“Not My President”—that was the chant at protests across the country Wednesday as tens of thousands of people took to the streets to protest the election of Donald Trump, who surged to victory over Hillary Clinton. In California, at least 13 people were arrested as hundreds blocked traffic on two major highways. Thousands more gathered at Los Angeles City Hall, waving Mexican flags and burning a giant effigy of Donald Trump. In nearby Santa Ana, police fired rubber bullets and pepper spray at hundreds of protesters after the crowds took over major intersections. In Oakland, police also deployed tear gas and flashbang grenades against crowds of thousands of protesters. In Seattle, thousands took to the streets for a protest called by Socialist Seattle City Councilwoman Kshama Sawant, while in Chicago thousands rallied outside Trump Tower. where at least five people were arrested. Protests were also held in Portland, Oregon; Miami, Florida; New Orleans, Louisiana; Richmond, Virginia; Austin, Texas; Boston and Philadelphia. Here in New York, as many as 10,000 people surged through streets and surrounded the barricaded-off Trump Tower, where Donald Trump lives. At least 65 people were arrested. Here are some of the voices from the protest in New York.

“Not My President”: Tens of Thousands Take to Streets, Block Freeways & Rally Against Trump
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