As you enter this week, remember: much in the astrology is signaling that all may not be as it seems, in one way or another. Thankfully, you should not have to wait long for things to begin shaking out and clarifying. Even so, the theme for this week is taking things slowly and methodically — while keeping your eyes and ears sharp for unexpected but crucial details.

The 2013 Pisces Full Moon; photo by Amanda Painter.
The overall tone is being set by two major events. The first is Mercury stationing direct in late Leo, in the same degree as the Aug. 21 eclipse, on Tuesday at 7:29 am EDT (11:29 UTC). The other is the Pisces Full Moon conjunct Neptune on Wednesday, exact at 3:03 am EDT (7:03 UTC).
Either of those events would warrant your attention. Together, they indicate the potential for a mix of emotional uncertainty that’s building to a peak, combined with mental turbulence or distraction and a changing of gears (or change of direction). You might find that stressful. However, if you’re involved in any kind of creative endeavor — especially if it does not rely on digital technology — this astrology could be very useful.
The more you can flow with your vision, muse or immediate environment, the easier things will likely be. Any situation where you must work against a metaphorical tide could prove challenging.
You’ll want to pick your battles; that might mean waiting a couple/few days to do so. With Mars entering Virgo on Tuesday (at 9:35 UTC), there’s another reminder to watch where you throw your energy. You could be very industrious if you remember not to over-focus on inconsequential details.
With the Virgo Sun making its exact opposition to Neptune in Pisces early on Tuesday (about six hours before Mercury stations direct), we get another warning about obsessiveness, as well as the potential for deception or disillusionment. Combined with Mercury stationing, this says you’ll want to be circumspect. Don’t let anyone pressure you into any kind of agreement or commitment; a few days’ grace in making major decisions could be very helpful.
The upside of the Sun opposing Neptune is its potential for tremendous depth of feeling and sensitivity in relationships. The Pisces Moon approaching its conjunction to Neptune will likely increase empathy and understanding for others.
If you tend toward the extremely sensitive side of the spectrum anyway, you’ll want to watch your boundaries to guard against the ‘energetic sponge’ phenomenon, should you encounter negative people or toxic behavior.
This astrology also comes with a warning to keep your consumption of alcohol and drug use on a short leash. With Mercury stationary, don’t even think about driving or operating heaving machinery under the influence.
Even though Mercury stations direct almost twenty hours ahead of the Pisces Full Moon, it will still be working out its kinks for a good few days (even a couple weeks) afterwards.
If you can handle your interpersonal communication attentively and sensitively, you should have better luck avoiding misinterpretation as the Full Moon peaks. If you find yourself getting frustrated or antsy, a creative (or even non-chemical escapist) outlet could help to channel the energy; the Virgo-Pisces axis is ideal for that.
Finally, remember that when Mercury stations direct, there’s often a moment that Eric refers to as, “the truth comes out.” That is, some missing bit of information that you might not have even known you were missing may emerge.
You’ll want to be able to notice it for what it is. Given that it may very well relate to something about the Aug. 21 eclipse that’s important for you, you’ll be glad you were paying attention.
Excellent and succinct as always, Amanda.
Cheers, Steve!
Thank you Amanda, so helpful. This is a mental area that is so hard to be aware of.
Lynn Hennessy
Lynn — yes, it *is* a mental area that is really challenging to stay aware of! I get the sense that it can start to feel a little 12th-housey. As in, coming from a blind spot, and therefore hard to prepare for. But not impossible. Heaven knows we get lots of opportunities to practice!
So far I’m experiencing this week’s shifts as boiling-over rage, which is not normal for me. I feel like my typically cooperative-at-all-costs spirit has reached its breaking point. I am trying to rein it in but not totally successfully… Anyone else experiencing this?
Karen Eng – What would happen if you expressed your rage (preferably constructively, and not aimed at innocent bystanders)? Or, to take another tack, what is your rage pointing you towards — in terms of action you might need to take to address (rather than suppress) it? That might include taking action to remove yourself from certain situations, people, behaviors, etc.
Just trying to see if you have more information to work with beyond just, “I’m angry instead of cooperative.” If the Full Moon is illuminating something for you, chances are it’s so that you can understand it and use it, right?
Did any hints come through as Mercury stationed direct this morning?
