Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Sunday, Oct. 19, 2014

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Libra monthly for Sept. 1, 2000

Astrology Blog: The Oracle, Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes.

If you hit some rough water on the way to your birthday, please don’t take it as a premonition that you’re facing a difficult year. Far to the contrary. I see the next few weeks as a time in which you can finally purge yourself of some greatly exaggerated cosmic fears, and at the same time connect with the higher truth of who you are. Note how this equation works: fear of a certain kind conceals the truth, and thus points the way to it. It’s a truly valuable resource. Yet the long-term outlook is so bright for Librans, there are so many gifts in store and ways out of what you no longer want, that you may indeed forget to work with this particular universal balancing tool. Stay in communication with your fears, and the fears of those around you. Look for their origins in consciousness, space and time. The rest — and there is quite a bit — will take care of itself.

This is an ancient horoscope and by some miracle it is still relevant today. Experience the astrology as it happens, written by me weekly and twice monthly, plus your Moonshine horoscope by Len Wallick. Here is how to sign up — and what you get.

3 thoughts on “Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Sunday, Oct. 19, 2014

  1. Lizzy

    Dear P. Sophia – wa so touched by your comment, your solidarity. Yes, w’re getting there! This one has been really hard – the death of a friend sent me spinning right off the rails. Yet it has also been a deeply valuable experience, that is taking me right through my deepest fears – and I feel my friemd’s loving presence right beside me. xxx

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