By Amanda Painter
As Mars makes its way through Cancer — and thus through a series of potent aspects to many of the planets defining much of current life — it reaches a key marker today: its exact square to Chiron in Aries. This event would have a personal feel to it no matter what. But with Mars in emotional, protective Cancer, and with Chiron in a sign Mars rules (one related to the concepts of self and identity), there’s a picture of taking things very personally indeed — perhaps in ways that could feel challenging.

Photo by Amanda Painter
As has been mentioned elsewhere on Planet Waves recently, western society (particularly the U.S.) has Mars issues. There’s a tendency to default to aggression when fear is encountered, and most people seem to be afraid of a lot these days; for sure, there are a great deal of scary things in the world, and mainstream media often appears crafted specifically to emphasize that fact.
Yet, in addition to all the things ‘out there’ to be afraid of, many people harbor tremendous doubts about what’s inside of them: their desires and sexuality, emotions, needs, dreams, gifts; many doubt whether there’s really anything at all inside that’s deserving of love and acceptance.
In the last year or two I’ve witnessed a few situations in which someone received the affirmation that they are enough, just as they are. Their response to that affirmation has generally been emotional: an outflowing of relief at being seen fully, mixed with grief over the years of feeling disconnected from a sense of wholeness, mixed with disbelief that the affirmation could possibly be true, given how long it has not felt true.
Those emotions could also come out as aggression if someone is too far from a place of being able to hear, feel or even glimpse the message. Anyone who does not feel free to express deep emotion has the potential to lash out in defense of those vulnerable, terrifying parts of themselves.
I bring this up because I see these themes and dynamics in this Mars-Chiron square. Mars in Cancer offers the drive to care for others and defend them, and the need to defend oneself; the shadow side of this is often emotional reactivity and even physical violence when words fail. Chiron in Aries represents the crisis that brings to awareness the need for healing and wholeness, and for redefining identity as part of that process.
Given that Mars is in the picture, as is a sign that it rules, and given Chiron’s continued proximity to the planet Salacia (from the same root as the word ‘salacious’), there’s also a sexual component to all this. Indeed, it’s not so much an addendum as it is the main thrust of it all. Collectively, it’s brutally apparent to anyone who’ll pay attention that we need a more nuanced and introspective way to address the pain, fear and confusion that surround healthy desire and sex as well as sexual aggression, violence and trauma.
It’s almost as if U.S. society has been in a continual state of this Mars-Chiron square, if you think in terms of shame-based outbursts in reaction to desire: politicians and religious leaders lash out all the time against entire groups of people (women, LGBTQ folks, and so on) in an unconscious effort to repress the parts of themselves they believe are undeserving of ‘god’s love’, and therefore do not deserve to be met: their own often secret and potentially ‘scandalous’ sexual desires. We have scores of laws being proposed — and often passed — all over the country that are based on this very dynamic; laws that punish others for their desire in place of the lawmakers addressing their own.
Yet healing never happens to an entire population. It’s an individual process. Which is why it matters that you consider the themes of this astrology in your own day-to-day interactions, and in the thoughts and feelings you work hard to avoid expressing to others.
Do you actually trust that your desires deserve to be expressed, and to be met? Do you feel any confidence that, despite what someone close to you might think, it’s okay for you to own what you want and how you feel about it? Do you truly understand, emotionally and at your core, that a refusal by another person does not necessarily make you ‘wrong’ for wanting what you want?
If that’s not the case — if you feel shamed for your sexuality, or even for your ambition — there’s a greater chance of reacting with an emotional outburst. That sense of shame might not even really relate to the person you’re communicating with; it could be an internalized message left over from childhood, and it may have multi-generational roots. This stuff gets passed along within families in both overt and unspoken ways.
Mars square Chiron (and Salacia) is asking what in your identity — particularly emotions and sexual desires — feels ‘out there’, shameful, broken or ‘too much’. It’s asking you to notice what makes you angry today, especially if you’re feeling defensive, and whether that anger springs from fear. This astrology may be a reminder to notice when you feel compelled to apologize not only for lashing out, but also for being who you are. Nobody needs to feel guilty for existing.
