Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Saturday, Oct. 11, 2014

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Cancer weekly for Oct. 17, 2003

Astrology Blog: The Oracle, Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes.

Think of the changes in your life as being about an equalizing effect. Clearly some people in the world have too much power, and plenty have not enough. Events of the current phase of your journey on the planet will put you in a position to see who falls into which category and, better still, to experience some tangible shifts in your own life. Track carefully who has power over you and how they got it, and notice how impersonal that process is. For your purposes, this whole matter is extremely personal. It is about you negotiating an appropriate role in the world, which means noticing and remembering what you discover about yourself so you know what appropriate really means.

This is an ancient horoscope and by some miracle it is still relevant today. Experience the astrology as it happens, written by me weekly and twice monthly, plus your Moonshine horoscope by Len and Elizabeth. Here is how to sign up — and what you get.

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