After today, Mars will spend the rest of this year being symbolically moderated in Libra. If you correlate that Martian placement with Mercury moving to share the same degree of Scorpio with the Sun on Tuesday, indications are that your life will pose a question for you.
In essence, that question asks how you should modulate your own energies over the handful of days. Would it be more noble to tone down in sympathy with what appears to be a more thoughtful cosmic background?
Or will it be better to step on the gas and take action against any circumstances or conditions that might keep you from gathering momentum and making progress?
It’s not an easy question to answer. The astrology is not explicit one way or the other. In all probability what works for you will not work for everybody (or even anybody) else. The only apparent certainty is that maintaining inertia is not the answer. One way or the other, you will be called upon to make adjustments of some kind between today and Tuesday in order not to be left behind altogether.
In other words, being unable or unwilling to make at least some changes in your life as this week becomes next appears to be the only inappropriate reaction to what astrology implies the near future will hold. After that, it will be a matter of how you discern and define what it means to follow through.
One thing to keep in mind is that all of us have just started a new lunar cycle with yesterday’s New Moon in Scorpio. Hence you implicitly have a fresh start on your hands, which is good thing so long as you can open your mind and heart to a fresh approaches. So pause occasionally, take a breath and either look or ask for alternatives. For all you know what worked for you last Friday might have become a second-best strategy by tomorrow.
With the Moon waxing and returning to visibility in mutable Sagittarius today, it should be instinctively easier to accept the need for change. That’s also a good thing so long as you are present to the difference between being instinctual versus being habitual.
Acting on instinct means trusting yourself. Acting on habit means trusting to routine. Therefore, experiment a bit. Try breaking with some of your more trivial habits and routines over the weekend. You will probably find that you gain in confidence whatever you lose in comfort.

Don’t let the word “change” scare you; Planet Waves just helps you find your flow. Dive in with a Reader Level membership (tell your friends about it!), or a Core Community membership.
Once you find that your instincts can indeed be trusted, the Moon’s ingress to Capricorn on Sunday should set you up to initiate come constructive and grounded changes.
After that, the key will be to discern whether and when following through with one change means making another.
Since the Sun’s conjunction with Mercury on Tuesday will be accompanied by a fixed Aquarius Moon, you will once again be facing the same question we started with today: whether to be or not to be one with moderation and modulation.
For when you consider how every conjunction the Sun makes with Mercury means that Mercury will soon appear on a new horizon, you can see how Tuesday will represent a fork in the road. The Moon will take you one way, towards setting and sticking to the new course you settled upon over the weekend. Mercury will take you the other way, into a process of ongoing and additional change. Whatever choice you make, may it serve you well.
Between now and then, however, remember that any initiative you take, however small, will almost certainly trump inertia.
Offered In Service
Len. Why do I feel like this time andpassage of Mars moving forward in Libra is tied to his long period of Retrograde there last year. That time he was very much turned inward. Trying to figure out in roundabout ways our true needs and expressions. Also very hesitantly. This time I am feeling it is more about trusting our endeavors of desire. And without going through the guilt and victim conciousness games we habitually put on our self and through others. Really?! Really sick of that pattern. So done with that, I am re-noticing. And definitely taking note to change! Thank you Len for dotting that the in NOT.
“This time I am feeling it is more about trusting our endeavors of desire. And without going through the guilt and victim conciousness games we habitually put on our self and through others. ”
Oh, goodness yes. Thank you for type-writing that. Feeling steeped in desires in the most delicious of ways these days, and am having the audacity to trust them rather than break them down.
Amanda: Thank you for being so supportive in your affirmation of P. Sophia’s cogent and compassionate observations. Both your eye and your heart are represent a depth of being which exceeds my ken while at the same time not going over my head completely.
P. Sophia: Thank you for once again bring grace, profundity and elegance to extend upon my rather crude (by comparison) attempt at service here. My appreciation is sincere and offered with the greatest respect.
..dotting that T in NOT. ( to inertia that is. For myself, or more likely the entanglement of pulling others out of their own).
Well Len, speaking of Mercury conjunct the Sun, when Pluto entered Capricorn on 11/26/08, both Mercury and Sun were at 5+ Sagittarius, right where transiting Saturn is right now. Ten days from now transiting Jupiter will conjunct the Saturn of that same chart, at 20+ Virgo (the same degree where the still-active solar eclipse happened in September), thus these two transiting planets, Jupiter in Virgo and Saturn in Sagittarius are energizing Pluto’s mandate when he entered the sign of Capricorn.
When Pluto made this move into Capricorn back in 2008, transiting Uranus in Pisces was in the process of stationing direct at 18+ degrees (where trans. Chiron was right about this time last month). Uranus was opposite Saturn in Virgo at that time, just weeks following Barack Obama’s first win of the U.S. Presidential race and the realization that some banks were just too big to fail.