Other aspects between now and the weekend include an opposition between Mercury in Gemini and retrograde Ceres in Sagittarius. This could show up as a multi-level yet nourishing conversation with someone — the kind that bridges intellectual and spiritual issues, or which may include a facet of mentorship. Mercury is also square Orcus in Virgo: you may think you’re just seeing both sides of the story, but somewhere in there might be the need to follow through in a very specific way on a promise or commitment — possibly one made to yourself.
Finally, as the Gemini Sun moves toward Sunday’s last quarter Moon, it makes a sextile to Salacia in Aries on Saturday. Is there any sexual material that was provoked or spotlighted by the May 18 Scorpio Full Moon that could use some resolution, expression or the next phase of movement? There may be some traction here — an opportunity to dig in to whatever you’ve been holding back from communicating; a new way to wrap your mind around just how much room there is for all of you.
Yours & truly,
- Mars in Cancer is making some big-news aspects to many planets — particularly Saturn, Chiron, Pluto, and Eris. Eric has not covered these transits in any birthday reading or the INTELLIGENCE readings, but he just dove into 12 spirited, accessible, genuinely useful videos that put the movements of this key planet (of desire, drive and aggression) into personalized context for you. These Spring Reading videos — titled Call the Astrologer! — are available for instant access in a 12-sign bundle. Watch this space for individual sign purchasing info soon. You can read more about them here.
Not sure why, but as much about these aspects as I’ve read and listened to, I ONLY NOW connected stuff I’ve been feeling especially acutely in the last couple of days, with this square. Great piece. <3
Funny how that works sometimes, isn’t it? Like hearing a lyric in a song you’ve listened to a zillion times, but somehow someone covers the song and suddenly it makes sense.
Thank you, Victoria!
Dear Amanda,
Beautiful delineation, as always. I’ll endeavor to be brief, since I disagree with the association of Mars with sex and sexuality and Desire. It goes a lot deeper than that. Mars is simply the energy to act and to take action to me, where our Desire nature is purely emotional. A lot of healing can be gleaned from asking the question of ‘WHY do I Desire this or that? What NEED do I seek to fulfill?’
Fear, scary things, etc. Maybe it’s time to use the word “neurotic”, since the World is not responsible for my responses to it?
Maybe the issue is genuinely one of Empowerment? Sovereignty belongs to the People. We are all Sovereign individuals. Maybe it’s simply time we had the Love & Loyalty to Life to claim it?
Sue Thank You! Talk about TeamWork with Amanda!
What flashed for me (after feeling your paragraphs as well as Amanda’s) is how fabulously you “talk” (explain/describe) Walking the Talk.
All is here. Nothing is missing. We got IT! Whole and Complete. The blessing of being Sovereign.
So I looked up etymology of Sovereign
sovereign (n.)
late 13c., “superior, ruler, master,” from Old French soverain “sovereign, lord, ruler,” noun use of adjective meaning “highest, supreme, chief” (see sovereign (adj.)). Meaning “gold coin worth 22s 6d” first recorded late 15c.; value changed 1817 to 1 pound.
sovereign (adj.)
early 14c., “great, superior, supreme,” from Old French soverain “highest, supreme, chief,” from Vulgar Latin *superanus “chief, principal” (source also of Spanish soberano, Italian soprano), from Latin super “over” (from PIE root *uper “over”). Spelling influenced by folk-etymology association with reign. Milton spelled it sovran, as though from Italian sovrano. Of remedies or medicines, “potent in a high degree,” from late 14c.
And règne in french is Kingdom. And Reine being Queen. (Yin/Yang)
Could this maybe just mean that we are fucking, oups, finally (learning) honouring Our Mother within? As in … (mater) material Mother Earth AS OUR BEAUTIFUL BODIES?!!
N.B. Honouring our own physical body (made of matter)
IF we could only begin! To live whole/some.
Linda May, Thank You for being part of the Team! I’ve noticed how often Amanda has inspired a response from me. I’ve spent many years practicing keeping my mouth shut. Sometimes the only Wise thing to say is nothing. I am very Thankful of PlanetWaves for providing this space for me to recognize the time has come for me to speak up.
