Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces: Tune In

Today the Moon is conjunct Neptune in Pisces. This aspect has an empathetic, creative and clairvoyant property, and it’s an invitation to listen with all your senses on, especially the subtle ones.

Overnight and early this morning the Moon made a conjunction to Nessus, which may have felt restless and evocative of old pain, but in a subtle way. Nessus is about the results of karma, of old experiences making themselves known and the willingness to take responsibility for healing what has happened in the past.

With Nessus in Pisces (a transit that began just recently and which will last nearly 20 years) that’s about gradually dissolving emotional scars with empathy and compassion.

Moon-Neptune can help you do just that. Today really is a day when music ameliorates, when the colors you like make things better, and when consciously indulging beauty in some way reminds you of the many alternatives to struggle. With Venus in Cancer, a little comfort food can go a long way.

Not everyone is going to be on this wavelength. Mars in Gemini is sparking up some combative energy, especially of the verbal variety. This may range from a bullying quality to something lighter and wittier. Stick to the light side. Any intense verbal criticism is likely to fizzle out as Mars gets near its square to Neptune over the next two weeks, though you don’t want to get involved and feed anything toxic.

You may be wondering: can I really ignore this safely? You can, if you pay attention to other things and maintain contact with people who you care for and who care for you.

3 thoughts on “Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces: Tune In

  1. Len Wallick

    Thank you, Eric. Excellent advice not to engage with that which is toxic from its onset. Sometimes discretion is also the better part of compassion (and healing).

  2. Lizzy

    Came face to face with my paranoia today at work – made me realize just how much I think is true, when it’s not. It’s really good to see this stuff, I know it’s a necessary part of the healing process – but I feel like paranoid Patsy at the moment, and it’s as if a spotlight is shining on all those miserable thoughts that swirl around in my head. Not nice. But your words help, dear Eric – and it’s time to bring some love and compassion to the miserable part of me!

  3. Barbara

    My antennae has been up for a bit……not engaging in the “ENERGY DRAIN”……hip to the Moon/Neptune Conj…… a water sign…….rather enjoy it……thanks for the counsel….take care…..

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