By Jen Sorensen.

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Totally brilliant! Thank you Jen. Yesterday I saw my Somali (Muslim) friends, and I asked them how they felt about living in this climate of fear in Europe, in a city that was about to embark on its Jubilee year of the Pope, and had been threatened by Isis many times as the seat of the head of the Catholic church. They told me that their greatest fear was the backlash after the attacks, and the consequent changes in legislation – as two of them are desperately trying to join their wives (and children) in Sweden and London, respectively – and what was already a tough battle will become even ore so now.
Lizzy — I wish your friends the best of luck. Thank you for giving a window into their lives in Italy. The fear of backlash, from what I can tell, is a very strong fear for many refugees and recent immigrants all over the world.
Thank you, dear Amanda.