Mediation and Moderation

Posted by Len Wallick


Venus enters Cancer Thursday; Len Wallick offers some clues about this shift. As you metaphorically give birth to what has been growing in brilliance within you, you must also honor the cyclical nature of being — which includes releasing attachment to what has been birthed.

For most of human history people very much like you have known how act in participation with cycles of the Earth and sky. That knowledge comes down to you in the form of proverbs, which have been perpetuated in story and song. For every thing there is a season. Make hay while the Sun shines. Shine on harvest Moon.


Astrology also provides a clue for your place in participation with cycles of the planets. We are now entering a period when it would be to your advantage to heed those clues so as to mediate with the times and moderate less-than-optimal conditions.

The period in question might be said to begin in earnest when Venus leaves Gemini behind to enter Cancer (the sign of the Moon’s dominion) at 6:52 pm EDT (22:52 UTC) on Thursday.

Indications of the period now commencing are evident through what you can see of Venus with your own eyes. It is also evident through the metaphorically interpretive and contextual milieu of astrology.

With every evening now, Venus appears a little higher above the Western horizon, remaining visible later into each successive night. You can see that with your own eyes. The gradual and steady ascending will continue until Venus reaches what will be its highest point (what astronomy calls the “greatest eastern elongation”) on June 6. Meaningfully, that will be the night after Venus leaves tropical Cancer to enter Leo.

Those of you with binoculars or telescopes to augment what you can see with your own eyes will also note that the apparent area of the sunlit part of Venus (what astronomers call “brilliancy,” as discerned from “brightness”) is growing in size. In other words, Venus is waxing much as the Moon recently did before reaching fullness less than two days ago.

Venus always goes through phases like the Moon. In many cultures, Venus and the Moon have also always shared a mythical correspondence with the divine feminine. However, astronomical and cultural correlations between Venus and the Moon have not always been metaphorically extended through, and synchronized with, the contexts of astrology as denoted by the period about to begin when Venus enters Cancer on Thursday.

Hence, the clues you should heed in order to participate in productive harmony with the beginning of a period implied by the sky. As always, beginning in actual practice will be a matter of you working with and on yourself.

First among the clues indicated by Venus entering Cancer is an implicit imperative to mediate with your own feminine (Moon) values (Venus) rather than resist them. Look to metaphorically give birth to what has been growing in brilliance within you. Seek to nourish the ascendancy of your light in the world.

Yet, the impending tenure of Venus in tropical Cancer will also require that you must honor the cyclical nature of being — for no growth or rise continues forever. Moderation will require you to release attachment to and relinquish possessiveness toward what you bear into the world, so as not to stunt or hold it down.

To keep the receptive nature of Venus and the emotional priorities of Cancer in balance will also sometimes mean working without receiving immediate gratification or credit. Nearly always, and perhaps most important, it will be necessary to lead without feeling the need also to dominate. Likely required of you in addition will be an open and selfless heart that knows within itself that all hearts can yet be made one.

Those are some clues — though not about what is in store for you. Astrology is not destiny. Rather, offered here today are some clues about what will be required of you so as to take a conscious hand in your destiny as Venus enters Cancer.

For with the ingress of Venus into Cancer you will be entering a period when the tangible evidence available to your own eyes and the subtly symbolic hints of astrology are in unusual concordance. What happens as result, however, will in large part begin with how well you perceive your place in the solar system and how appropriately you respond to fill that role. 

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

Posted in Columnist on | 23 comments
Len Wallick

About Len Wallick

Besides endeavoring to be of service to all of you here at Planet Waves, Len strives to live in Seattle while working as a professional astrologer. To contact him for an astrology reading you can send an e-mail to: His telephone number is 206-356-5467. In addition to his profession, Len contributes to the Seattle community without monetary compensation by serving as a Reiki practitioner and teacher through classes and outreach offered by the Seattle Reiki Mastery Series modality.

23 thoughts on “Mediation and Moderation

  1. Bette

    Ah, lovely post, Len, upon which I need to reflect further.
    For now, I note that when Venus enters Cancer, she crosses my 12th house north node. Kind of augments the within-ness (for me) of the Gemini transits we spoke of last week.