The aspects discussed by Eric and Amanda have been messing around with me internally, too. I’ve simply learned how to surf these energy waves through so many decades of trying. If we face energy with Fear, then Fear is what we’re going to get.
“Sh*it always rolls downhill.” “As above, so below.” “Reap as we Sow.”
With that in Mind, what I’ve been observing is that everything about our Mother aspect or Divine Feminine is being highlighted. Just as you hit squarely on the mark. Bull’s eye.
Another Feminine aspect Alice Bailey refers to as “Active Intelligence”. I simply call it “Existence” or the “Womb with a View.” It gives birth and form to Self in Expression. Self expression IS the Divine Feminine. Anyone walking around calling themselves by a name has just announced to the World that they are Self Aware. I can’t very well say, “Hi, I am Sue”, without communicating I Am. I exist and am supported by the Universe.
Animals Am. Human Beings are I Am. It’s the Gift of individual Identity. It’s Self Awareness. Maybe if we claimed our Sovereignty there wouldn’t be “Identity” crises happening for so many? What if one is the cause and the other, an effect? Potentates claiming to be Authorities of the “voice of God”? Everyone’s voice is a Voice of God. I Am that I Am. The Denial of it makes my nostrils flare. The question to ask is ‘why is God expressing themselves that way?’
Everything going on has been an expression of a lack of Respect for this aspect. If it’s off physically, emotionally and mentally, it’s all starting on the Consciousness level, or Spiritual one. Whatever we may choose to call “it”.
Time for “Right relations” instead of “wrong ones”. “Eve”does not represent the Divine Feminine, where “Lilth” does. One relationship is defined by emotional needs to dominate and be dominated. The other is defined by equality, with Mutual Loving and Respect.
It was Adam expressing his NEED to dominate that inspired Lilth to go off and frolic with demons by the Red Sea. When even angels were sent to tell her ‘God’ ordered her back, she persisted. She knew better. Why the “need to dominate”? Where was that insecurity coming from? A Divine Masculine that’s insecure? What is there, that All That Is, isn’t? She wasn’t about to surrender her Power and going out of Her EVER Loving Mind like Adam had. Hers was the Power of “Intelligent Activity”, after all.
Like I once asked my (ex) brother-in-law, does that prop (gun) you wear on your hip make you feel more secure as a Man? I went on to convey to him that needing to wear it told me he’s fearful and feels the need to protect and defend. That means I have the Power to get him to point that gun anywhere I choose by manipulating and triggering his fears and insecurities. It doesn’t mean he really has anything to fear or be insecure about. He just has to believe he does.
And that’s the Game. The only winning move is not to play. Run off and consort with demons. They’re a lot move fun.
Once I realized I was out of my Ever Loving Mind, I began to climb back in. To me, Integrity means the outside is integrated with the inside. In order for me to actually Be Understanding, I have to Understand. And I can’t very well do that if nothing makes any sense.
“Nothing making any sense” is what the Game depends upon. Because our ability to make sense is what dissolves the illusions of the Game.
I Am a Sovereign Being. You are a Sovereign Being. Every individual is a Sovereign Being. And exercising the Power of it. Mastery is of Self. The more of Self we can integrate into self, the more Integrity we posses. We’ve simply been Blind and Ignorant. You, me, everyone. We can’t see that we are embraced and supported by the Universe, being a part of it. Because we can’t, we end up feeling fearful and insecure.
Aries is good for tilling the field. Things get stirred up and in looking at our World, Uranus has certainly been successful in stirring things up. Taurus comes along and plants the seeds. I’m planting seeds that are Peaceful in response to what is going on in our World. Oftentimes things fall apart only to come back again in different ways. Or like vegetable soup? Ingredients are stirred up until they come together in flavorful proportions.
We’ve got an astounding human population right now. Ever considered it means there is a large number of human Souls incarnate that have’t had that much “earthly” experience? Ever considered the generations being born are being born Self Aware? We may be Blind but we’re giving birth to those who can See.
In the Bailey books it’s the adage “To Dare. Do. And Be Silent.” I can only Talk the Walk I’ve taken. My purpose is to make it an easier path for others than it was for me. What once was a footpath becomes a road and as more travel that road, it becomes a highway.