Karen (and Amanda) an interesting thing happened to me today – I woke up (after few hours sleep) feeling exhausted, and like Karen, in a mega F***** the world mood. I had a lunch date with a dear friend and her son, who has just turned 17 , plus another friend. Wasn’t in the mood at all – as was feeling so rough, and also had a lot of work to do. But I ended up having a wonderful time (plus a glass of wine) – and went back to work feeling transformed – jolly and invigorated. On reading both your comments – it made me think about this. I think that a big part of the anger we’re feeling right now is actually very strong energy, which, if channelled can also bring up joy and well being.
You might have something there, Lizzy. And it occurs to me that something about Mercury being very powerful when stationing direct could be churning up some big, unsettling energy. Maybe something collective regarding all that is going wrong in the world — lots of “anti-service” — in addition to personal stuff? Just bouncing around ideas, here.
Thanks Amanda! Very helpful. And thank you, Be! Will read your comment very carefully again, as soon as I have time.
Amanda, tomorrow’s full moon will trigger the cycle of Saturn and Neptune. On March 3, 1989, at 5:40 AM, these two planets met at 11+ Capricorn and were sextile the Sun (symbol of consciousness) at 12+ Pisces, where transiting Neptune is right now, and where the U.S. progressed Sun is too. With tomorrow’s Full Moon at 13+ Pisces conjunct trans. Neptune (and the Sun in the Saturn-Neptune chart) and the U.S. progressed Sun, an opportunity is being provided to observe the methods of the centaurs in action.
When Saturn met Neptune in 1989 transiting Chiron at 1+ Cancer retrograde was in a T-square to the U.S. Sibly chart’s MC in Libra and IC in Aries. Transiting Nessus at 22+ Virgo was conjunct the U.S. natal Neptune in the same degree. Transiting Pholus at that time was conjunct the U.S. natal Uranus, both at 8+ Gemini.
With the Sun in the Saturn-Neptune conjunction chart at 12+ Pisces, and transiting Neptune at 12+ Pisces and conjunct the Full Moon at 13+ Pisces, and the U.S. progressed Sun at 12+ Pisces, I had to ask myself, “is the Universe trying to tell us (US) something?
Consider the long stance of transiting Saturn at 21+ Sagittarius (over 2 months), all the while opposite U.S. natal Mars at 21+ Gemini and square the U.S. Neptune at 22+ Virgo (where Nessus was at the time of the Saturn-Neptune conjunction in 1989), and recall that centaurs functions by bringing attention to something. Nessus does it by employing the natural human traits of suspicion and insecurity.
Then there is Pholus who is known for making a small gesture that ends up being tantamount to starting war. Pholus in the Saturn-Neptune chart conjuncts U.S. Uranus in Gemini and he would bring attention to something – in this case – with words (Gemini) that produce shock and awe (Uranus).
The U.S. MC at 1+ Libra, symbolizes the U.S. reputation, its achievements and goals. With Chiron in Cancer in the Saturn-Neptune chart square that U.S. MC as well as the U.S. IC (root base, history) the effect would be a kind of wounding, perhaps a sense of a family wounding (Cancer) I would imagine. All this to make conscious some need for change.
By positioning themselves conjunct an outer (collective) planet in the U.S. natal chart, the centaurs Nessus and Pholus in the Saturn-Neptune cycle aim to facilitate communication from one level of comprehension (outer planet level) to a lesser level of comprehension (inner planet level), in this case transiting Saturn square U.S. Neptune. It’s what centaurs are best at.
There is another possibility, the 3rd of 3 conjunctions between transiting Mercury and Mars takes place on September 16th. They will do so at 7+ Virgo which will square U.S. Uranus and the Saturn-Neptune chart’s Pholus at 8+ Gemini. This 3rd conjunction between trans. Mercury and Mars will officially complete the start of their new year-long cycle that could hold a consciousness raising element for the U.S. Surely there is a pony somewhere in all this poop.
I would guess, based on present headlines, that the Saturn-Neptune cycle’s “Chiron effect” would express through the Irma, Harvey disasters (family wound). The Nessus effect seems oriented to the DACA program ending and other stories involving resistance to foreign born citizens or “non-white” citizens. The centaur Pholus with its influence on the U.S. Uranus leans toward expressing through the N. Korean threat to the U.S. and its allies.
All theory of course, I will wait and see how it all develops over the coming weeks.
My bad; the Mercury-Mars cycle is two years not 1 year long. They will next be conjunct in June, 2019.
Be, I’m always amazed at your ability to track all of this the way you do! Thank you for chiming in with that wider and deeper context. Definitely some food for thought.