  2. Barbara Koehler

    I’ve frequently wondered about your gift Len; the one you have been sharing with us for several years now, several times a week. How remarkably you stay on track with the movements of the planets; perceiving their intent and how those intentions can be best utilized by us.

    To help us understand, you weave your knowledge of astronomy and mythology and astrology and human nature and nature’s cycles into a final product which not only warms us, but whose pattern also reveals helpful guidance, step by step. it would appear that the goddess Pallas, and/or perhaps Arachne are your patron lights, at least on the feminine side of the equation, at least in this PlanetWaves capacity. My guess for the masculine light to balance her would be cautious and realistic Saturn.

    Normally I would charge $25 for that but today it is quid pro quo for this offering of yours. (just kidding of course. . about the $25 part). My usual thanks and appreciation for your existence.

  3. LizzyLizzy

    Yes – this is so beautiful and inspiring, Len. There’s so much grace and beauty in your words, as befits these Venus -kissed days! Many thanks!

  4. aWord

    Venus will soon oppose natal Mars and transiting Pluto, then conjunct natal Ceres. As she enters Cancer of course she squares the Aries Point and natal DML I will effort to just feel her feminine traits float like a sheer silk …..which by the way is a good description for your words, Len – and your $25 offering Be :)

  5. Barbara Koehler

    Venus may have led me to a clue but it’s hard to tell Len. I commented on Fe’s column earlier today about transiting Venus being opposed to Quaoar right now and, what with Mercury preparing us for another retrograde, I’m unable to re-read what I wrote, ie. nobody can get into make a comment to or read a comment to Fe. It led me to check out Quaoar’s discovery chart where I discovered:
    *Venus was conjunct Jupiter, both at 17+ Cancer,
    *Venus/Jupiter were quincunx Pluto at 16+ Sagittarius,
    *Venus/Jupiter were sextile Sedna at 17+ Taurus,
    *Sedna was quincunx Pluto at 16+ Sagittarius
    *a yod was created by Venus/Jupiter sextile Sedna with Pluto at the apex, or point of release.

    Pluto in the Quaoar discovery chart was also conjunct the south node and Photographica, both at 17+ Sagittarius. Now I don’t have a clue who or what Varda was/is but he/she/it is at 17+ Sagittarius right now and I thought I should at least ask if anybody does know.

    A 2nd yod in the Quaoar chart was between Varuna in Cancer and Quaoar in Sagittarius sextile Neptune in Aquarius, with Varuna in the point of release. Here’s a bit about Quaoar and Varuna from someone called mystic marguerite:
    “Quaoar is the largest planetoid discovered to date (whatever date that was). It was found in the constellation of Ophiuchus, or the Serpent Bearer. Much esoteric value is given to this area of the sky, with the implication that man must learn to weld the twin forces of creation and destruction in accord with natural law.”
    and. . .
    “Varuna was the old Hindu God of the Waters and once ruled as king of all the gods. He is guardian of the oceanic demons and generates the clouds and rain, therefore is a sustainer of life. Varuna dispenses ultimate justice and keeps the cosmic order.”
    Here’s an old link to read the rest, but if it doesn’t work I can write the rest out for you if you like.

    I can guess that the 2nd yod in Quaoar’s discovery chart might mean some turbulent waters (and water demons) might come to pass, possibly when Venus gets to 10+ Cancer (Varuna’s degree in Quaoar’s chart) or the Sun or Mars, but it will possibly be an illusion (Neptune in Aquarius) created by dancing Quaoar (sextile Neptune) so as to get Varuna to “dispense ultimate justice” to someone for something.

    The 1st yod of the Quaoar chart between Venus-Jupiter, Sedna, and Pluto-SN-Photo, has me baffled, although the Pluto-SN-Photo part brings to mind the recent Texas shoot-em-up at the cartoon contest, meant to arouse the Charlie Hebdo massacre memory. So if anyone knows about Varda at 17+ Sagittarius it might shed some light. Vesta at 17+ Pisces is square the critter Varda today. Probably something to do with emotions (water square from Pisces, + Cancer, Sedna added to Neptune and Varuna in the 2nd yod).

    Just trying to heed the clues people.

