Today’s Oracle takes us to the Aries weekly for Sept. 6, 2002

If you take a good look at how your parents may have supported one another in their various dysfunctions, drugs and/or alcohol included, you will understand something about your own career situation a lot better. It may be that much of your professional energy is directed at not being entangled in their plans for you — plans which may have had nothing at all to do with you in the first place! In the name of reclaiming your life, I suggest you check issues of how their status would have been affected by your professional choices, and how your success would have provided advantages for them. Friday’s somewhat ominous New Moon in the work sector of your chart suggests that this is the perfect time to make at least one substantial decision based on reclaiming your work as an aspect of your life that serves yourself first and everyone else second. There are some kinds of security you no longer need.
The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our All Access and Core Community members. See this link for more information.
The original impetus for this was a request to write a Tribute for Mother’s Day, the following is the result.
A Tribute to Mum – A minnow produces a Battleship.
I have heard it said that it takes a lifetime to know your partner in life, and if that is as I believe it to be, it also takes a lifetime to know and understand the person who very much shapes your life, your Mother.
A mother is a mother, it’s also a very large unknown emotional space for her as well, it is what it is, and heaven knows we all need as much help as we can get on that score, especially when one feels so small and uncertain.
We see many versions of the ideal thru marketing and social ideals, they come in all shapes and sizes, colours and cultural belief’s and may be held in high esteem or not, that’s the sad truth of it all.
My Mum was an ordinary lady, who had her emotional challenges early in life when she was becoming a young woman, at least 12-16 years of age (1940 – 1944) when confronted with marital disruption. The fact that she was the tool to directly experience her father’s plea to his wife to return home also had quite an impact.
Needless to say, one develops certain characteristics and traits to survive such a trauma, building structures to cope with their own pain. There was little support and encouragement available to her to gain a better understanding of the forces that were shaping her, this was a girl growing up in uncertain times, and who found herself a married woman little more than 5 years later, with its own set of particular challenges, and no capacity or luxury of time to resolve her internal conflicts.
Well, like most Mother’s and Daughter’s, we had our challenges, and sometimes it seemed like WW2, with tussles for power, battling egos and challenges around freedom, for I had observed early in life that something was missing.
Mum loved her family, her home, her sewing, her garden, and the numerous pets that I brought home from time to time, like me she would spend vast amounts of time outside in the garden, an excellent pastime that provides good exercise, produce as well as pleasant garden environments for relaxation and a place to relax, to let go and forget the world for a while. Marie was an excellent home economist and we lived a basic life, lived within our means and summer holidays were spent at the local swimming pool where I wiled away the days in bliss.
Mum was a natal Taurus and I borrow this from astrology “Few and far between are the selfish Taureans – or the ones who are interested only in money. To the contrary, most are highly idealistic. They want their own lives – and the lives of those they care for, to be the best that they can possibly be – and they will stop at nothing to achieve this. It is only, really, in this respect that Taureans can be fixed, resolute and deeply determined”.
In between, I have had my challenges, and I have arrived at the viewpoint that I too have had many worthy adversary’s, these are the circumstances and teachers who will teach you many lessons and adds to a holistic balancing of all the forces that shape our lives – good, bad and indifferent, that have contributed to the person that I am today.
Marie may not have been a person who was entirely comfortable with the physical expressions of life and love, but it was her expressions of who she was and her examples of living that I admire and love daily in my life, and it is that love for her that I continue to dream the dreams that I dream. Without it, the soul dies, and Marie’s faded far too early, in this Mum you have built a battleship.