Today’s Oracle takes us to the Leo monthly for June 22, 2010.

As far as I can tell, most of what we do in relationships involves compensating for some sense of our ‘self’ being missing or incomplete. That’s why after a while we notice that we ‘don’t quite feel ourselves’ in the relationship, or that we’re not who we want to be; then we get restless and leave the relationship in order to ‘be’ that self. In many ways your whole life has been a quest to go beyond this: to not just define but to actually experience yourself as a whole person, capable of relating to another whole person. What you may not have factored in is that generations of conditioning have led to what you’ve been overcoming. In this conditioning, so common to the human experience, we’re taught to be self-sacrificing before we have the experience of self-actualizing. Events this month will shine some light on your distant past, and that of your family, so that you can see the origins of your tendencies. You may make discoveries about what happened to ancestors, about the folklore through the line of women that has shaped your experience of life, and of certain facts about your gestation that formed you into who you are, and what you are now outgrowing. Note that all of these discoveries will come with a factor of ‘plausible deniability’. The truth will be easy to evade, and equally possible to embrace, if you are willing. By now, you are surely able.

As we go deeper into this most unusual and challenging phase of history, intelligence is the thing we need the most. That is the theme of the 2019-2020 annual edition of Planet Waves — audio now available for instant access. See more information here. If you’re looking for individual signs, order here.