Today’s Oracle takes us to the Leo daily for August 9, 2005.

Perhaps the greatest reward of this phase of your life is the extent to which your short-term plans your long-term goals and the person you’re becoming are all so well aligned. You can trust one thing in particular: that all the small adjustments you’ve made to your life are actually adding up to something both coherent and sensible. You may not have seen the larger scheme at every step but you were following your intuition and you’ve done it well. There remains one last piece to the puzzle but you would be wise to wait until Mercury changes directions in your birth sign next week to finalize those arrangements.

Mars in Cancer is making some big-news aspects to many planets — particularly Saturn, Chiron, Pluto, and Eris. Eric has not covered these transits in any birthday reading or the INTELLIGENCE readings, but he just dove into 12 spirited, accessible, genuinely useful videos that put the movements of this key planet of desire, drive and aggression, into personalized context for you. These Spring Reading videos — titled Call the Astrologer! — are available for instant access in a 12-sign bundle, or by individual signs. You can see a video introduction here, and watch a sample video here.