Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Saturday, Sept. 20, 2014

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Sagittarius weekly for Nov. 26, 1999

Astrology Blog: The Oracle, Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes.

Set aside all confusion about whether you are closing one chapter of your life or opening another. The two are closely related, and while it may seem you are setting forth in creating awesome new definitions of yourself before you’ve fully resolved the past, there is no reason to fear, as far as I can tell. Nature will take its course. We don’t always have the power to resolve the past, especially when it involves the trials and tribulations that other people are going through which we cannot really affect. But now you finally have the power to make conscious choices to go beyond your sense of guilt and injury about past experiences, and to take real steps forward.

This is an ancient horoscope and by some miracle it is still relevant today. Experience the astrology as it happens, written by me weekly and twice monthly, plus your Moonshine horoscope by Len and Elizabeth. Here is how to sign up — and what you get.

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