In the Air

It has been well over half a century since Bob Dylan told us “the answer is blowin’ in the wind.” If events in the three weeks since the Leo New Moon and total solar eclipse of Aug. 21 have demonstrated anything, it’s that Dylan richly deserved his Nobel laureate. To the same nation over which the Moon’s shadow correlated with questions, the wind has repeatedly brought reply.


Nobody, for example, can plausibly dispute the fact that sea levels have risen over the past century. Now, hurricanes Harvey and Irma have confirmed just what a big difference an increase of inches can make.

In the Pacific Northwest of the contiguous U.S., the ashes of incinerated trees have been carried by winds into cities. As if in response to how timber has been farmed with an eye toward profit, charred flecks of forest have covered cars, interfered with breathing and infested the inner workings of personal computers.

To the ancient Chinese, the wind was a background of sorts. Separate from but integrated with their five “elements” (fire, earth, water, wood and metal), moving air was noted for its ability to carry information both over vast distances and through the smallest crevice. Bob Dylan’s cogent observation of where an answer could be found was thus not without precedent.

Now, with this latest round of answers borne on a breeze, other questions have been raised. Who (and how many) have heard? Of those, who (and how many) have listened?

It is not randomly coincidental that a corporation named after the fruit of a tree has just announced a new (and very expensive) “phone” device. Those who can afford this latest model will do more than distinguish themselves by their relative wealth. Ironically, a financial commitment to information which is entirely of human artifice will render its owners even more deaf and isolated than ever before.

Yet, assuming the thinking of long-ago Asian sages is still applicable, nobody can totally escape the wind. The forces that combine to bring an apple to the ground will not be evaded by anyone.

In astrology, there are only two objects that also function as substantial physical forces continuously felt on Earth: the luminaries (the Sun and Moon). Their gravity combines to precipitate tides. In addition, the Sun’s radiation participates with gravity and Earth’s rotation to drive the wind.

The planets, while not negligible, are far more subtle.

Hence, it should be no surprise that answers recently brought by the wind have a temporal correspondence with an especially momentous beginning for the current monthly cycle between the luminaries.

It is a cycle that has not yet concluded. We have another week before another New Moon (which will not be a solar eclipse) renews an ostensibly more ordinary rhythm between the Sun and Moon. You would therefore do well to heed air in motion, and listen for yet more news that can in no way be construed as fake.

It will not be an ill wind, except for those who deny it.

Offered In Service

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About Len Wallick

Besides endeavoring to be of service to all of you here at Planet Waves, Len strives to live in Seattle while working as a professional astrologer. To contact him for an astrology reading you can send an e-mail to: His telephone number is 206-356-5467. In addition to his profession, Len contributes to the Seattle community without monetary compensation by serving as a Reiki practitioner and teacher through classes and outreach offered by the Seattle Reiki Mastery Series modality.

2 thoughts on “In the Air

  1. Glen Young

    More about `Air’ from Maya Angelou: You may shoot me with your words You may cut me with your eyes You may kill me with your hatefulness But still, like air, I’ll rise.

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