It’s always a pleasure to see how astrology works in the realm of popular culture, be it sports, politics or the arts. We know this quite well here at Planet Waves. Thanks to the wonder of the Aquarian Internet, we can marvel first-hand at how the Sun and the planets work in our day-to-day lives at any given moment.
For those of you who aren’t into sports, here in the San Francisco Bay Area is an athlete by the name of Stephen Curry. He plays the position of point guard for our basketball team, the Golden State Warriors.
To say Steph is an athlete is like saying the Dreadnoughtus schrani is a lizard. Mr. Curry, who is six feet tall and 180 pounds, leads a four-man front nicknamed “the Death Squad,” which no major contending team in the National Basketball Association has been able to beat. Witness Curry’s shot in last Saturday’s game against the Oklahoma City Thunder — Golden State’s biggest league rival and a playoff contender.
At the last three seconds of the game, he calmly lobbed a perfect arc of a shot from field goal range — thirty-five feet away from the basket — breaking a tie at the last ten seconds of a game already in overtime, earning three points. When the ball fell gracefully into the net like a hot, crispy biscuit, the Warriors won a game they were previously losing all night. Did I mention Curry is a Pisces? He’s a Pisces with Mars near conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, but a Pisces nonetheless.
Fish know no boundaries. In fact, they dissolve them. Previous sports records don’t matter. What the elder statesmen of the NBA say to discount his achievements on Twitter doesn’t matter. Even his own season record of 288 nearly impossible three-point shots — which surpasses his previous death-defying, heart-stopping tally of game-winning shots in the last two seasons — doesn’t seem to matter at all. Here is an example of how our suppositions about demure and unassuming Pisceans are shattered. Curry is a reality-dissolving magician.
The Sun in Pisces also seemed to help Scorpio Hillary Clinton take the state of South Carolina convincingly. As much as I still have deep reservations about the possibility of her winning the Democratic Party nomination for the Presidency, she was at once maternal, strong and in command at her victory speech Saturday.
I felt watching her that she made a strong case for herself as a person who simultaneously cares and can take command. We know this to be true of Hillary regardless of this victory — which is probably why she appears as such a threat to the male-dominated power base that has had the stranglehold on the country for three centuries. She was doing that as First Lady while Bill was President, which is why Republicans continue to despise her to this day.
They will throw more stuff at her no doubt; but for Pete’s sake, the woman is a freaking Scorpio. You know, the kind of water that bears down hard and hot on ragged rocks, wearing them smooth. She also — as we in government here in San Francisco describe it — has 657 sharp knives waiting in her coat pockets that she can use on you at any given moment, as was the case in the congressional Benghazi hearings held October of last year.
And of course, what better way to end this paean to the season of Pisces — the fishes — than to focus on the Oscars: the annual awards in the US for the best illusions created for our national and international consciousness. A winning day for another Scorpio — this time it was Leonardo di Caprio — for his performance in The Revenant.
I have to hand it to Aquarian Chris Rock for taking and running with the #oscarssowhite meme that hung over the Academy of Motion Pictures all night. In fact, I heard the show was peppered with uncomfortable moments for its mostly white and affluent audience of stars, starlets, producers and directors.

Join Eric and Planet Waves in the beautiful world that is Vision Quest. Here are samples of your incredible written and audio readings.
I am sure the Academy knew they had to take their lumps, on the next-to-last day of Black History Month no less. The optics of the awards ceremony were not looking too good. The absence of black nominees in performance and production was remarkable.
Rock saved their Academy’s collective asses by his ribbing. Maybe because of this, well-done and earnest films like Creed and Straight Out of Compton won’t be passed over. One can hope they pay attention to what they did, and to what just happened, and will do something about it.
Film is a fluid art form, flowing with the ease of the waters that Pisces swim in so effortlessly. What better medium to begin changing minds and hearts? Let that water flow.
Super Tuesday is coming tomorrow, so you can count on Judith Gayle and me to lend a hand in analyzing the next big wave that’s about to move over us. Stay tuned and chime in. See you in the comments below.
You’re so right about Rock’s ass-saving last night. I particularly liked his definition of Hollywood racism, comparing it to sorority think…”Rhonda you’re good, but you’re just not one of us”. He also brought up the outdated gendered award categories to make us see the silliness in it. The Angela Basset tribute to Jack Black cracked me up, (and you know Will Smith was watching…)
Chris Rock was the perfect choice, his special comic take on the issues was invaluable as he held up a mirror on our culture of white celebrity worship. Comedy changes everything. Laugh, think, change…tis the season.
Looking forward to yours and Judith’s super takes on Tuesday.
Thanks Deborah!
Judith will return next Saturday with her weekly column, and I will follow up next Monday with what will most likely be the fallout from what the polls say — a big Clinton win. Eric will probably have a thing or two to say about Super Tuesday, so stay tuned!
As for Chris Rock. This is the comment I posted when I put up the link to Raw Story’s clip of the monologue:
Here’s the video link. Compelling.
It’s funny; I had a mixed reactions to Chris Rock’s calling out the gendered categories as outdated. That was the one part I thought, “hmmm… maybe not quite yet!”
His crack about Robert De Niro saying, “Whoa , I better slow down so Meryl Streep can catch up” was hilarious, and made a great point: that there are no *physical* discrepancies between men’s and women’s abilities to emote on camera. So why have separate categories?
