Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Saturday, Jan 18, 2020

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Sagittarius weekly for December 27, 2002.


Jupiter holding a long trine to Pluto is what you could call a ‘good thing’, especially for you with both in the fire signs. We need to make sure it’s an honest thing, and the way that’s going to happen is by the time-honored and astrologically-beloved test of time. The question, how deep is your faith? is precisely the matter. To be sure, faith is not a game; it is one of the few things that really matters on this plane of reality. That it is not a game means that the basis of faith is understood, particularly as it relates to some of the darker thoughts you’ve been pondering. You now have a fine opportunity to change your mind. If someone else does so first, the decision may be final.


The Saturn-Pluto conjunction is upon us: it is exact on Jan. 12. While this event will happen two or three times in the lives of most people, this particular event is a moment of convergence and reckoning for the world and for us as individuals.

Eric has completed recording RESPECT, the 2020-2021 Planet Waves annual readings, to cover the momentous astrology of the coming year-plus. You can read more about the project, and order the readings for instant access, here.

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