Mars in Capricorn, Mercury Direct, Journey to Saturn

Mercury is now direct, and we’ve experienced the last of the solar and lunar eclipses of 2014. I know many people are breathing easier — for many people, the last few weeks were a bear.

Night Side of Saturn, photographed from Cassini Space Probe, Oct. 28, 2006. Photo: NASA; JPL

Night Side of Saturn, photographed from Cassini Space Probe, Oct. 28, 2006. Photo: NASA; JPL

One element of this was the journey of Mars across Sagittarius, which ended today. Those using a conventional astrology chart would have seen nothing other than Mars in this sign.

But a closer look revealed that Mars made 17 conjunctions to Chiron-like centaurs, Pluto-like bodies, deep space points and various asteroids — a true journey full of twists and turns, particularly for those with strong placements in the mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces.

With Mars now in Capricorn, Mercury moving in direct motion and the eclipses behind us, we are in new territory — what you might think of as the third distinct phase of 2014. (The first was the cardinal grand cross era; the second was the initial Jupiter in Leo era.) This past Thursday, planets began entering Scorpio, followed by an eclipse of the Sun; that was a bold line of demarcation. Our abundance of Scorpio is an invitation to focus on inner awareness, your feeling body, your psychological well-being and your sexuality.

If Scorpio is a sign that describes something about relationships, that would be true from the inside-out. Scorpio is the realm of where your inner reality creates the atmosphere that you share with others. It is the space into which you invite the people with whom you want to be intimate. Scorpio can feel like a secret aspect of yourself, but one that you are eager to share — with the right person, at the right time.

Over the next few weeks, one by one these planets in Scorpio will move into conjunction with Saturn, which has been in Scorpio since late 2012. This series of conjunctions will dominate astrological news for the next month or so, along with the re-ingress of Mercury into Scorpio on Nov. 8.

The conjunctions are a kind of send-off to Saturn, which is about to ingress Sagittarius for the first time since it was last there in November 1988. On Dec. 23, Saturn begins a half-year process of ingressing Sagittarius. I will of have more to say about that over time — it’s one of the defining features of 2015 and it will teach us a lot about the nature of these two neighboring signs, and a lot about Saturn.

One last bit. I mentioned that Mars is in Capricorn. That also means that it will be making a conjunction to Pluto and a square to Uranus. In other words, in about two weeks, it will be passing through the Uranus-Pluto square. We have the two rulers of Scorpio, traditional and modern, making a conjunction in Capricorn — while Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, is in Scorpio.

This ensemble — known as a mutual reception, and a good one at that — will create a full fusion of Scorpio and Capricorn and their various rulers — energized, passionate, productive and most of all, sexy — if you can stand it.

16 thoughts on “Mars in Capricorn, Mercury Direct, Journey to Saturn

  1. Len Wallick

    Thank you, Eric. Thank you for characterizing the “fusion” you speak of – Scorpio and Capricorn vis-a-vis a mutual reception involving three planets instead of the usual two. The arrangement seems to transcend dualism and linearity. Something akin to how the math changes when introducing a third body to a two-body system model in astrophysics. Nonetheless, there are grounds to find the fusion quite agreeable through the harmonious relationship of element (earth and water) between Capricorn and Scorpio. The question you pose of being able to “stand it” seems to be as much a matter of being willing to see beyond a polemic framework whenever somebody posits a perspective, as it is about dealing with the “energized, passionate, and…sexy” energetics.

    1. Sara Victoria

      I have found the eclipse, Mercury station and now the Mars ingress (soon to be a Mars return for me) to have brought up a gusher of really deep emotion – just a gusher. And Scorpio heavy. Totally 8th house stuff. Day Mercury stationed – dig this – came across some o l d super creepy automatic writing from my ex… very dark. Good thing that Mars return is coming up, even though it is going to kiss the FANTASTIC Pluto transit over my natal Mars, cuz I need that power to deal with what has freaking got to transform. Can you say, “Invocation?” Send love and money. <3

  2. Lainie

    As Scorpio Sun, Cap moon, natal Saturn in Sagittarius, this should be pretty interesting after an extremely difficult year. It still doesn’t look easy, but maybe a bit less sense of defeat and futility. Thank you for the article.

  3. Shelley Stearns

    I wonder, Len, could we see into that polemic framework but to a productive end? What I mean is, to both acknowledge and create something concrete and positive from the perceived conflict. I’m posing this question as someone who is drawn to argument. (In a respectful way.)

    1. Amy Elliott

      Shelley, I think the planets and signs involved could work exactly that way, if you want them to. There is always going to be a certain amount of discomfort, dissonance, disagreement, etc. but imo, the point of challenges in astrology is to do exactly what you describe.

  4. heavyevvy

    The conjunctions are a kind of send-off to Saturn, which is about to ingress Sagittarius for the first time since it was last there in November 1988. On Dec. 23, Saturn begins a half-year process of ingressing Sagittarius. I will of have more to say about that over time — it’s one of the defining features of 2015 and it will teach us a lot about the nature of these two neighboring signs, and a lot about Saturn.

    Ah yes, Saturn in Scorpio has been hard. A

  5. heavyevvy

    OOoops……Pardon my ineptness and keyboard shortcuts….

    The conjunctions are a kind of send-off to Saturn, which is about to ingress Sagittarius for the first time since it was last there in November 1988. On Dec. 23, Saturn begins a half-year process of ingressing Sagittarius. I will of have more to say about that over time — it’s one of the defining features of 2015 and it will teach us a lot about the nature of these two neighboring signs, and a lot about Saturn.

    Ah yes, Saturn in Scorpio has been hard. And trust Saturn to take half a year to move on to the next sign! Can’t wait to hear what you have to say about all this in your 2015 prognostications. Time for a change. 1988 was a long time ago, but it was a good year, as I recall. I am optimistic!

  6. Len Wallick

    Shelly: Yes. We can always see our way to a productive end, if the will is there to do so. i have no argument with your very good point – thank you for positing your perspective.

    Kelly: Amen.

  7. Chad Woodward

    You know, I’m going to miss that Saturn in Scorpio. To be honest, for me, it was totally hell. Most of it. I know it’s not over, completely, just yet, but dipping into Sag will definitely decompress quite a bit. Saturn taught me some truly profound things in Scorpio–things that have completely changed my life. I guess that’s Saturn for you.

    I feel as if this farewell is going to help cement and solidify the many lessons we’ve learned from Saturn’s journey through Scorpio. Beauty hides in the deep, so they say.

  8. beths

    Makes me think of Bowie (a Capricorn), ch ch ch changes, turn and face the strange ch ch ch changes… I am a fan of change, and this change in the astro weather is palpable and feeling good. Though I am regretting not pushing one detail of an agreement I signed during Mercury in Retrograde. I still think I can renegotiate for positive improvement. I have a natal T-square in the mutable signs and it has been an interesting ride the past few months. I’m thrilled that Mars has moved into my 6th house because I have a lot of work to get done and can use the extra energy. It will be moving through Pluto conjunct natal Mercury and this may just be the push needed to fully release the old residual energy that has been loosening it’s grip on my psyche. I like Saturn in Scorpio, though it’s in my fourth house and I will be happy when it moves out. I am also a big fan of the mix of earth and water, and like the idea of fusion with deep passion and a few sudden surprises. Everything in my life changed in 1988, and it appears as if it is happening again.

  9. Amanda Painter

    “I feel as if this farewell is going to help cement and solidify the many lessons we’ve learned from Saturn’s journey through Scorpio. Beauty hides in the deep, so they say.”

    indeed, chad — indeed.

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