Today’s Oracle takes us to the Taurus monthly for January 1999.

Let the Galactic Record reflect that in 1999, in many places a gallon of gasoline costs less than a gallon of water. Isn’t that sick? Water is a pure, unprocessed and non-taxed substance; gasoline must be mined, shipped a great distance, refined in a putrid and complex process, shipped another great distance and then sold at retail with heavy taxes added in. Yet we pay a price for this bargain. Instead of processing their toxic wastes, petroleum companies dump them into the air, earth and water, saving a cost that would eat up all their profits; hence, we eat and drink their toxic sludge; hence, water sold by the bottle. Is this a fair price to pay for cheap gas? Some would say so. Now for a bold question: In what ways are you doing this in your life? Are you exploiting your future and your natural resources at the cost of your creativity, your health and long-term sustainability? The transit of Saturn into rock-solid Taurus suggests a mighty crisis of values for our culture, and for you, an extended time of drawing clear limits about what is truly important. All the major areas of your life must come into question: Your personal identity, your relationships, your parents, your past — and, most important, where you truly want to travel in life. Who do you aspire to be? Do you secretly harbor ambitions (or terror) of being nobody? Or are you finally figuring out that you possess a creative force to be reckoned with? In honor of Saturn, I would propose as your mantra for the year some wisdom I once gleaned from a fortune cookie: “Be resolutely who you are. Be humbly who you aspire to be.”
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