Today’s Oracle takes us to the Sagittarius monthly for January 9, 2007.

Since 1994, the world has been living through a mini-Age of Sagittarius. It’s hard to imagine a mini Sagittarian anything, but on the cosmic scale, 12 years is a blink of the eyes. But beginning now and through 2007, this era we’ve all been experiencing will reveal its true colors — and bold those colors are. The astrology of 2007 — Pluto making its way across the Galactic Core — takes place in Sagittarius, and has been witnessed by no living person; very few trees currently alive witnessed the last go-round. For you personally, it would be hard to exaggerate the effects. The energy promises to be unbelievably intense even on your scale, and the changes you go through may indeed shape the lives of many around you. Your core mission, central to any form of growth, is giving up your judgments about yourself. Humans for the most part entirely fail to notice that they hold themselves in contempt nearly all the time. Worse, we fail to notice this is the cause and core of all the violence in the world, if only because it leads us to expect violence as a natural part of life, and as the normal consequence of the retribution we supposedly deserve. Today you, and all of us, stand at a crossroads: let go of this way of life, or move with greater speed irrevocably down our current very dark road. Let your life be the living example that there is another way..
The Saturn-Pluto conjunction is separating, but still strongly influencing our experience. While this event will happen two or three times in the lives of most people, this particular instance is a moment of convergence and reckoning for the world and for us as individuals.
Eric has completed recording RESPECT, the 2020-2021 Planet Waves annual readings, to cover the momentous astrology of the coming year-plus. You can read more about the project, and order the readings for instant access, here.