  6. Len WallickLen Wallick Post author

    Bette: My thanks to you in turn. Please let me know if you have further questions upon further reading. Without the benefit of your nativity as a whole, i can’t say for sure, but it appears as if your interpretation of transiting Venus (upon ingress to Cancer) in relation to your natal chart is sound. Just one thing to keep in mind, please, is that “within-ness” need not remain within. It’s a risk to bring one’s light out from underneath a bushel basket, but if a light it indeed be, it’s the type of risk most likely to pay off.

    Barbara: Thank you for being so very kind in your appraisal of my service. All i know for sure is that it’s the greatest honor and privilege of my entire life to be allowed to serve here, and i hope to continue doing so. i also hope you are correct, it would be a great honor to have erstwhile rivals Pallas and Arachne find common cause in together having my back.
    Thank you especially for bringing up the Quaoar discovery chart linked here (from Planet Waves archives):
    It is indeed one of the most amazingly fascinating and rich discovery charts i have ever looked into. It would be fair to say The two powerful yods you referred to are but scratching the surface of what this chart holds. Please note that the first one you mention (with pluto at the apex) is a “boomerang” yod with Saturn conjunct North Lunar Node “splitting” the sextile and opposing Pluto. That opposition goes a long way toward answering your questions about that yod.
    As to Varda, it’s one of those exciting new discoveries out past Neptune and Pluto named after fictional creative deities conjured up by the profound mind of John Tolkien – we will need to accumulate some of what Eric calls “proving moments” to get our clue for that object. As for Varuna, that’s another of those trans-Neptunian objects which fascinates me to no end. The deity after which is is named is about as old as we can recover from any written records discovered so far. Indeed, it may very well be that Neptune/Poseidon, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter/Zeus, and maybe many more can trace their origins back to Varuna. With Venus coming around to conjoin Varuna in Cancer once again, we might get another “proving moment” there as well.

    Lizzy: You are most welcome.

    Anna: You are very welcome as well.

    aWord; That’s some powerful Venus transits to your uncannily prescient nativity you have coming up there. Indeed , there might be some heat (of some sort) mixed in with the Venusian light for your personal case. If so, just remember to forge with it rather than let it make you sweat.

  7. P. SophiaP. Sophia

    It was a very practicle and helpful message Len, thank you.

    I did not know Venus went through phases like the Moon. I don’t know much about Venus, but do know what in your message called out to me to pay attention to at this time..gently and with awareness, stay.

    “Moderation will require you to release attachment to and relinquish possessiveness toward what you bear into the world, so as not to stunt or hold it down.”

    “Nearly always, and perhaps most important, it will be necessary to lead without feeling the need also to dominate.”

    Right when Venus enters Cancer she will be passing over my North Node at 0+ degrees.
    I noticed, Venus is currently opposite Galactic Center today, (Sagittarius 28)  ‘the mind of God’, and said to be the place where we can connect in with the Law Of Attraction.

    This makes your report and our reading it now, that much more timely and relevant for us all. Much appreciated, as always Len!!

  8. MandyMandy

    YOU are brilliant, Len. Thanks for the great proverbs, I’ve been singing “Shine on harvest moon” all morning. May the flow of harmony match and/or exceed your beautiful words and may we all shine on and spread the love.
    And thanks to both you and Be for all the juicy, extra asteroid info!

  9. marie hawthorne

    Thank you Len

    Sometimes words don’t quite reach, but here are some of my favourite ‘m’-words for today…+ an ‘a’

    Mediation and Moderation
    Middling and Muddling
    Music, Moments,
    Movement and Magic!

  10. Len WallickLen Wallick Post author

    P. Sophia: Please accept my sincere appreciation in torn for your discernment, sublime expressions, and perceptive interpretations at which always serve to augment our understanding of the sky. With a natal lunar north node at the culminate degree of Cancer (the net motion of the lunar nodes over time is retrograde motion) it is little wonder that your sense of astrology so often helps us to gain access to the subtly profound. Thank you again.

    Mandy: My thanks to you in turn for being so generous in your appraisal of my service here.

    Marie: Ingenious! Thank you for perceiving and following a fascinating and evocative linguistic trail, and sharing it with us!

