Thursday, March 5, is the Virgo Full Moon, exact at 1:05 pm EST (18:05 UTC). This is the Moon in Virgo opposite the Sun in Pisces. (View full chart here) Len Wallick has interpreted this lunation for each of the 12 Moon signs in the horoscopes below.
To read these horoscopes, it helps to know your Moon sign (where the Moon was at the moment of your birth), which you can find out by entering your birth data into If you know your birth time, that will ensure accuracy — but often you can still be sure of its sign even if the exact degree is fuzzy. You can also read these horoscopes for your Sun and rising signs for additional insight.
By Len Wallick

Aries (March 20-April 19) — It’s good to cultivate and nourish your inner child. It makes you a more complete, well-rounded human being. It’s not so good if your inner child runs your life. For those of you born with the Moon in Aries, there is some potential for the ‘not so good’ over the next few weeks. Fortunately, there is something you can do about it. Be with yourself as a child. Give yourself a hug. Let that inner kid know you love and cherish its presence as part of your total being. If your wise, old inner child loves you in return, you won’t have to worry — it will know its proper place in your psyche and behave accordingly. — by Len Wallick

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — From what we are led to believe, Jesus resorted to parables to describe his revolutionary spiritual perceptions. That way, the shepherds, fishermen, tax collectors and others he ministered to could understand what he was getting at from their own, relatively prosaic frames of reference. Similarly, you may soon need a parabolic approach for expressing revelations originating in your own lunar consciousness, so as to be understood by others. Therefore, as a prudent measure, take some time for translation before sharing either your nocturnal or diurnal dreams with anyone in the near future. — by Len Wallick

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Here’s to looking at you. While you look at the Virgo Full Moon of March 5, reflect on yourself. That’s because both your lunar sign and Virgo are ruled by Mercury. Also, both Gemini and Virgo share the quality of mutability (mutable signs follow a fixed sign and precede a cardinal sign; that is, they occur in the middle of each season). Yet, because of the shared mutable quality, Gemini and Virgo are at right angles (or ‘square’) to each other on the zodiac. This is good, because looking at a Full Moon separated by approximately 90 degrees from your natal Moon position will give you a perspective on how those who have so much in common can be so different. — by Len Wallick

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Truth can be an aggressive thing. It can root you out like a weed. It might blow you away like a fallen leaf. Truth can also burn, or (alternatively) sweep you away on an irresistible tide. While it’s not possible to predict what your relationship with the truth will be when the Pisces Sun opposes the Virgo Full Moon this week, you might want to prepare for an encounter with an irresistible veracity. Of course, that’s a good thing, because the truth eventually and always wins. Therefore, if you run into an upper-case version of The Truth anytime soon, please remember not to fight it. — by Len Wallick

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Being born with the Moon in a sign ruled by the Sun can be confusing. Yet it’s also an advantage. You have a natural proficiency for understanding and resolving the types of paradoxes symbolized by the Sun and Moon on opposite sides of the sky and zodiac (as is the case with any Full Moon). A Full Moon in your neighboring sign of Virgo gives you a chance to leverage into compassion the understanding bestowed by your Moon sign. That’s how you might want to let this particular Virgo Full Moon move you to more fully accept people with lifestyles that differ from your own. — by Len Wallick

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Patricia Arquette, the most recent Oscar winner for Best Supporting Actress, used her moment in the spotlight not only to give thanks but also to promote social justice. This year’s Full Moon in Virgo is placing all of you born under a Virgo Moon in a symbolic spotlight with a similar opportunity to do or say the right thing on behalf of those who have little voice in the world. Granted, you will probably not have the vast television audience Patricia Arquette had. Nonetheless, an auspicious moment presents itself to you. Do what you can to make the most of it. — by Len Wallick

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — While some may be stuck in old stories asking why, those of you with a Libra Moon should envision better stories and ask “Why not?” For you, answering that simple two-word question would begin by being receptive to how you can do better. Beyond that, it would be helpful if you were courageously proactive enough to ask others how you could do better by them. Of course, you must be ready to sort out the wheat of genuinely supportive feedback from any abusive chaff. Don’t let the bastards get you down. Rather, please allow loving souls to show you the way up. — by Len Wallick

