Today’s Oracle takes us to the Virgo weekly for March 25, 2005.

How exactly do you maintain a sense of your power in your relationships? Have you ever considered your situation in that way? I suggest you do; I suggest you investigate clearly the terms of your relationships and how you fail or succeed at being aware of your influence over your destiny where your life intersects with others. You can so easily find yourself; you can so easily lose everything. It goes without saying that you find it necessary to seek your identity in others. We all do, but at times you take this quest to its limits. Presently you’re likely to be getting clear about your need to review your commitments and see where you are over-extended; where you have invested yourself in inappropriate ways; and where you meet others on terms that are truly beneficial to both of you. I suggest that this third qualification be your most important touchstone in assessing whether relationships are healthy: do they work for both people? You need to be unusually honest before you answer that and not assume that because you are the helpful dedicated person you are that your presence automatically benefits everyone. It may do so very well but then there are questions of appropriateness and degree — and for you, the greater pleasure, healing and safety in life will come in those situations where there is a clear and conscious agreement to which everyone says yes. That is the word.
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