Today’s Oracle takes us to the Virgo monthly for February 1, 2002.

By now, you have figured out that all the events, developments and unusual emotional challenges left their mark on you were there for a reason, which was to get you closer to the entity known as your soul. The soul bears a kind of wound by its nature, what we could call the wound of existence. But religion’s insistence that soul is star of the cosmic show is but a piece of the puzzle. There are a couple of priests I’d like to walk up to and remind that it was through the marriage of Psyche and Eros that the soul was made immortal. What has happened over the years of your life has called you ever deeper toward the depths of yourself, bringing you to a space of consciousness that in its utter fullness is only half-complete. What occurs next will be no less beautiful for its feeling of sudden surprise or unexpected beauty, or the revelation that you are, indeed, a whole person.