Not Too Soon

True to the nature of any Full Moon, looking ahead even a few days currently seems to be speculative at best. Consistent with the context of tomorrow’s Full Moon in the midst of Pisces, circumstances would appear to support adaptation and adjustment. Yet, lest it escape notice, it is worth mentioning that this season is winding down.


It’s been a busy sky above you since the Leo New Moon and total solar eclipse on Aug 21. Less than two hours later, the Moon moved on to Virgo. The Sun followed suit the next day. It was a trend continued by the planets.

Since the Moon traced a nearly unprecedented shadow across the U.S., three sign-ruling planets (Mercury, Venus and Mars) have changed signs. Saturn and Mercury have also changed directions (coming out of retrograde), albeit almost imperceptibly so far.

As if in concordance, a lot in the world has also changed either context or direction in the past few weeks. It would not be too much of a stretch to surmise that you are somehow participating in a similar pattern. Even so, there is nothing quite like the advent of a new season.

No matter if your hands are as full as the Moon. It would almost certainly be a good idea to pause sometime soon for conscious anticipation of the Sun’s next big shift. Even if it means taking some time you don’t have, one of your best choices right now could very well be to contemplate your relationship with the Sun.

For nearly six months, the Sun has been directly overhead somewhere north of the equator. Now that situation is within weeks of flipping. In spite of the fact that most of us no longer live an agrarian lifestyle, an equinox is nothing to underestimate.

That’s because the Sun is a reference point beyond estimation. With its risings and settings, your daily life is at least affected, if not governed. More subtle, but no less impactful, is the relationship between your life and where on the east and west horizons the Sun rises and sets.

At the very least (and weather permitting) watch the Moon tonight. It will be the last full phase before the Sun enters Libra on Sept. 22. It’s not too soon to think about how the weather and rhythms of your life will change thereafter, even if any and all such eventualities seem impossibly far in the future.

Granted, being in the moment is often of paramount importance — especially when you are busier than ants swarming over the remains of a picnic. No instant stands alone, however. Indeed, even a rapid succession of demanding or prominent events is little more than chaos without context.

As with few other celestial events, equinoxes provide context — provided you do not let them pass you by. Take it from an experienced sky watcher: you will not want to notice the Sun’s ingress to Libra after it happens. You will want to see it coming; and, as result, allow yourself to savor every minute beforehand (as well as the event itself) all the more.

Offered In Service


In the Shadow of the Moon, the exciting 2017 Midyear Reading by Eric Francis, is now published. The video readings for all 12 signs cover the Great American Eclipse of Aug. 21 and well beyond. We’ll be increasing the price again very soon, so don’t hesitate to order your copy here. You can also now choose your individual signs here.
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About Len Wallick

Besides endeavoring to be of service to all of you here at Planet Waves, Len strives to live in Seattle while working as a professional astrologer. To contact him for an astrology reading you can send an e-mail to: His telephone number is 206-356-5467. In addition to his profession, Len contributes to the Seattle community without monetary compensation by serving as a Reiki practitioner and teacher through classes and outreach offered by the Seattle Reiki Mastery Series modality.

2 thoughts on “Not Too Soon

  1. Pisces Sun

    Tonight I sit in Seattle observing and contemplating a red moon and although I should perhaps focus away from contemporary happenings and be focused on a seasonal shift, I can’t help but ponder the fact that I observe a red moon because fires are burning nearby. I’ve observed ashes appearing as faint snowflakes for the past two days, and I am more than 100 miles from the closest fire that burns over the Cascades Mountain range. Yet despite my surroundings, my mind has been more drawn to my family and home in Florida which is threatened to be hit by Hurricane Irma, one of the most powerful hurricanes ever to form and last in duration as a category 5 strength hurricane, in man’s historical accounting of hurricanes. Two other hurricanes have also formed in the area, one in the Gulf basin and another closely following Hurricane Irma’s path in the Atlantic Ocean. And I ponder, and wonder, where is Ceres in this mix? And what do he fires, the three hurricanes and last week’s Hurricane Harvey (and the floods in Africa and Asia) mean to our planet’s seasonal shift?

    And I ponder: Florida’s Governor Scott is coming across as a calm forward-leaning leader, urging Floridians to heed his warning and declares all 67 Florida counties under a state of emergency so to immediately receive Federal relief. This is the same Governor who ordered FL State employees to remove all references to climate change, as well as not to address “rising sea levels,” in state planning documents. He also favored development in Florida’s wetlands, to the extent that no tidal basin could exist to assist a Florida town in coping with storm surge and flooding (the same thing happened to Houston, which is one reason why the rain deluge was further exacerbated in flooding). So perhaps the planets changing demonstrates a shifting in Gov. Scott’s consciousness too, or just political jockeying, as with President Trump during catastrophes, as well. Only time will tell on this one…

    I appreciate grounding in mother earth and finding our rhythmic cycle, but I also appreciate the fact that Mother Earth is either pissed off, or just doling out her pain—we reap what we sow. I can’t help but think that Ceres, Taurus/Libra-Venus must also be talking to Mercury here, as it soon re-enters its sign in Virgo. A harbinger of things to come or a wake-up call? Either way, we are experiencing rhythm and oneness with cosmos and the earth, whether in dissonance or unison: we make that choice and someday we will realize that we reap the rewards or wrath in choosing, just like in every other choice we make.

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