Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2014

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Gemini monthly for June 1, 2001


Everyone is a control freak. It’s just merely a matter of what we strive to control, that’s all. In a manner of speaking, artists are fascists, writers are tyrants, musicians are maestros, chefs are chiefs; and those without a creative purpose, without a constructive, productive but mainly creative intention to their lives are doomed to be petty tyrants, acting out their frustrations on those around them. Now that Saturn has officially commenced its 30-month journey across your birth sign, you get to make some choices. Rightfully, this is a cause and a time for celebrating, but it’s a celebration of acknowledgment. You are, unfortunately, likely to feel this as pressure to conform, to live up to something, or to take life “too seriously.” However, you have been waiting for such cues for a long time. Not dealing with them has been remarkably frustrating. Have you had enough?

This is an ancient horoscope and by some miracle it is still relevant today. Experience the astrology as it happens, written by me weekly and twice monthly, plus your Moonshine horoscope by Len Wallick. Here is how to sign up — and what you get.

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