Today’s Oracle takes us to the Virgo weekly for June 24, 2008.

You have a right to change who you are, and you’ve probably decided the time to do so is now. Indeed, it would appear that you have embarked on one of the most detailed and energetic self-improvement programs of your life. Before you get too far, I would propose that changing who you are is not nearly as important as re-visioning how you feel about yourself. Notably, the influences that are pushing you, and pushing you so hard, to improve yourself are likely to be sending you negative, conflicted or frustrated signals. Another set of influences is encouraging you to accept yourself exactly as you are right now. I recognize the difficulty of this paradox, and I know how pervasive it is in spiritual and self-help circles. The whole game seems to be founded in the need to change, and is activated by acceptance. But we don’t necessarily see that acceptance is the form of change that makes all others possible. Obviously, putting yourself under a lot of pressure does not work. If, however, you discover that you are already under some enormous psychic pressure or carrying what seems to be a burden you don’t understand, that is a sign that you need to switch methods. You may not recognize that what you are going through now is indeed a burden, even though you may feel it is a virtue.
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Wonderful (((())))
“If it is true that one actually chooses the moment of their death (so some say) then it is all the more interesting that the brilliant Stephen Hawking died on the birthdate of Albert Einstein and enjoyed living as many years (both lived to be 76). Prof. Hawking expanded on Einstein’s work. How lucky we are to have been of his generation and thus contemporaneously exposed to his ideas while also witnessing his humanity.”
A profoundly Hawking-esque observation, Pisces Sun. Is it possible that death, like black holes, ain’t as black as it’s painted?
My scarce glimpse of the knowledge in this realm is that “black” is the absence of visible light (i.e., wavelengths) that are detected by the eye as color but it is Stephen Hawking that found that black holes do emit energy at extremely low amounts. This discovery has been named after him “Hawking radiation.” It is possible that our perception of death is limited to our sight, knowledge or comprehension as a sentient being, because death is an ending of our senses that our obviously our body. But all of this is theoretical, on my part. Regarding your characterizing my observation as profounding Hawking-esque, wow, I am very humbled, but don’t believe I come miles close to his observing prowess, but thank you Geoff for your kind words. The thought of death, life, and cosmos, to me, are all intricately entwined. Another observation that I failed to mention yesterday but many did observe elsewhere around the globe, yesterday was also 3.14, (March 14), the number of another spectacular notion, the infinite mathematical value of “Pi.”
I had planned another sentence or two in my contribution, Pisces Sun, but edited it on the grounds of brevity. If, as some argue, there are infinite universes in which every possible variation of events becomes a certainty, then on one of those universes the spirit of Stephen Hawking has just seen the light of day thanks to Mrs Pauline Einstein giving birth to little Albert.
I, too, came across the 3.14 connection yesterday in those YouTube regions devoted to the uncanny and then found myself tempted to watch again my download of Life of Pi. However, I did select those numbers in my entry for last night’s UK lottery but I’m another £2 poorer today as a result. Curiously, one of the other videos which my attention was drawn to on YouTube was about a man who was snowed in and eventually managed to open his door to discover a frozen tiger blocking his exit. It’s all connected, as you know.