has the potential to match or even exceed your energy. Remember the many ways you’ve invited this into your life. Remember that if someone seems to be just a bit difficult to understand, it would be helpful if you were to note the context in which you’re seeing and experiencing them. You may have a way of taking things very personally, which would be natural enough. Yet I suggest you pull back your vision and look with a wide perspective. See all the contexts that are involved. And then take every opportunity to share, and to feel, as fully as you can.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You don’t need to argue with your emotions, or block them, though you would be wise to notice them and treat them as real. You seem ready to step out of a corner that you somehow let yourself get backed into, and the issue appears to be whether you really can trust someone. Looked at more closely, though, the question is whether you can trust yourself. If you can manage that much, you will be able to make more sense of the potentially erratic thinking and/or conduct of someone you’re close to. I suggest you hold open plenty of space for them to go through their gyrations, and to express everything they want to express, including and especially their contradictions. As they do this, if you’re paying attention, you will have all the information you need to figure out exactly what’s going through their heart and soul. Just be aware this could take a little while. You may have reasons to change, radically shift or end the relationship; I would urge patience and forbearance. Act like you have all the time in the world. While you’re doing this, you’re going to learn a lot — and I do mean a lot — about some inner questions and issues you’ve been wondering about forever. The tolerance you offer to others is the same as what you offer yourself. The truth is organized in layers — therefore, patience really helps.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — It would help if you believe the information you’re given, especially if you recognize that it’s associated with your personal evolution. Your charts suggest you might not recognize as true something that is indeed true, even though you have evidence to support it. One hint is that you’ve figured this out before, and it didn’t quite register. Now the pattern is easy to see. You don’t need to make the same mistake again, especially if it involves a relationship and what you’re learning and exploring there. You have by this time figured out there is some internal issue that’s preventing you from fully trusting this situation, or in truth, many others. It’s as if you can see this scenario as it is only when you don’t look directly at it. Now, however, a constellation is aligning that is allowing you to enter a direct dialog with this issue. One theme is whether you feel you can accurately express yourself. This in turn has a way of
making you feel the only option is silence. But that’s not really a viable route; not now, anyway. The more
progressive way to go is to enter into a direct dialog with every taboo. Put the subject matter into words, whatever that takes. Strive for clarity day by day and please don’t be deterred by the small effort it can take to get there.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Keep scratching out your niche in the world, the one where you belong. If it often seems more difficult than necessary, remember that you’re doing something original. You may also be doing something that contradicts the many prevailing beliefs of our time. But what it doesn’t contradict are the prevailing needs of our time. Rather than focusing on beliefs or on what is supposedly acceptable (or not), stay close to the necessities you’re responding to. Know what they are, and when in doubt, come back to the egg. That’s the thing to speak to. Remember that people are hurting, that they often feel dispossessed of the world, and that they have less energy and often less ability to reason than you do. Plus, very often you’re willing to take chances they are not willing to take. Therefore, don’t try to convince anyone of anything. Rather, speak directly to their needs, and demonstrate what you can do for them. It’s true that this puts you in a nurturing role, though in truth that is what’s required for both your own progress and for that of the planet we all share. Remember too that the solution to any problem is most often born of creativity. That in turn requires an experiment, which is exactly how your chart is describing your life at the moment. So keep at it, one day at a time.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Consider all the possible combinations of work, wellbeing and healing, and experiment with them. I don’t mean the words, I mean what those words represent. This is where you can find benefit in your life, for yourself and for others. Many factors may seem to be unpredictable or unstable, at least for the moment. What is dependable is that there’s work to do, that you have some important healing processes going, and that wellbeing is the core theme of your life. Your greatest productivity and strongest relationships will come from the place where these things meet. Focus on those relationships and you will strengthen them, and come into a new state of balance. The world may be stressed out, and people may be struggling to find time to check all their devices. You have abundant energy, you have a clear agenda and a sense of what matters to you. You can trust your perceptions about these things. While you’re here, I suggest you focus on one longterm plan that you know is going to improve your life. If you must lean on others to create (or claim) the space and energy for this special project, that’s why they’re in your life. Allow yourself to be supported by your environment. If it helps, remember the abundant benefit people get from your presence. Take care of yourself and remember that your priorities actually matter.

One thought on “Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2015

  1. Donna Boyle

    Capricorn…”One theme is whether you feel you can accurately express yourself. This in turn has a way of making you feel the only option is silence. But that’s not really a viable route; not now, anyway. The more progressive way to go is to enter into a direct dialog with every taboo. Put the subject matter into words, whatever that takes. Strive for clarity day by day and please don’t be deterred by the small effort it can take to get there.”

    So TRUE…just finished blogging about a very cool thing that happened. And then I read this!
    Thanks Eric!!!
    Change is the new challenge!

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