  11. Len WallickLen Wallick Post author

    jinspace: You are most welcome. It is gratifying to know that my service here is of practical use in your life. May your way become broader and smoother as Venus ascends further.

  12. Barbara Koehler

    Thanks Len, at least I now know Varda is a “she” and a “queen” so perhaps the new British princess will provide us with one of those proving moments at some creative period in her – hopefully – long life. Perhaps in Quaoar’s chart the Saturn/NN Boomerang symbolizes the present Queen, or the next King maybe? Time will tell.

  13. Len WallickLen Wallick Post author

    pam: Thank you for bringing up Princess Charlotte. Please find below this reply a link to her chart in astro data bank.

    With a natal Sun in Taurus (where the Moon is exalted) and an ascendant in Cancer (where the Moon rules) we can fairly consider the Moon to be a strong candidate for ruler of her nativity. Assuming the lunar rulership of the chart is valid, it is worthy of note that her natal Libra Moon was separating from an opposition to Uranus and applying to trine Venus for the recorded moment of her first breath. We can expect her to have a somewhat complex but deep inner life underneath an attractive and possibly even charismatic exterior. Given that her brother (Prince George) was born with an extremely anaretic Cancer Sun, however, it would appear that her sympathy for him might well be one of the major karmic missions of her life. How that will play out, i cannot predict. However, i cannot see her and her brother as being indifferent to each other.

    So, when you write of “difficult aspects”, please, what were you referring to?

  14. Barbara

    Hey Len…….Thanks for your thoughts on this upcoming energy pattern…… do have a remarkable gift for interpretation and synthesis…….as for the “riding the ‘flying’ bike”……and the Scorpio full moon “recipe”… really checked out…..(as an aside…. the cross roads of a piano and carriage in motion…..opposite directions…imagery worked out like tarot…..whole lotta confidence and poise going on…..oh….the amusing bit ….someone gave me a “recipe”……the UNIVERSE HAS A SENSE OF HUMOR…….Way cool………..Thanks again…………

  15. pam

    Thank you Len I was so glad to read what you wrote – I don’t have an overview with astrology – there are some planets and aspects that I feel (understand) but I can’t argue cogently or ever be sure that I have seen enough to be going on with to comment, tho I am very interested.

    i read several things from other posts – one was that her gemini is hidden in other houses with the planets (including Mercury) perhaps having difficulty expressing themselves. another was mars conjunct algol (what would be the strategys to turn that combination to good effect, what would it be necessary to learn to know yourself and be conscious given that youare growing up in (the public eye and) a family that is seemingly either very traditional or nice and ordinary and where extreme anger/emotion is perhaps seen as illness or needing smoothing over or just outside what is acceptable or what can be encompassed by the family. Given too that you are growing up both in the public eye (adoring and or demanding and or all the love for Diana).

    The last thing was karma towards the royal family but her sympathy for prince George may well encompass that.

    And then that she will no doubt be adored in the family and out – smart charismatic beautiful on her own account and then taurus goat – may be a tendency to be content to rest on her laurels – might be enough to turn anyone’s head – even in a solid family?

    And thank you again!


  16. pam

    The young woman who will be helping their Mum with the children is spanish – if the children grow up bilingual that is very helpful for circumventing and finding other wys of expression. And books? I have 12 house mercury in Aries and written ideas/emotions/strategies/experiences of others have always shown me the ways through – the theory that perhaps could be found/made in practice.

  17. LizzyLizzy

    Dear Len, I share the same birhday as Prince George (just slightly older…and obviouy a very different astrological chart). I was struck by your words “extremely narectic Cancer Sun” and the implication that George would need support from his sister because of this. If you have a moment, would be really grateful if you could write a couple of lines about this?

  18. pam

    Of course much love is very much like prayer isn’t it. And PC is dragon ascendant (hour of birth) and that is a ‘hardwired’ strength.

    The piano also has helped me enormously. Something about multiple complexity that is physical and puts in place multidimensional hardwiring that is strong but flexible/balanced./fluid, delicate but not fragile etc etc. Do you think it is too big a stretch to equate the piano with salacia (and of course neptune in pisces)?

    (love to you too Lizzy – what a sweetheart you are!)

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