Today’s Oracle takes us to the Aquarius weekly for Aug. 9, 2013.

Mercury is stirring up the need for a conversation about sex, or rather, many of them. There’s just one little problem: sex is the one thing that everyone is an expert on, hardly anyone has read a book about and that few people have the courage (or the vocabulary) to discuss. It’s commonly avoided; that’s not a shock. Then there are numerous taboos thrown over the topic, as well as not just the acceptability of lying about it but also a kind of urgency to do so. This is, however, the area of existence that wants more than any other to be invited into the light of day. It’s likely to be the stuck point in one or more of your partnerships, though if you follow the threads, you’ll discover that may go deeper. For example, you might recognize that you simply must come to terms with this subject in its many forms. These include sex for fun, for healing, for reproduction, sexual health and, finally, the financial value you put on your favors. Everyone has a price. What is yours, and more to the point, why?
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