This live audio class covers the most basic level of astrology: where things happen, the houses. If you understand the houses as environments and groups of themes, you can read a chart. We will hold the class by teleconference at noon EDT on Saturday, Oct. 8, 2016. You may sign up here.
Today’s Oracle takes us to the Leo weekly for June 17, 2011.

The Sun may be reminding you of certain factors from the distant past, including some things you would prefer to forget. You might forget the event but not the feeling associated with it; I suggest you stay focused on the feeling, which might be lurking just outside the range of your normal perception. There is something here about approval or acceptance among a group of some kind — it could be your family, it could be your friends, it could be a circumstance that reminds you of both. In case you get the idea that you’re avoiding something, I would propose that actually, you’re doing your best to immerse yourself in something deeply personally relevant, creative or daring. If you’re wondering what that is, consider the experiences that you wanted to have as a child but were not able to have. You may still be feeling a hankering to try some of that, or a lot of it. When you shift in that direction, notice the social rules that seem to hold you back. Observe whether you think you have any power over them.
The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our Galaxy, Backstage and Core Community members. See this link for more information.
Bly’ piece on men http://www.pbs.org/kued/nosafeplace/interv/bly.html
and a reply by a friend who works/ed with men in the context of domestic violence
‘I’m not sure I like Robert Bly to be honest- he doesn’t really address that violent men are very damaged and terrified of being vulnerable – I know he talks about shame which is the way a man views himself and is viewed by others but I just don’t trust his approach.
Mainly because I am not sure therapy for men should just happen with other men- He talks as if women can’t handle a man’s temper- in a safe, well led therapy group that is not my experience and with women present it is transformative for a man in my experience.
Most of the men I have met in men’s groups have NOT addressed their issues with women but cling to the safe club that is The Men’s Group.
But I’m also sure I am generalizing too much and there are exceptions.
this is the relevant programme ‘Building Peace Through the Empowerment of Women in Post-Conflict Countries’
Interesting points Pam! Unfortunately no time to’discuss’ them with you at the moment. But look forward to checking out the link you posted!