Today’s Oracle takes us to the Libra weekly for Oct. 23, 2009

Hopefully, you’ll remember you read this. In less than one week, Saturn moves into your birth sign. This is a truly rare transit that comes with the feeling that the Earth itself is moving. Changes that you thought were inconceivable will suddenly seem not only possible, but probable or even inevitable. Here is the thing to remember, and not forget. At this point nothing, including any developments that may surface as this transit happens, is permanent. This is more of a test run, a boundary check and an energy check; it is an experiment in what is possible; and a chance to see how flexible you really are. It is not, however, a time for ‘permanent’ decisions, and this of course will be good news to any Libra. That time will arrive; now is a moment to actually explore the alternatives.
The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our All Access and Core Community members. See this link for more information.
Totally spot on for my dear Libra friend (as is the horoscope).
Firstly, Cowboyiam, I want to offer you apologies for my abusive language toward you last week. You helped me to identify a stricken personal-baggage chord, and for that you are appreciated. Please know that I realize I overstepped boundaries of respectful communication, and in all humility wish I could retract. I respect you, your honesty, and your search for permanent awareness in the present moment.
Secondly, I would like to offer the PW community my sincere gratitude for being ‘real’ people (even if you do look a lot like pixels 😉 ).
I’ll be taking a temporally indeterminate hiatus. Over the last dozen or so years I’ve been here I feel that I have taken more than I have given. I’ve doled out a lot of shit, flailed around some, and taken the best humanity has to offer. It’s time for me now to see if I can apply the lessons, and ideas, I’ve gleaned through PW to the world of flesh and blood.
I hope/look to become cash-positive in my trip, that I may be able to return the favors this community has afforded me, in hopes that others’ may benefit as I have done so. Equally, I hope to be able to contribute to the life and Love affirming vibe, through constructive dialogue, that makes PW the therapeutic sanctuary that it is.
I care about you all, and wish the best for everyone.
‘Til next time, with Love,
Jere that was unnecessary – I took no offense. I was stirring things up – hoping to get reactions because I believe a full discussion requires ruffling a few feathers, and honestly I was a bit harsh so I took your scolding thoughtfully.
I’m really sad to think I won’t see your poetic jesting’s sprinkled in the mix anymore. Really love your self honest enigmatic openness. And especially your life affirming loving affirmations. If you leave I will miss you. Love…..
PS – Had to use some tongue twisting verbal adjectives (or is it adverbs) but you are a true character and its difficult to define your contributions. I want you to know I get you.
Lots of love and luck with it all, dear Jere! Will miss your funny, warm, totally original and poetic comments! Let us know how it’s all going, when you feel like checking in here again. So many of us have shared our frustrations, evolving and growing on PW over the years – always interesting to see what happens next…((()))
Jere i thought i’d wait until cowboyiam had a chance to reply since you addressed yourself to him!
I am always glad when I see you have posted. i enjoy how colourful your comments are – the wit the turn of phrase the interest. I often come away having read something I didn’t know. mystes the same. I enjoyed her posts too in a similar way.
If cowboyiam hadn’t seen your comment I was going to point you to what he wrote about Sarh’s tarot spread this last week so you’d be sure he hadn’t taken offence. It was reading what he wrote there that enabled me to meander freely (without hesitation) in the same conversation that you are hesitating over now
ps and the death card in the tarot spread too – the space to dare to (seemingly?) ‘fail’; to incarnate
or more correctly the risking death/rebirth?
Jere…….Just want to wish you well on your sojourn…..and you do make a contribution to life and love………Be safe …..take care…….