Today’s Oracle takes us to the Capricorn weekly for May 1, 2009

You have more options than you believe. Because so much is important to you, you’re experiencing a phenomenon of this leading to a narrow sense of potential; few outcomes could actually cover as many points as seem necessary. But you don’t need many possibilities, outcomes or directions of movement; you need the one that works for you. I suggest you focus on that. Part of why you have so many options is so that it’s possible to eliminate the ones that are not what you want. I would propose that each time you subtract something from your agenda that does not match up with your values, you declare a minor victory and go back to your elimination process. This is not reducing your potential for freedom; rather, it’s pointing you directly toward it.
The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our All Access and Core Community members. See this link for more information.
Yes – thank you. I feel myself shifting from a feeling of powerlessness to one of authority in my life, and CHOICE is the fulcrum. My life feels very limited financially, and yet so many opportunities are presenting themselves now – where there is no practical reason to choose X over Y or Z – only the sheer reason that it’s what I prefer. This free choice is a very odd feeling … it could feel like the choice doesn’t really matter – because it could easily go either way. Of course, the truth is the choice I make is far from not mattering. Which means that this new authority is connected to growing awareness of a higher level of mattering … beyond so-called survival and practicalities – other values entering the scene, that obviously involve self-worth, a growing concept of what I can be, experience and contribute. Such an exciting time. Thanks, Eric and Planet Waves, for so generously helping to light my way.