Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Thursday, Feb 27, 2020

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Gemini weekly for February 4, 2005.


It may seem like so much of the world is happening outside you or far away. It may seem like your talents are all laying in a state of potential like tulip bulbs stored in the cellar. It’s up to you to envision the flowers that your inner gifts may become. You simply must do the work embrace the lessons and commit yourself to integrity. You will get results no matter what has been your experience in the past. The habits you develop now will stay with you for years; please make them productive ones.


The Saturn-Pluto conjunction is separating, but still strongly influencing our experience. While this event will happen two or three times in the lives of most people, this particular instance is a moment of convergence and reckoning for the world and for us as individuals.

Eric has completed recording RESPECT, the 2020-2021 Planet Waves annual readings, to cover the momentous astrology of the coming year-plus. You can read more about the project, and order the readings for instant access, here.

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