This week is the equinox: when the Sun enters Aries and spring begins in the Northern Hemisphere. That takes place Wednesday, March 20 at 5:58 pm EDT). Moments after the Sun enters Aries is the Libra Full Moon, making this an unusual equinox with quite a lot of momentum carrying both the energy and resulting events.

Young leaves in a forest in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Photo by Ales Kladnik.
In the hours and days immediately after the Full Moon, the Earth/Sun axis will align with many planets and points in the early cardinal signs, most notably Chiron (healing crisis) and Salacia (the need for sexual maturity) in early Aries; Pholus (rapid release) and Quaoar (family matters) in early Capricorn; and Hebe (related to codependency) in early Cancer.
This looks like a big adventure, involving intensity and subject matters I suspect many may not be prepared for. If you’re tracking any of the developing events in early Aries and Capricorn (covered extensively in the Intelligence reference readings for those signs), you know this aspect structure contains significant energy and tension that’s looking for a place to go. This pattern will be activated to the max by the Full Moon.
On one side of the equation is Chiron and Salacia in Aries; on the other is Pholus and Quaoar in Capricorn — in a close-to-perfect square, powered up by the Full Moon. Squares are looking for a place to discharge energy. Most of where it’s going is the internet, where a vast population is roaming around without their bodies, as if inhabiting some low-level bardo.
Then there’s a conjunction I have not mentioned recently, but which is in the mix — that of Makemake and Logos in early Libra. These are two slow-movers orbiting our Sun a bit further out than Pluto, which were last conjunct in 1848-49*. One question this conjunction raises is: do words mean anything? Does logic matter anymore?

Detail of Mercury stationing direct, visible at the very top of the chart — with Mercury and Neptune bearing the number 16 next to them, indicating a conjunction (which lasts for weeks).
In Libra, this can translate to: what is our reference point for our sense of balance and proportion?
What exactly is the guardrail or safety net when someone is triggered (which seems to happen a lot these days)? There are times when, with rare exceptions, the internet seems like a vast expression of rage. That kind of emotional intensity cannot be processed online, though many think it can. It’s only magnified. And that just churns up more karma.
In the physical world, experiences are more tangible, and face to face, people can be held more accountable. Still, even 3D is taking on the properties of a video game (like the one where a “pilot” has to disable automatic controls before the script crashes the jet liner full of passengers; or the live-streaming of a mass shooting).
Just focusing on Sun-Chiron, we are looking at a get-real influence, which can be a shock of something awakening body consciousness and original identity. That is the primary direction of travel, despite what else is going on in the background.
Mercury Stations Direct Conjunct Neptune
To make things even more interesting, while these Sun transits happen, we’re experiencing one of the most unusual Mercury station direct events I’ve ever seen. It’s right in league with the most famous one of our lifetimes, which occurred as polls closed during the infamous election of 2000.
It’s a good thing there’s not an election going on right now, though there is plenty in the public sphere to keep an eye on, such as our current remake of All the President’s Men.

Daily ephemeris focusing on Mercury and Neptune, spanning from March 15 through April 9. The numbers indicate degree and minute; you can see the conjunction form as Mercury stations to direct motion. That is visible when the “Rx” stops appearing next to the position listed.
Neptune is in mid-Pisces, making a long transit across this sign. Mercury in Pisces is retrograding toward Neptune. So we’re now experiencing a very long conjunction of the two planets. Take a look at the ephemeris on the right and follow the numbers to get a sense of how this develops over the course of a few weeks. The chart gives a picture of the exact moment when Mercury stations direct (Mercury and Neptune both have a 16 next to them, indicating a conjunction).
So what have we got going on here? Well, first, you will need to be following Mercury retrograde regulations to the tee — no unnecessary commitments, no major purchases, and an ongoing process of verification and authentication. Pay attention. Avoid using any substance that alters your mind when out of the house, and be careful when you’re at home too.
This pattern is so unusual that it’s calling attention to something around us in the world — something that is not yet fully visible but may be coming across intuitively or through the subtle senses. It’s as if a deeper truth is being negotiated.
Many days, the world seems as if we live with an endless conjunction of Mercury and Neptune, which is watering down awareness, and blurring the line between truth and fantasy. Or maybe it’s pointing to the notion that in our era all of reality is imaginary.
This is fun to consider as an exercise of fiction, though we still live in the physical world, of heavy objects, momentum, decisions and consequences.
By all means, use your imagination. Tune in to the sublime realms. Consider the possibilities. Imagine the future that you want. And don’t be lulled to half-sleep by the many narcotics of our time.
The truth matters to you even it if does not seem to matter to others. And contrary to the current vogue, there is such a thing. It’s not all just a matter of opinion. So choose carefully where you orient your mind.
* Logos and Makemake orbit the Sun at about the same speed, and are usually hovering within about 30 degrees of one another. So they are always in a loose conjunction (which is exact 2017-2020 or so). The loose conjunction will be true for at least as far into the future as I can cast an ephemeris, approximately 2100, and from the look of the orbit, probably much longer. If you scan down the column, it’s easy to see.