Today’s Oracle takes us to the Capricorn weekly for January 11, 2008.

This must be an intense moment of anticipation for you: if it’s not, meditate and tune in, because the planets are moving, in particular, Pluto. The world is vibrating with the approaching shift of Pluto into your birth sign. Even the slugs on the political slime trail in New Hampshire and Iowa have been talking about change, change, change. For you, this is a moment of release from a kind of vacuum that you don’t necessarily know you’ve been in. You are likely to discover that the spell breaks, and you can suddenly feel yourself existing, living, breathing and changing. But not quite yet…the moment has not arrived. The planets depict you in your chrysalis, stirring to life, but not quite at the moment of cracking open the case and emerging in your new form. Yet it is only a matter of days, and you know one thing at least — after so many changes, you are still alive.