Surely this could not be pinned to Mercury’s conjunction with the Sun that day, but it is a cautionary tale and one would do well to ere on the side of NOT trusting to routine. That’s my sense of it anyway. Tomorrow is Friday the 13th you know, and a week from tomorrow transiting Venus ($$$) will square the U.S. Sun in Cancer and square the transiting Pluto in Capricorn at the same time. Transiting Saturn will have moved off that conjunction with the Pluto Ingress chart’s Sun-Mercury conjunction and will be making an opposition to the U.S. Sibly Uranus (unexpected) at 8+ Gemini by December 5th.
It just seems to me that any Uranus (natal or transiting) opposite any Saturn is bad news for some folks and poses a hardship on almost everyone. Probably just an Aquaran thing, you know. . . who’s the boss of Aquarius? All of us in the US are at least part Aquarian (U.S Sibly Moon in Aquarius) and I for one will be trusting my instincts. I’m transferring all my assets from my bank and putting them in the Credit Union.
By the way, Pluto’s mission statement for his sojourn through Capricorn appears to be FOCUS. All the major planets are in 1/2 of the chart; all between Saturn in Virgo and Uranus in Pisces, with conjunctions in Sagittarius between Sun, Mercury, Mars (square Ceres), a conjunction between Venus and Jupiter in Capricorn, and a conjunction between Nessus and the North Node (trust but verify). Neptune was quincunx Saturn and Pluto himself was trine Vesta at 0 Taurus. The Moon was at 28+ Scorpio where transiting Saturn stationed direct last August as he squared transiting Jupiter in Leo.
Tuesday’s Moon in Aquarius seems to be between a rock and a hard place, but I’m putting my money on the CU!
Barbara: Thank you for bringing me back to an experience i will long remember: sitting there at my computer on a November evening in 2008, constantly striking the “refresh” key while watching the “current planets” waiting for the moment of the second ingress of Pluto into Capricorn. Your words brought it back as though it was yesterday. Furthermore, your own inspiring work on cataloguing and correlating the amazing phenomenon of Pluto, Uranus and Neptune all changing sign (essentially) together earlier in this century served as one of my own greatest inspirations. While i’m still looking for that grand correlation i may never find, it was your generous commenting and selfless sharing of your epic astrological work that served to light that particular bulb for me. How appropriate that you should recall it now, under this particular astrology. That’s the great thing about astrology for me, i never get jaded, one never sees it all. But without luminaries like you to help me see, that might not be the case. Additionally, thank you for your look ahead to transiting Saturn opposing the Sibly (another area of your mastery) Uranus. Being a solar Aquarius myself, your “who’s the boss” correspondence resonates with me very deeply (especially given how both planets are dignified in my nativity).
You really are the greatest, one of the few people i can point to whose reach does not exceed your grasp. You give me faith and inspire me to do better, and i am so, so very grateful.
. . . and to make the point of focus (!), I forgot to mention that in between Saturn’s exact conjunction to the Pluto Ingress chart’s Sun-Mercury at 5+ Sagittarius right now, and his exact opposition to the U.S Uranus from December 5 through 12, he is exactly square transiting Neptune! What more could you ask; it’s a rite of passage I guess or running the gauntlet maybe. Trying to keep our “balance” will be tested. Decisions, decisions.
Many shooting attacks in different parts of Paris, France, tonight with many, many people dead.
Looks like Saturn opposite US Sibly Uranus come early.
Next week somtime when Mars hits 5+ degrees Libra, (where Venus sits and is attaching a glance at the potential today) it should become really interesting. Along with Mars activating new balance, and release in compassionate action, (with boundaries) we will have Trans Saturn still at 5+ Sag, Pallas at 5+ Cap, Ceres at 5+ Aquarius, and Neptune continuing towards 6+ degrees Pieces. Not sure if this is a noted aspect pattern or not, but in reviewing the Sabian Symbols and how I presently feel personally, not only will it be decisions, decisions (Be), yet also a big, huge, nudge towards our choosing greater responsibility. Pushing us to further, emotionally and physically, release our negative, ingrained patterns of the past. Surrendering, freeing us space to allow for new forms collectively. As always it starts small..with you and me. But can spread quickly from there.. Yes it’s true. And as gifted Len brings all this to mind, there’s a new, mature Mars in town, and as I see, he is already making his gracious presence known!
Next week somtime when Mars hits 5+ degrees Libra, (where Venus sits and is attaching a glance at the potential today) it should become really interesting. Along with Mars activating new balance, and release in compassionate action, (with boundaries) we will have Trans Saturn still at 5+ Sag, Pallas at 5+ Cap, Ceres at 5+ Aquarius, and Neptune continuing towards 6+ degrees Pieces.
Not sure if this is a noted aspect pattern or not, but in reviewing the Sabian Symbols and how I presently feel personally, not only will it be decisions, decisions (Be), yet also a big, huge, nudge towards our choosing greater responsibility. Pushing us to further, emotionally and physically, release our negative, ingrained patterns of the past. Surrendering, freeing us space to allow for new forms collectively. As always it starts small..with you and me. But can spread quickly from there..
Yes it’s true. And as gifted Len brings all this to mind, there’s a new, mature Mars in town, and as I see, he is already making his gracious presence known!