We’re now in the last several days of solar Taurus. Fittingly, this week’s more prominent astrology is keeping some focus on the body; specifically, the role your body has in keeping you informed of the less tangible facets of your being — and your body’s ability to point you in the direction of healing and growth.

A Taurean’s paradise. Photo by Amanda Painter.
For instance, your solar plexus might heat up or feel ‘tingly’ or tight in certain types of interactions — such as when you’re giving up your power; or when you’re taking on someone else’s emotional baggage via guilt, self-criticism or the need for their approval.
Or consider chronically tight trapezius and neck muscles: while it might be due to bad posture at the computer, this could also manifest from a pattern of living someone else’s expectations and the tension that induces. Other examples abound, such as difficulty breathing or an upset stomach.
The Sun enters Gemini — a more mentally oriented sign — at the end of this week, on Saturday at 4:31 pm EDT (20:31 UTC). Gemini is the last sign of the current season. But before we get there, the Taurus Sun makes an auspicious and potentially very useful aspect to Chiron in Pisces.
As Eric suggested to me in an email, the Sun sextile Chiron suggests the ability to get traction on resolving something. That something could be spiritual, it could be a more literal physical ailment, or it could combine the two. To take advantage of a sextile you need to make some effort to activate the energy. With Chiron, it’s also recommended to document the situation, the process and how you feel throughout it.
Looking at a couple of other elements in the Sun-Chiron chart, I’d say that even small actions done with the intention to pursue resolution could lead to larger developments down the road. And having compassion for yourself appears to be a key to the way forward.
Yet this week is also building to a peak, an encounter or a meeting of some kind: on Friday at 10:11 am EDT (14:11 UTC) Venus in Aries opposes retrograde Jupiter in Libra.

A handwriting ‘tree’, Portland Museum of Art, Maine. Photo by Amanda.
Nearly anything involving Jupiter is a reminder to consciously put energy toward the opportunities you’d like to see come your way, or toward the things you’d like to increase in your life.
In short: work the luck factor.
This means doing what you can to be prepared for the opportunity, the break or the windfall you desire. With Venus involved, the theme of material objects and financial resources becomes even more emphasized.
There’s also a strong image of “the relationship as mirror” with Venus opposite Jupiter in Libra. If you’re not so sure you like the reflection you’re being shown in that mirror, remember that you have a choice. You can choose to be with people and in situations that help you to feel better about yourself, and which actually bring out the best you have to offer.
Easing you into the week is Mercury re-entering Taurus on Monday night (or Tuesday morning, depending on time zone). Shifting the mental landscape from impulsive, fiery Aries into slower, more grounded Taurus could feel quite welcome after last week’s crazy news cycle.
Better still: Mercury’s post-retrograde shadow phase ends on May 20 — and it does so while conjunct Chiron’s discovery degree. In short: let your body talk. More often than not, it can tell you what you need — as long as you slow down and listen.
Comey’s documentation is like the GBU 43 (MOAB) being dropped again, but this time on the White House. In Eric’s “Trump Fires FBI Chief Amidst Russia Investigation”. he writes that the zodiac has 12 signs, 360 degrees, and 21,600 arc minutes. The Massive Ordnance Air Blast is 21, 600 lbs., and right after Mother’s Day, the effects seems to be having a karmic effect (on Trump), in this current moment of truth. Your picture: “A Taurean Paradise”, gives meaning to Tommy James & The Shondells – Crystal Blue Persuasion – 1969- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDl8ZPm3GrU
No doubts that (A Taurean Paradise) also resonates with Brian Eno ambient music at the end of Eric’s “Scorpio Full Moon PW/FM”, that beautifully filled up the room this past Saturday morning.