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The blessing of a Scorpio Moon is your ability to drill down to that which many cannot discern because it is somehow hidden. In that sense, you and others who share your lunar fellowship are intuitively capable of resembling the fictional private detective Sherlock Holmes. Now is a good time to put that gift to work by discreetly but actively assessing and appreciating the sensitivities and vulnerabilities of others; this translates into showing greater respect in a meaningful way. If you can turn your innate talents to that one purpose, the results could very well change the trajectory of your life in a very good way. — by Len Wallick

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — This Virgo Full Moon heralds the beginning of a very important time in your life. This year (and all the way through 2017) part of your life’s mission should be perfecting self-examination without self-criticism. There is enough going on in the world to get anybody down. Those of you born under a Sagittarius Moon need most of all to swear off getting down on yourself. By way of achieving your mission, please consider ways (such as seeing a compatible and qualified therapist) to know yourself better. After that, be careful not to withdraw from others, but rather engage the world with justified pride in who you are. — by Len Wallick

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Don’t be surprised if others ask you to assume leadership. Many, if not all, with a natal Capricorn Moon are well qualified to show the way. To be the best guide possible, however, is not a skill anybody is born with. Competent captains are made, often self-made. Those remembered as the best directors often have a knack for convincing others of their wisdom, combined with a kind nature. Given what the astrology of this Virgo Full Moon implies, you might want to begin experimenting now with what it would take for others to feel safe, both with you and depending on you. — by Len Wallick

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Hellhounds are not on your trail. What you might feel gaining on you is nothing you need to flee or hide from. In all probability, most of the rest of the world is simply trying to catch up with what the emotional needs of an Aquarius Moon have naturally led you to become. For that reason it is now more important than ever to acknowledge and trust that your deepest devotions have not been misplaced. In all probability, enough of the world will soon catch up so as to provide the sustenance you need. Until then, put your belief in the most productive and secure of all possible places — yourself. — by Len Wallick
A Gift for Pisces: Many Planets in the Sea
Dear Friend and Reader:
The Sun has moved into Pisces, beginning a new astrological year for this sign. As the zodiac’s last sign, Pisces is both the headwaters of the zodiac and the Delta of Venus — the beginning and the end of the River of Night. You might think of Pisces as the most complete sign, the most sensitive and one closely involved with transitions of all kinds.
And now is a time of transition — making an astrology reading one of the best gift options for helping the Pisces in your life move with confidence through the changes that are coming.

I am about to record the Pisces reading for 2015, which covers birthdays between Feb. 18 and March 20, as well as everyone with Pisces Moon or rising. We are offering that reading at the lowest pre-order price now.
Here is one of the reasons, in addition to current activity, this year’s reading will be a particularly important resource for those with strong Pisces in their chart:
In one month there will be a spectacular total solar eclipse in Pisces. This is the time for Pisces to understand their astrology — and take advantage of what it’s offering. You are being encouraged to shore up your confidence, to aim high and commit yourself fully to your goals — and your happiness. I also have plenty to say about relationships.
As for the reading: I present two audio segments of astrology, each about 35 minutes long. In the third section, I cover astrology afterthoughts and then a tarot reading.
Overall, it’s easygoing and designed to offer encouragement and help you expand your vision for your life. I’ll include last year’s reading as well, and a live conference call where you can ask me any questions you may have.
You can purchase the Pisces reading at the pre-order price of $24.95. We offer the best prices for those who get on board sooner. I plan to have this reading done by the evening of Monday, Feb. 23, so the pre-order period will be relatively short.
Thanks for tuning in, and thank you for trusting me as your astrologer.
P.S. Remember, my birthday readings make excellent gifts, and this reading is for you if you have Pisces rising or the Moon there. If you are born under a different sign, please visit the reading store.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — If you have recently achieved some sort of notoriety, please consider how it might be something more than just a lark. If, on the other hand, you have either not sought or not attained a more widespread recognition by now, bide your time and act in good faith. Whether or not you have received pleasant props is not the essence of this moment for those with a Pisces Moon. What’s important is that you see yourself as part of something bigger than you and longer lasting than your life. If you behave as though immortality were possible, it might well become probable for you very soon. — by Len Wallick
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