Although there’s a significant concentration of bodies in Pisces this week, the focus shifts to other signs for the main events — specifically, Aries (planets changing sign) and Scorpio (Jupiter’s retrograde). You may notice a shift in tone, tempo or orientation as a result.

Photo by Amanda Painter.
Early in the week, Mercury and Venus both leave Pisces and enter Aries on Tuesday. Mercury makes its move at 2:34 am EST (7:34 UTC), and Venus follows suit at 6:45 pm EST (23:45 UTC).
At its most basic, this nudges emotions, thought processes and communication into more impulsive, inventive and enthusiastic (or possibly reactive) territory.
You might find that you need to make a little more effort to sustain your concentration at times, or to put yourself in another’s shoes and offer some empathy. Yet with several notable planets and the Sun still swimming in Pisces, there’s a natural softening and stabilizing influence to keep things balanced. We’ll be getting some good Aries initiative to pair with the dreamy visioning Pisces is so famous for — and that can be a recipe for getting really interesting things done.
Yet there’s another dimension to Mercury and Venus entering Aries: they’re landing on the Aries Point — that hot little parcel of zodiac real estate that connects your personal experience with that of the collective (such as through politically charged events and issues).
Not only that, but Mercury and Venus make aspects to three minor planets that have featured prominently in Eric’s Art of Becoming annual readings: Salacia in Aries, and Pholus and Quaoar in Capricorn.
Salacia seems to be connected to our relationship with sex — especially in the form of the sex scandals that have become prominent news in the last six months or so (though it likely has other important themes). Pholus and Quaoar both have strong associations with the origins and perpetuation of familial and ancestral patterns, especially in Capricorn.
You’ll want to watch the news for any events that highlight any of these issues, particularly the ways that patterns of dealing with our politicized version of sex have been handed down through the generations. Yet remember to track your personal thoughts and feelings on these matters, too — both in terms of your reactions to the collective manifestations of these issues, and in terms of whatever patterns you’re aware of within your own family and immediate experience.
The square aspect between the Aries planets (Mercury, Venus, Salacia) and the Capricorn planets (Pholus and Quaoar) implies tension and a need for action. Do you need to do something to shift a pattern of behavior, or shift your habitual response to something? Remember that with Pholus involved, small, incremental moves can count for a lot.

Bottom half of the chart for Venus ingressing Aries, on the right side just below the dark horizontal line. Mercury is just above the line. On the left side are the Moon and Jupiter in Scorpio; note that Jupiter is already in the degree where it will station retrograde. View glyph key here.
Then on Thursday (Friday in some time zones) — just after Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow or echo phase in Aries — Jupiter stations retrograde in Scorpio.
That happens at 11:45 pm EST (4:45 UTC on Friday). Jupiter will continue moving in apparent retrograde motion until July 10. Like most retrogrades, this is a review phase: a time for a little introspection to better understand what Jupiter in Scorpio is about for you.
It might even be a time to draw in or pull back on some of what Jupiter has been expanding and increasing in your life, so that you can check the integrity of that growth before plowing onward.
Questions you might ask (or be met with) in the next four months could include (but are not limited to): Is the growth you’re experiencing lining up with your ultimate goals? What secrets are you still keeping, especially related to sex, money and changes you want or need to make? Is everything in order for your next phase of progress? Are you ready to receive more, or do you need to clear some space for it (physical, emotional, mental or energetic)?
With the major events this week involving the two Mars-ruled signs (Aries and Scorpio), desire and motivation are underlying themes. While the Aries planets would seem to prompt forward motion toward what you want, the Scorpio retrograde may invite you to assess whether what you’ve been getting lately is really what you want. It’s up to you to connect the two related processes in a way that works.
Thank-you, Amanda.
And your photo is lovely!