Today’s Oracle takes us to the Pisces monthly for Feb. 1, 2001

If you can’t decide whether these are the best times or the worst, decide they’re the best. Do what you can to make yourself feel at home on the planet and in your current environment; you can do quite a bit. Yes, there are sources of irritation, and surely, you’re feeling like the pressure to change is upon you, and it is. But change implies a new relationship to the past. The whole issue of the past is a serious problem because its reality is so convincing, and we seem to have given up so much; but this attachment is only in our emotions. Making yourself at home means, more than anything, doing what you can to catch up with the moment in which you are alive. This is extremely challenging and few people ever do it. Yet you simply don’t need what was, and it wasn’t so great anyway. You do indeed have much to love about what is, which will open your heart to who and what is to come.
This is an ancient horoscope and by some miracle it is still relevant today. Experience the astrology as it happens, written by me weekly and twice monthly, plus your Moonshine horoscope by Len Wallick. Here is how to sign up — and what you get.
((((( )))))
I blurted out something to a friend yesterday and realized it was kinda true. I said, “even if I make a mistake and fall flat on my face, I will have learned something, and I can never go wrong with that.” You never get it wrong.
I celebrate my past, every bit of it. I’ve accomplished a lot in the last 5 years, and there’s always more to come. And what’s more, I feel like 2009 was just last year. So, this makes me feel hopeful, like I haven’t missed out on that many years after all. And that everything is always working out for me – always.
Thanks for the hugs (((sweetie))))! Needed that! I know I keep going on about the death of my friend these days – but it has affected me so profoundly. Now that I’m coming through the crisis it provoked (including fear of my own mortality, as well as grief) and out the other side – there’s the understandiing that, yes, as you say – “you never get it wrong… “. It’s all ok, even if it often doesn’t feel ok.
My heart goes out to all of you who have suffered loss in these last weeks and months.
My heart goes out to you Lizzy, and yes to all those who have experienced loss. It is a time of transition for sure. Stand strong and tall, you’re needed!
Lots of love…
Thank you, sweetheart, so very much.
Coming out of the tunnel….