By Amanda Painter
By now, whatever emotional energy peak you may have experienced with the Full Moon should be dissipating. And while you still might feel a little foggy or unsure about certain situations (thanks to Neptune’s lingering influence), at least the mental shenanigans of Mercury are slowly beginning to sort themselves out. ‘Easy does it’ is still the mantra du jour, though.

Photo by Amanda Painter
That might even go double for any unexpected pieces of information that came to you as Mercury stationed direct Tuesday morning.
As Mercury traces its way back through the degrees of the zodiac where it was just retrograde, see if you can follow the trail of breadcrumbs back from whatever you’ve been reflecting on or reviewing. Even though Mercury is returning to the same slice of zodiac where it was on Aug. 12, all of the other planets have shifted (whether slightly or dramatically). Don’t be surprised if, as you follow your breadcrumb trail back, you find yourself in a slightly different place, with slightly — or dramatically — different self-understanding or insight.
Saturday, Sept. 9, Mercury re-enters Virgo at 10:52 pm EDT (2:52 UTC Sunday), in direct motion. Waiting for it just inside the doorstep are the hypothetical point Transpluto at 2 degrees Virgo, and Mars at 4 degrees Virgo.
Straight away, this looks like a caution against over-focusing on something and putting way more energy into it than it warrants. Overkill is a real thing, and tends to result in diminishing returns. With this loose triple conjunction happening in Virgo, things like non-essential details, self-criticism, criticism of others, one’s idea of ‘logic’ and over-analyzing are all possible areas where one could get a little hung up over the next few days.
Yet there’s another factor to consider: Mercury, Transpluto and Mars are all making a trine to Juno in Capricorn, with Mars the most exact. Juno can be a tricky critter. It’s possible for it to function in a social-justice role. Often, however, Juno shows up speaking of partnership issues — especially in the area of unmet or unexpressed needs.
In its higher expression, Juno trine these Virgo planets could very well describe your ability to focus on and put significant energy into serving a social-justice cause. Goddess knows there are plenty needing our collective and individual effort and energy right now. (And, incidentally, tomorrow’s opposition between Jupiter in Libra and Eris in Aries might allude to that same cultural context, with Jupiter representing the search for justice in the face of social — and social media — chaos.)
Yet, Juno in this configuration could also make it even easier to over-focus on past unmet relationship needs or unaddressed grievances. And that could fuel the shadow side of Mars in Virgo: a sharp, sarcastic and cutting tongue.
Sure, that might feel justified. But it’s a distraction from the opening that would allow you to serve something greater — such as healing. There is a reason why revenge cycles show up so often in history and literature: two wrongs never make a right; whereas deep, actual healing dissolves the cycle. A revenge cycle might make for an exciting, ongoing narrative and high ratings on TV, but dissolving the cycle through personal healing allows for a much more fulfilling and creative life.
Interestingly, this idea is supported today by the Virgo Sun making a trine to one of the zodiac’s heavyweights: Pluto, which is in Capricorn. According to astrologer Robert Hand, Sun-Pluto trines carry very beneficial, transformative energies. The key, he says, is to pay attention inwardly to what motivates you, what you’re seeking and what changes you need to make.
But there’s a catch: Hand also notes that using this energy ruthlessly or selfishly sets energies in motion that will drag you down in the long run. Pluto is about power. And in a trine to the Sun, it is about conscious, right use of power by the individual for inner evolution.
In today’s chart, it would seem that using this transformative power well means keeping one eye on the big picture, and one eye on your own growth, healing and call to service. Sure, the details matter; and Mercury still slow, powerful and echo-y means that your awareness and focus is warranted, especially for basic daily tasks like driving, financial transactions and anything done via technology. But sometimes, as they say, the devil hides in those details. Can you tell the difference?
This was a “different” full moon for me. I seldom feel the energy of a full moon. The day before the full moon I felt like my job was finished (and it is definitely on the way out). I was full of hope for a new career in my retirement years (67 now). That night I went to bed with the full moon coming at 5:30 the next AM, I got the best nights sleep I had in years (2 nights prior I was up at 2:00 AM).
I awoke in a great mood with general high hopes, but as the day reached noon I was getting worse and my outlook suffered. Presently looking for the big picture just out of sight. Oh the roller coaster ride!
That does sound like a roller-coaster, Tom! I’ve heard from a few people who had “different” Full Moon experiences compared to what they usually notice.
Best of luck for your “retirement years” career!
Nice, I had to quote the bit about the ‘revenge cycle’, and the ‘deep healing’ on facebook. Internally, I have been struggling quite a bit with wanting ‘revenge’ for a few things. It’s reared its ugly head a couple times in the recent past, but thankfully in those instances the ‘destruction’ seems minimal and my actions plagued myself more than those with which I sought revenge. Each day my inner-awareness seems to be growing, and getting stronger. It’s a healing process.
It definitely is a process, Michael. I suspect it’s one we never really finish; we simply discover new layers of understanding and healing, and so on. I am sorry to hear you’ve been struggling with the desire for revenge; it is an insidious and oh-so-attractive one at times. It can feel so justified! It sounds like your realization — that your attempts at acting vengefully mainly resulted in the energy plaguing *you* — is a blessing. I think that is where the opportunity in growth and healing lies: recognizing the ways we harm ourselves when we try to (or do) harm others in retaliation for being hurt.
So easy to fall into that trap in small ways and large ways.
Good to hear about this latest stage in your process, Michael! Thank you for stopping by to share your experience. I’m always grateful to know something here has resonated so deeply with another person.