The thing is, the Academy is still very male as well as white. I’m friends with several local female filmmakers, and they’ve been very vocal about how male-dominated the nominations for categories like best film and best director still are — despite women directors making fantastic films all the time. So, those patriarchal, entitled tendencies are still alive and well at the Oscars. I’d feel better about the idea of getting rid of the male & female acting categories if the gender balance was truly more balanced everywhere else in these awards. Until then, I suspect the voting would still be skewed in a blended “best actor/actress” category – or, at least, it would be open to that interpretation even if it’s not true. We still have a ways to go…
Otherwise — yes: Rock was frickin’ brilliant!
Chris Rock is brilliant.
It was a fantastic show Fe, and thank you Deborah for noting the other highlights, of which there were many. Honestly, I didn’t sense the discomfort of audience members, the laughs were many and loud. I find it hard to believe that the academy didn’t encourage this “new face” to their really big show. Comedians like Jack Benny made $millions$ by poking fun at themselves. Those old white dudes are smart enough to see the changes and not hang on to the past any longer.
And it wasn’t just the black-white issue either. Lady Gaga did an astonishingly great performance with the help of, what, at least 60 or so rape victims? Maybe more. Awesome. Every so often an award recipient would champion a cause like climate change, and then what about the VP? He didn’t sing or dance but he spoke about sexual assault and introduced Lady Gaga. It’s all showbiz and Neptune and Pisces these days. And what about those Girl Scouts?
Years ago I would watch the Academy Awards but get up and do something when the “boring” parts came on, but this year there were no boring parts. It was slick from start to finish. What a tribute to the Fish. Did the word aquarium come from Aquarius, or was it the other way around?
I am beginning to believe the Dem’s will decide to serve Bernie and Hillary up on a single platter by July Fe. I’m sure Bernie is already thinking about that scenario, goddess knows he isn’t looking forward to doing all those presidenty things that Hillary would be so good at. Hill would be harder to convince of the wisdom of this first-time-ever-sock-it-to-em theatric, especially right now when she’s on a high, but wouldn’t the crowds love it! Perhaps by the time we get to July she will though.
Let’s face it, neither one of them can bring in as many votes on their own as they would as a team. Some (Republicans) might think that would be a dirty trick, but when I think of how respectful Bernie has been to Hillary right from the beginning, I believe he would even be okay with her at the top of the ticket. Give him some free time to get his revolution going. Maybe not, maybe I’m reading it wrong, but both the Inauguration Day chart of January 20th and the Election Day chart of November 8th have positive aspects for both of them. Hillary might prefer to have Bernie to counsel with over Bill, were she to be Commander in Chief. He’s been able to move her further to the left already and maybe she would prefer he take the heat for all the giant steps we are going to be making in the near future.
So looking forward to Jude’s return to health and you guys giving us the play by play action.
I thought I saw something in the relationship between Barack and Joe that made me think that Hillary Bernie could make a go of it. Bill could be ambassadorial as FPOTUS (First Partner of the US), while Bernie presides over the Senate.
The combination could be potent enough to build the coalition needed to restore a Senate majority (24 seats are up for grabs). The Hill Bern combo could make BIG coat tails. Maybe big enough to make Obama a SCOTUS justice.
Let’s send our intentions towards a powerful unity.
WOW! Fe, I LOVE that! Wow, you are GOOD! I think so many of us were/are torn between the 2 candidates, each of which offer something necessary and we have had to struggle to come to a choice. But this way we can have it all! Obama as a SCOTUS justice. Wow. I’m going to be visualizing that with all my might. Thanks Fe.
“What better medium to begin changing minds and hearts? Let that water flow.” So agree, dear Fe. went to see Spotlight on Sunday evening, was deeply shaken by it, by the extent to which the Catholic Church not only covered up child molestation by their priests, but that these priests were moved elsewhere when there was a whiff of scandal, and thus were able to carry on wreaking terrible damage. Appalling. Am glad it won the Oscar for best film.
I covered “Spotlight” here on Planet Waves a few months ago, so moved and energized I was after watching that film. I loved the tenacity of that group of reporters, and their editor who was constantly walking the tightrope of access to the rich and powerful and to the truth and the well–being of the public and their right to know. Its a subtly powerful film. Makes me well up knowing what they did had such a profound effect. The post-script at the end of the film before the credits rolled was devastating.
You describe the film, and your reaction to it, so beautifully, Fe. As an aside, I love the actor who played the new Boston Globe editor – kept trying to figure out who he was, and didn’t remember till afterwards that he was the cross-dressing veteran in Ang Lee’s Taking Woodstock.
Would love to see your piece on Spotlight again – any chance of posting the link to it?
Marty Baron was played by Liev Schreiber. Such a baritone and great character actor!
Here’s the link to “Making the Story”:
What an incredibly moving and inspiring piece, dear Fe. Thanks so much for posting the link to it. As you so rightly say, “The moral of Spotlight‘s story is not to award or congratulate the Globe‘s reporters who unearthed the truth. It was the decades-long effort from the victims to bring this story to light, telling their stories often enough to bring it to the Globe‘s attention, giving them room to finally crack and break open the wall hiding the criminals”. Yes, one should never give up- great stuff.
Just checked the date and realized why I missed it – was back home with the folks at the time – immersed in family problems.