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“Underwater Dreaming,” found on the surprisingly intuitive and interesting astrology discussion board at The reader who submitted the image associated it with Sun square Neptune.
The Sun entered Sagittarius Saturday morning, followed immediately by the New Moon in that sign. With this, we leave behind the Sun in Scorpio cycle, and enter new and very different territory.
Remember that two classical planets remain in Scorpio, Mercury and Saturn, a reminder that we haven’t left this energy completely in the past, though really, we never do. Scorpio is one of the most pervasive energies of them all — representing such facts of life as sex, death, secrets and taxes. We are always dealing with it in some way.
Mercury conjunct Saturn is encouraging deep thinking and putting the brakes on what might be a highway speed flyaway of Sun in Sagittarius — particularly square Neptune, as it currently is. And that is what I’m here to tell you about this week.
Because Neptune is in early Pisces, the Sun in Sagittarius will be square Neptune. Anything square Neptune is slippery, and with the Sun, the bigger they are the more slippery the floor. Neptune squares (and oppositions, and sometimes conjunctions) urge caution, awareness and the gathering of facts. They especially urge keeping a grip on your own idealism and ungrounded expectations.
Sun square Neptune is in effect through the week, and exact late Wednesday. It then trails off slowly, though the effects are still there, though diminishing. The upshot, from a timing standpoint, is don’t rush into any commitment just to get it out of the way before Thanksgiving.
To the contrary, I suggest you pause and wait as long as you can, and make any ‘final’ commitments later in the week or early next week. The reason for this is that you want to give the Sun-Neptune square time to reveal what it has to say. Spend your time flushing information out of the pipes. Make a focused effort to prove AND disprove your theories, especially disprove. The tendency of Sun-Neptune is to believe, whether something is true or not.
Listen to your intuition and as this aspect happens, and begins to separate, put together your factual information with your intuitive information and cross-check between them. Real meaning will come out of a mix of the two different factors — especially the places they seem to conflict.
Consider this: what we think of as “meaning” is the result of a pattern created by two different factors in the environment.
Really great advice, Eric…Thank you! Great new look for the site too –LM
Slippery. Everything feels slippery to me lately, especially words. Maybe words have always been this slippery and I’m finally starting to realize it. The power of words. Wielding them responsibly. So heavy.
Thanks for this outlook. Lots to chew on. Truly helpful!
Can’t find Judith’s column on “Knowing”, which is where I was going to comment on Chiron’s station direct yesterday and how it would emphasize the teaching/learning aspect of his nature. He will perfect his trine with the U.S. Sibly Sun on December 14-15, the same time as the Uranus – Pluto square aspect , also the Sun trine Jupiter and the Venus sextile Neptune; perhaps it will be a “bitter with the sweet” lesson learned. We’ve heard “any moment now” for over a week regarding the Ferguson decision and that could be part of it. Also the long awaited, heavily redacted torture report could be part of what we already “know” but which hasn’t yet been validated by the Government release.
I will assume the missing column that slipped away is just part of the Sun square Neptune effect (or I’m in some time warp) and eventually it will return to it’s rightful place! 🙂
I was born with my Leo sun square Neptune in Scorpio. I’ve always been a dreamer.
I’m not sure where to post this but… No indictment for the officer in the Michael Brown case in St. Louis. This is really sad
It’s a real measure when what happened here is the working definition of reasonable use of force.
Aquarius Sun conjunct Moon and Chiron square Neptune is my daily deal. I have been doing a lot of soul searching since the weekend while cleaning for the holiday. Usually it perks me up to get physical with my environment, not this time. Just a lot of sloshing going on in my head questioning things that are important to me. Why are they important? I feel like I don’t know. Weird.
I told my son (who turned the TV up to BLARING while I did dishes … and WHICH nitwit decided to do this at 8 o’clock at night? Just more irregularity in a farce of a trial, IMHO) that this decision was NOT justice, but it WAS legal within Missouri law.
Truth is, this country has spent the last thirty years – and especially the last ten – making sure the law favors authority, peppered with racial & social bias. My concern isn’t for Ferguson, which can’t help but have known and prepared, but for other places on the map, like Oakland and Detroit, yadda.
They’ve announced that the Prez is going to make a statement, coming right up – no doubt urging calm. Is there any question that the system needs a COMPLETE overhaul?
I was astounded when I heard the Ferguson announcement was to be made in the evening. Chances of rioting & chaos would exist in any event, but surely darkness makes the danger greater for all.
I don’t get it! Yes, Judith, I’m just an observer in Canada, but it seems “the system needs a COMPLETE overhaul”. As do some of ours up here, as well.
That alone is obscene — the announcement made at night, during prime time. During which the prosecutor makes statements suggesting how he does not like or trust the media…then steps right into the glare and acts like a defense attorney.
The use of the grand jury process AS the trial is just ridiculous. Sol Wachtler, the former highest judge in New York, said that a prosecutor could get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich. All an indictment means is probable cause for charges to be filed. There is still the presumption of innocence after an indictment; innocence or guilt is for the actual jury to decide.
This is the same standard of, for example, you’re stopped for an alleged traffic infraction and you have rolling paper in your car. The cop has probable cause to search your car for marijuana. No smell, no sight of cannabis — just a LEGAL substance can equal sufficient evidence for probable cause. That is what power the grand jury has.
In that whole presentation, the DA never said what reason, the actual reason, the officer had to fear for his life.
The notion that the grand jury did not indict due to “conflicting evidence” is absurd. There is conflicting evidence in every case, no matter what the verdict — that is why there is a trial; that is why the jury, the actual jury not the grand jury, is the trier of fact and law.
The grand jury’s job is merely to say, “something wrong MAY have happened.” It does not deliver a verdict, only a hunch. In this case it was abused as the trier of fact — for a good reason: it was easy to get that result. And notably that result happened behind closed doors, in a secret proceeding.
This is precisely why our Constitution calls for trials to be held in open court in an open process where the accused and the accuser face one another with the public present. I could go on.
I could go on as well but I won’t — just wanted to throw in some amazing links over at Huffy (which is doing a terrific job of filling in the blanks,) the first regarding that ham sammich, Eric:
U.S. Attorneys Prosecuted 162,000 Cases in 2010 – Grand Juries Declined To Indict Just 11 Times
The next is the epitome of ‘white privilege:’
Statement From Darren Wilson’s Lawyers Fails To Mention Michael Brown
Here’s the information that brings an almost unimaginable life of being targeted into focus:
How The St. Louis County Courts Screw Over Minorities
“Conversations with black residents in this area revealed that many of them have been taken advantage of for years through a series of aggressive ticketing and harsh penalties for unpaid fines.
“In one district with a population of 1,831 people, approximately 33,000 warrants are currently issued. Similar distributions like this are common across the board.”
… and the cherry on the cake:
Number Of Police Officers Slain In The Line Of Duty Hits 50-Year Low
G’night, all – dreaming justice and affirming peace
Since my words are slippery and my heart filled with fury and grief — and love, too — I am relying on the words of one of the finest American poets, ever, to fill the following space:
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore—
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over—
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
Thanks Eric – maybe a bit too advanced for me to interpret definitively.
With Sun in Aries, I can’t wait or delay (being impatient) in promoting my new book (based on 35 years’s research and 24,000 DOBs) –Zodiac Guide to Successful Relationships & Careers.
My Piscean rising and Scorpio Moon seem to urge me not to procrastinate either, whilst my energies are fairly high and feeling self motivated.