Today’s Oracle takes us to the Sagittarius monthly for January 2009.

You have been driving yourself so hard for so long, I don’t think you’ve even measured the astonishing distance you’ve crossed. For now, you’ve come just exactly far enough. Ambition, success, expansion, staking territory — you can pause all these things and let nature take its course. The time has arrived for a phase of soul searching wherein you don’t assume you already know the answers, and where you set aside what you want to be the answers. The question is less about what you value and more about why you value life at all. You excel at masking profound self-doubt with an aura of success or ambition. I think you will find that there is more power in not knowing than there is in knowing, or in feigning certainty: even about the smaller things. I suggest you hold your interior space open and not content yourself with making plans that do not relate to any circumstance that is not immediately summoning you. Hold it open, empty and wide, and guard it for a time, recognizing that a space of inner liberty is a spiritual gift that is not to be squandered. As the practical mystic Alan Watts wrote more than half a century ago, “There is no formula for generating the authentic warmth of love. It cannot be copied. You cannot talk yourself into it or rouse it by straining at the emotions or by dedicating yourself solemnly to the service of mankind. Everyone has love, but it can only come out when he is convinced of the impossibility and the frustration of trying to love himself. This conviction will not come through condemnations, through hating oneself, through calling self-love bad names in the universe. It comes only in the awareness that one has no self to love.” Mr. Watts may or may not be right, but it’s surely worth considering.
The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our Galaxy, Backstage and Core Community members. See this link for more information.

By any standards, 2018 will be a distinctive year astrologically. Get your essential guide to riding the waves of the next 12 months and beyond. Pre-order The Art of Becoming, the 2018 Planet Waves Annual by Eric Francis.