SUE!!!! WOW!!!! What a gift it is to read you! I’m awe struck… not sure even how to express myself. (I’m certain other PW’ers are propulsed into just as much a space of timelessness eyes wide open aand peace of mind as I am.) Like…. sheesh!! Wise Wise Woman (WWW lol)
I’m looking for a Tao quote. Stephen Mitchell Pocket Book. Will post below after… mon café.
Re: Eve …. I always wondered where the fuck Adam was not protecting His Lady!!
Keep talking Sue :-))
Power Beauty Balance = Prosperity
Ayni = Living in Right Relationship
Thank You Linda May. I am Honored and Blessed and bow to your request. Since mine is a Gift that is responsive. I Act in response to issues and subjects that are raised. Until then, I can still see the issues and subjects that I could share understanding of. I just don’t know which ones are of interest or to whom.
I’ve tried over the years, like Noah sending out birds seeking dry land. “Dr. Demento” was a friend of mine and wanted to put me on a radio talk show late at night. There’s a lot of energy and communication that is conveyed through my tones, which is challenging to convey in writing.
He even volunteered to run the board for me, whatever that was.
Since nothing panned out, I knew I wasn’t ready. (The outside is a reflection of the inside.)
Reality is mirroring a different thing to me now.
You might be interested in pondering the etymology of the word “be”.
In grade school I was taught that there were action verbs and “state of being” verbs. Action verbs described acts or actions, while state of being verbs described states of being.
All of the state of being verbs are dependent upon recognition of the root concept of I Am. Here I go, a am-ming away: Be, Been, have Been.
“To Be or not to Be” is one question, while asking “what am I Be-ing is another.
Am I Be-ing Understanding? Am I Be-ing Accepting? Am I Be-ing Tolerant? Am I Be-ing Patient? Am I Be-ing Compassionate? Am I Be-ing Merciful?
With the concept in Mind that there is an “Almighty Be-ing”. Our limits are indicative of our lack of integration with that ‘almighty’ state of Be-ing. (“As above, so below.” “The outside is a reflection of the inside.” “We all create our own reality.”)
Sue and Linda May — it’s been a pleasure to watch this conversation unfold. I’m always grateful to read the ideas that get spawned via dialogue in this space. And if I can play the “loving provocateur” at times, that is humbling. And fun. 😉
I plan to re-read this thread soon. In the meantime: how cool that Dr. Demento wanted to put you on the radio! Somehow I never listened to his show live as a kid (I’m not sure if I lived where a station carried it), but I recall a cousin of mine recording songs off his show and then sharing them with me.
Lovely Amanda… we’re still be-ing present hehe
But talking about Be…. where is SHE? I’m missing her beautiful writings, truly! Xx
Linda May — I was just wondering about Be Koehler a few days ago. I have no idea where she may have gone off to, but her contributions were always jam-packed with astro-info and unique insights. I do hope she is well!
Me too Amanda. I Just loved her detailed insights and information and classy style. Total Chic!.
Beeeeeeee we hold you in our HEARTS!!
Lovely to feel such connection. Truly.
Have been wondering about Be, too. Hope all is well, dear Be, let us know – if you see our comments. xxx
Sue… ‘clallenging to convey in writing’ you? Hehe…. I find your feelings flow loud and clear. Speaks volumes of your personal integration :@)))
And I love what you write re: BE
Here is my Tao (several mornings cup of coffee late)
Hope it is clear why & what part popped into my head the other morning.
Do you want to improve the world?
I don’t think it can be done.
The world is sacred.
It can’t be improved.
If you tamper with it, you’ll ruin it.
If you treat it like an object, you’ll lose it.
There is a time for being ahead,
A time for being behind;
A time for being in motion,
A time for being at rest;
A time for being vigorous,
A time for being exhausted;
A time for being safe,
A time for being in danger.
The Master sees things as they are,
Wihout trying to control them.
She lets them go their own way,
And resides at the centre of the circle.
(I now must add…. too cute to see the Be so active in this party as well hahaha )
Blessings PW (how would we ever get around without your BE-ing!!)
Always embraces all ways.
Hi5 SisterSue xx