It was twenty years ago today…

My first horoscope -- click for larger image.

My first horoscope — click for larger image.

….that I first published what became the Planet Waves horoscope. At the time it was called The Navigator, and it first appeared in Free Time, an entertainment newspaper in Poughkepsie, NY.

The previous March, I was inspired to investigate how horoscopes are written after discovering Patric Walker’s column in The New York Post. I spent the next year reading astrology books, studying the ephemeris and most significantly, speaking with astrologers. Then I decided it was time to give it a try.

Last spring at about this time, I wrote my 1,000th column, which I tell the story of in a column called Cosmic Confidential: My Life as a Horoscope Writer.

The column published two days after the Taurus New Moon. I have included that chart below. Oh wait, that’s a solar eclipse. Now that is interesting.

The 1995 Taurus New Moon.

The 1995 Taurus New Moon.

12 thoughts on “It was twenty years ago today…

  1. Cynthia

    Happy Anniversary EFC! Having followed you for a large chunk of that time, I raise a toast to your style, diligence, and innovation as well as for serving as a beacon of hope and direction in my life!

  2. Len Wallick

    Happy anniversary, Eric! Thank you so very much for including that chart – i remember that eclipse, and learned from it. In echo to Cynthia and Amanda, there is no doubt that your horoscopes are world class and at least the equal of any living astrologer. Patric would, i’m quite sure, be proud to have influenced you.

  3. Barbara

    Eric………Happy anniversary ……..contemplating… “memory lane” while reading my specifics…….. wow…. you and your work……..Amazing……….Awesome………….here’s to you……..and many more…….Thank you ….

  4. Tug

    Cheers to how you evolved in 2 decades !!

    I wrote this today before I read your anniversary piece 🙂
    I have followed you since 1998.

    I appreciate witnessing someone’s evolution. Sometimes it’s not pretty, sometimes it’s unexplainable, uncomfortable and confusing… sometimes it’s orgasmic.
    Transformation is continuous. Stagnancy kills.

    Happy Anniversary, Eric !

    1. heavyevvy

      Ah yes, the Eric Francis Lonely Stars Club Band. We go in and out of style, but we’re guaranteed to make you smile. Congratulations Eric and Planet Waves on evolving so far, in so many directions. You are a supernova! And thanks to all who support this project so we have no commercial content. Awesome. Now I am going to turn off my mobile phone and go and masturbate. 😉

  5. Mandy

    Many happy returns, Eric!
    Last night, I was reading a Cosmic Confidential preview report that I received from you back in 2010. Much of it contained information regarding Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries effects, for my sign, to come. In hindsight, while reading it, I can’t tell you how many times I said “WOW!!”.
    I’m very grateful for your offers of expertise and wisdom. Thank you for doing what you do, and being who you are.

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